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Компьютерный форум OSzone.net » Железо » Накопители (SSD, HDD, USB Flash) » RAID - Проблема с жёстким диском

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RAID - Проблема с жёстким диском


Сообщения: 57
Благодарности: 4

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Автор: extrimz
Дата: 30-03-2010
Добрый День.

Возникла проблема.
Операционная система Windows 7 x32
Сидел за компом, особо его не нагружая, и появился синий экран с таким содержимым:

ничего не работало. поэтому я выключил и включил компьютер. При включении пошла проверка ж.диска Е на ошибки, что именно там писалось я не посмотрел, так как отходил на тот период.
После запуска системы. Я зашёл в мой компьютер и обнаружил, что диск Е попросту не открывается:

проводник при нажатии на данный диск попросту виснет

Перестал запускаться клиент Utorrent.
Поиск стал медленно работать
Запустил Perfect Disk 11 - программа также медленно запустилась и это диск не видит.
Диск Е - состоит из двух ж.дисков, которые я объединил в raid-массив, чтоб работали как 1 общий диск. Диски уже не новые Сиагейтовские, оба одинаковые, каждому не меньше 5 лет. Объём каждого 250 гб.
Что мне делать подскажите? Как восстановить данные с этого диска?

В биосе массив этот виден.
Тут тже виден:

открыл программу Acronis Disk Director. в ней диск виден (Е)

при попытке открыть диск через данную программу - он делает вид что открывается - грузится, но потом снова молчит..
при проверке раздела на ошибки - открывается окошко, спустя небольшой промежуток времени там появляется следующее:

просканировал диск программой R-studio
вот что выдало:

а тут весь лог:
читать дальше »
Код: Выделить весь код
R-STUDIO network edition Build 130695/Mar 26 2010 log file.
29.03.2010 9:36:30

**************************************** Drives Information ****************************************

UID=405270570 dwIdx=0 Name=Local Computer
UID=405270573 dwIdx=3 Name=OptiarcDVD RW AD-7203S1.06  Children=16,
UID=405270575 dwIdx=5 Name=FV1508SCAX315T1.0  Children=17,
UID=405270576 dwIdx=6 Name=WDC WD10EADS-00L5B101.01A01  Children=12, 19, 20,   Equals=6,
UID=405270577 dwIdx=7 Name=SAMSUNG SP2504CVT100-33  Children=10, 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24,   Equals=7,
UID=405270578 dwIdx=8 Name=SiIRAID 0 Set 01100  Children=14, 25, 26,   Equals=8,
UID=405270579 dwIdx=9 Name=KingstonDataTraveler 2.01.00  Children=11, 27,
UID=405270580 dwIdx=10 Name=D:  Parents=7,   Equals=10, 22,
UID=405270581 dwIdx=11 Name=J:  Parents=9,   Equals=11, 27,
UID=405270582 dwIdx=12 Name=S:  Parents=6,   Equals=12, 19,
UID=405270583 dwIdx=13 Name=F:  Parents=7,   Equals=13, 23,
UID=405270584 dwIdx=14 Name=E:  Parents=8,   Children=28, 29,   Equals=14, 25,
UID=405270585 dwIdx=15 Name=C:  Parents=7,   Equals=15, 21,
UID=405270586 dwIdx=16 Name=G:  Parents=3,
UID=405270587 dwIdx=17 Name=H:  Parents=5,
UID=405270588 dwIdx=18 Name=I:
UID=405270589 dwIdx=19 Name=Partition1  Parents=6,   Equals=19, 12,
UID=405270590 dwIdx=20 Name=Empty Space20  Parents=6,
UID=405270591 dwIdx=21 Name=Partition1  Parents=7,   Equals=21, 15,
UID=405270592 dwIdx=22 Name=Partition2  Parents=7,   Equals=22, 10,
UID=405270593 dwIdx=23 Name=Partition3  Parents=7,   Equals=23, 13,
UID=405270594 dwIdx=24 Name=Empty Space24  Parents=7,
UID=405270595 dwIdx=25 Name=Partition1  Parents=8,   Equals=25, 14,
UID=405270596 dwIdx=26 Name=Empty Space26  Parents=8,
UID=405270597 dwIdx=27 Name=Partition1  Parents=9,   Equals=27, 11,
UID=405270598 dwIdx=28 Name=Recognized0  Parents=14,
UID=405270599 dwIdx=29 Name=Extra Found Files  Parents=14,

-------------------------------------------- Properties --------------------------------------------

- Drive Number 0 ---------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Computer,Local Computer
* Name [30 bytes]: Local Computer
* OS [42 bytes]: Windows 7 Build 7600
* System [150 bytes]: 8 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         920  @ 2.67GHz, 2672 MHz, 3063 MB RAM

- Drive Number 3 ---------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]:
* Name [54 bytes]: OptiarcDVD RW AD-7203S1.06
+ Device Identification [4 bytes]:
  * Vendor [32 bytes]: Optiarc
  * Product [64 bytes]: DVD RW AD-7203S
  * Firmware [16 bytes]: 1.06
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 5
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 1
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0

- Drive Number 5 ---------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]:
* Name [36 bytes]: FV1508SCAX315T1.0
+ Device Identification [4 bytes]:
  * Vendor [32 bytes]: FV1508S
  * Product [64 bytes]: CAX315T
  * Firmware [16 bytes]: 1.0
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 9
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0

- Drive Number 6 ---------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Physical Drive,Disk
* Name [56 bytes]: WDC WD10EADS-00L5B101.01A01
* OS Object [38 bytes]: \\.\PhysicalDrive0
* R-Studio Driver [44 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Physical
* Size [8 bytes]: 931 Gb (1953525168 sec)
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 931 Gb (1953525168 sec)
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 131072
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 512
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ Physical Drive Geometry [4 bytes]:
  * Cylinders [8 bytes]: 121601
  * Tracks Per Cylinder [4 bytes]: 255
  * Sectors Per Track [4 bytes]: 63
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
+ Device Identification [4 bytes]:
  * Product [64 bytes]: WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1
  * Firmware [16 bytes]: 01.01A01
  * Serial Number [32 bytes]: WD-WCAU47248072
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 3
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 1
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 1
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: SerialATA-II
+ IDE Properties [4 bytes]:
  * Buffer [12 bytes]: 31 MB
  * ECC Bytes [2 bytes]: 50
  * PIO Modes [16 bytes]: 1,2,3,4
  * DMA Modes [12 bytes]: 0,1,2
  * UltraDMA Modes [28 bytes]: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
  * Current Mode [22 bytes]: UltraDMA 5

- Drive Number 7 ---------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Physical Drive,Disk
* Name [48 bytes]: SAMSUNG SP2504CVT100-33
* OS Object [38 bytes]: \\.\PhysicalDrive1
* R-Studio Driver [44 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Physical
* Size [8 bytes]: 232 Gb (488397168 sec)
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 232 Gb (488397168 sec)
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 131072
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 512
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ Physical Drive Geometry [4 bytes]:
  * Cylinders [8 bytes]: 30401
  * Tracks Per Cylinder [4 bytes]: 255
  * Sectors Per Track [4 bytes]: 63
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
+ Device Identification [4 bytes]:
  * Product [64 bytes]: SAMSUNG SP2504C
  * Firmware [16 bytes]: VT100-33
  * Serial Number [32 bytes]: S09QJ10YA25709
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 2
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 1
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: SerialATA-II
+ IDE Properties [4 bytes]:
  * Buffer [116 bytes]: 8 MB, Dual ported multi-sector buffer with a read caching
  * ECC Bytes [2 bytes]: 4
  * PIO Modes [16 bytes]: 1,2,3,4
  * DMA Modes [12 bytes]: 0,1,2
  * UltraDMA Modes [32 bytes]: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  * Current Mode [22 bytes]: UltraDMA 5

- Drive Number 8 ---------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Physical Drive,Disk
* Name [40 bytes]: SiIRAID 0 Set 01100
* OS Object [38 bytes]: \\.\PhysicalDrive2
* R-Studio Driver [44 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Physical
* Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976788160 sec)
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976788160 sec)
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 131072
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 512
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ Physical Drive Geometry [4 bytes]:
  * Cylinders [8 bytes]: 60802
  * Tracks Per Cylinder [4 bytes]: 255
  * Sectors Per Track [4 bytes]: 63
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
+ Device Identification [4 bytes]:
  * Vendor [32 bytes]: SiI
  * Product [64 bytes]: RAID 0 Set 0
  * Firmware [16 bytes]: 1100
  * Serial Number [32 bytes]: 500210101030
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 8
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: SCSI

- Drive Number 9 ---------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Physical Drive,Disk
* Name [58 bytes]: KingstonDataTraveler 2.01.00
* OS Object [38 bytes]: \\.\PhysicalDrive3
* R-Studio Driver [44 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Physical
* Size [8 bytes]: 7639 Mb (15646656 sec)
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 7639 Mb (15646656 sec)
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 65536
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 512
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ Physical Drive Geometry [4 bytes]:
  * Cylinders [8 bytes]: 973
  * Tracks Per Cylinder [4 bytes]: 255
  * Sectors Per Track [4 bytes]: 63
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
+ Device Identification [4 bytes]:
  * Vendor [32 bytes]: Kingston
  * Product [64 bytes]: DataTraveler 2.0
  * Firmware [16 bytes]: 1.00
  * Serial Number [32 bytes]: 
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: USB

- Drive Number 10 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Volume,Disk
* Name [6 bytes]: D:
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: D:\
* OS Object [98 bytes]: \\?\Volume{11d2bfa2-d126-11de-8e92-806e6f6e6963}
* R-Studio Driver [42 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Logical
* Size [8 bytes]: 30459 Mb (62380395 sec)
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 203 Gb (426011670 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 30459 Mb (62380395 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 2
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 3072 Mb (6291456 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 15229 Mb (31190192 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 30459 Mb (62380394 sec)
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 131072
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 512
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ Physical Drive Geometry [4 bytes]:
  * Cylinders [8 bytes]: 30401
  * Tracks Per Cylinder [4 bytes]: 255
  * Sectors Per Track [4 bytes]: 63
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 2
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 1
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: IDE/ATA

- Drive Number 11 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Volume,Floppy
* Name [6 bytes]: J:
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: J:\
* OS Object [98 bytes]: \\?\Volume{294a4ee0-daa5-11de-8d34-00248c4361e9}
* R-Studio Driver [42 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Logical
* Size [8 bytes]: 7639 Mb (15646593 sec)
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 32256 b (63 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 7639 Mb (15646593 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 1
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 3072 Mb (6291456 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 8192 b (16 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 7639 Mb (15646592 sec)
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 65536
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 512
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ Physical Drive Geometry [4 bytes]:
  * Cylinders [8 bytes]: 973
  * Tracks Per Cylinder [4 bytes]: 255
  * Sectors Per Track [4 bytes]: 63
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: USB

- Drive Number 12 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Volume,Disk
* Name [6 bytes]: S:
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: S:\
* OS Object [98 bytes]: \\?\Volume{11d2bfa3-d126-11de-8e92-806e6f6e6963}
* R-Studio Driver [42 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Logical
* Size [8 bytes]: 931 Gb (1953503937 sec)
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 8064 Kb (16128 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 931 Gb (1953503937 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 1
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 12288 b (24 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 196 Kb (392 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 931 Gb (1953503936 sec)
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 131072
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 512
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ Physical Drive Geometry [4 bytes]:
  * Cylinders [8 bytes]: 121601
  * Tracks Per Cylinder [4 bytes]: 255
  * Sectors Per Track [4 bytes]: 63
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 3
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 1
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 1
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: IDE/ATA

- Drive Number 13 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Volume,Disk
* Name [6 bytes]: F:
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: F:\
* OS Object [98 bytes]: \\?\Volume{11d2bfa1-d126-11de-8e92-806e6f6e6963}
* R-Studio Driver [42 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Logical
* Size [8 bytes]: 100 Gb (209792772 sec)
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 103 Gb (216218898 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 100 Gb (209792772 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 3
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 12288 b (24 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 196 Kb (392 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 100 Gb (209792768 sec)
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 131072
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 512
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ Physical Drive Geometry [4 bytes]:
  * Cylinders [8 bytes]: 30401
  * Tracks Per Cylinder [4 bytes]: 255
  * Sectors Per Track [4 bytes]: 63
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 2
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 1
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: IDE/ATA

- Drive Number 14 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Volume,Disk
* Name [6 bytes]: E:
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: E:\
* OS Object [98 bytes]: \\?\Volume{993bc2cf-d140-11de-a5f9-00248c4361e9}
* R-Studio Driver [42 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Logical
* Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976768002 sec)
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 8064 Kb (16128 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976768002 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 1
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 3072 Mb (6291456 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 232 Gb (488384000 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976768001 sec)
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: 1
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 131072
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 512
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ Physical Drive Geometry [4 bytes]:
  * Cylinders [8 bytes]: 60802
  * Tracks Per Cylinder [4 bytes]: 255
  * Sectors Per Track [4 bytes]: 63
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 8
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: SCSI

- Drive Number 15 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Volume,Disk
* Name [6 bytes]: C:
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: C:\
* OS Object [98 bytes]: \\?\Volume{11d2bfa0-d126-11de-8e92-806e6f6e6963}
* R-Studio Driver [42 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Logical
* Size [8 bytes]: 103 Gb (216202770 sec)
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 8032 Kb (16065 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 103 Gb (216202770 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 1
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 3072 Mb (6291456 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 8192 b (16 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 103 Gb (216202769 sec)
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 131072
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 512
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ Physical Drive Geometry [4 bytes]:
  * Cylinders [8 bytes]: 30401
  * Tracks Per Cylinder [4 bytes]: 255
  * Sectors Per Track [4 bytes]: 63
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 2
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 1
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: IDE/ATA

- Drive Number 16 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Volume,CDROM
* Name [6 bytes]: G:
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: G:\
* OS Object [98 bytes]: \\?\Volume{11d2bfa6-d126-11de-8e92-806e6f6e6963}
* R-Studio Driver [42 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Logical
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 2048 b
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 131072
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 2048
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 5
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 1
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: IDE/ATAPI

- Drive Number 17 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Volume,CDROM
* Name [6 bytes]: H:
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: H:\
* OS Object [98 bytes]: \\?\Volume{6a89a28b-d8d5-11de-bf4a-00248c4361e9}
* R-Studio Driver [42 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Logical
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 2048 b
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 131072
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 2048
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2
+ SCSI Address [4 bytes]:
  * Port Number [1 bytes]: 9
  * Path Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Target Id [1 bytes]: 0
  * Lun [1 bytes]: 0
* Bus Type [4 bytes]: SCSI

- Drive Number 18 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Volume,CDROM
* Name [6 bytes]: I:
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: I:\
* OS Object [14 bytes]: \\.\I:
* R-Studio Driver [42 bytes]: WinNT\Handle\Logical
* Sector Size [4 bytes]: 2048 b
# I/O Tries [4 bytes]: Default
+ Drive Control [4 bytes]:
  # Maximum Transfer [4 bytes]: 131072
  # I/O Unit [4 bytes]: 2048
  # Buffer Alignment [4 bytes]: 2

- Drive Number 19 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Partition,Logical
* Name [22 bytes]: Partition1
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: S:\
* Size [8 bytes]: 931 Gb (1953503937 sec)
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 8064 Kb (16128 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 931 Gb (1953503937 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 1
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 12288 b (24 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 196 Kb (392 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 931 Gb (1953503936 sec)

- Drive Number 20 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Empty Space
* Name [28 bytes]: Empty Space20
* Size [8 bytes]: 8032 Kb (16064 sec)
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 512 b (1 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 8032 Kb (16064 sec)

- Drive Number 21 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Partition,Primary
* Name [22 bytes]: Partition1
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: C:\
* Size [8 bytes]: 103 Gb (216202770 sec)
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 8032 Kb (16065 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 103 Gb (216202770 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 1
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 3072 Mb (6291456 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 8192 b (16 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 103 Gb (216202769 sec)

- Drive Number 22 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Partition,Active
* Name [22 bytes]: Partition2
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: D:\
* Size [8 bytes]: 30459 Mb (62380395 sec)
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 203 Gb (426011670 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 30459 Mb (62380395 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 2
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 3072 Mb (6291456 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 15229 Mb (31190192 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 30459 Mb (62380394 sec)

- Drive Number 23 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Partition,Logical
* Name [22 bytes]: Partition3
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: F:\
* Size [8 bytes]: 100 Gb (209792772 sec)
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 103 Gb (216218898 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 100 Gb (209792772 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 3
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 12288 b (24 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 196 Kb (392 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 100 Gb (209792768 sec)

- Drive Number 24 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Empty Space
* Name [28 bytes]: Empty Space24
* Size [8 bytes]: 8032 Kb (16064 sec)
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 512 b (1 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 8032 Kb (16064 sec)

- Drive Number 25 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Partition,Logical
* Name [22 bytes]: Partition1
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: E:\
* Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976768002 sec)
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 8064 Kb (16128 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976768002 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 1
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 3072 Mb (6291456 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 232 Gb (488384000 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976768001 sec)

- Drive Number 26 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Empty Space
* Name [28 bytes]: Empty Space26
* Size [8 bytes]: 8032 Kb (16064 sec)
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 512 b (1 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 8032 Kb (16064 sec)

- Drive Number 27 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Partition,Active
* Name [22 bytes]: Partition1
* Mount Points [8 bytes]: J:\
* Size [8 bytes]: 7639 Mb (15646593 sec)
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 32256 b (63 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 7639 Mb (15646593 sec)
* Partition Number [4 bytes]: 1
* Partition Type [256 bytes]: NTFS/HPFS
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  * Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  * MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  * MFT Position [8 bytes]: 3072 Mb (6291456 sec)
  * MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 8192 b (16 sec)
  * Index Block Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b
  * Sector Size [4 bytes]: 512 b
  * Volume Size [8 bytes]: 7639 Mb (15646592 sec)

- Drive Number 28 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Partition
# Name [24 bytes]: Recognized0
# Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976768002 sec)
# Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 0 b (0 sec)
# Partition Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976768002 sec)
+ Recognized FS [4 bytes]:
  * Parsed Boot Records [4 bytes]: 1
  * Parsed File Entries [4 bytes]: 3808
  # Estimated Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976768001 sec)
+ NTFS Information [4 bytes]:
  # Cluster Size [4 bytes]: 4096 b (8 sec)
  # MFT Record Size [4 bytes]: 1024 b
  # MFT Position [8 bytes]: 3072 Mb (6291456 sec)
  # MFT Mirror Position [8 bytes]: 232 Gb (488384000 sec)

- Drive Number 29 --------------------------------
* Drive Type [256 bytes]: Partition
* Name [36 bytes]: Extra Found Files
* Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976768002 sec)
* Partition Offset [8 bytes]: 0 b (0 sec)
* Partition Size [8 bytes]: 465 Gb (976768002 sec)


Severity       Type           Date           Time           Message

Information    System         28.03.2010     18:04:18       Scanning drive E: started
Error          System         28.03.2010     18:05:52       Read disk E: at position 3213251584 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Warning        File System    28.03.2010     18:05:52       Unexpected MFT record 6698 at 3229427712. If you are scanning RAID and this message will reappear constantly, check RAID for consistence.
Warning        File System    28.03.2010     18:05:52       Unexpected MFT record 8011 at 3229428736. If you are scanning RAID and this message will reappear constantly, check RAID for consistence.
Warning        File System    28.03.2010     18:05:53       Unexpected MFT record 34790 at 3259333632. If you are scanning RAID and this message will reappear constantly, check RAID for consistence.
Warning        File System    28.03.2010     18:05:53       Unexpected MFT record 37216 at 3259334656. If you are scanning RAID and this message will reappear constantly, check RAID for consistence.
Error          System         28.03.2010     18:17:56       Read disk E: at position 29872119296 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Error          System         28.03.2010     18:18:03       Read disk E: at position 29872290304 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Error          System         28.03.2010     18:18:07       Read disk E: at position 29872311808 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Error          System         28.03.2010     19:56:58       Read disk E: at position 250104799744 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Error          System         28.03.2010     21:46:53       Read disk E: at position 494058163200 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Error          System         28.03.2010     21:47:01       Read disk E: at position 494087884800 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Error          System         28.03.2010     21:47:10       Read disk E: at position 494132230656 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Error          System         28.03.2010     21:47:21       Read disk E: at position 494260346368 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Error          System         28.03.2010     21:47:30       Read disk E: at position 494330369024 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Error          System         28.03.2010     21:47:39       Read disk E: at position 494363668480 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Error          System         28.03.2010     21:47:50       Read disk E: at position 494462359040 failed after 1 attempts. Ошибка в данных (CRC) (23).
Information    System         28.03.2010     21:50:23       Scan has been completed for E: in 3h:46m:5.021s
Information    System         28.03.2010     21:50:23       Scanning drive E: completed

Отправлено: 11:07, 29-03-2010



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Цитата extrimz:
разве стандартные программы по вашему лучше работают с разделами, чем тот же партишн мэйджик, Acronis Disk Director и тд? »
- работают правильнее!!! NTFS - не полностью открытая файловая система! Весь интернет полон после применения данных программ, но ведь с Вами этого не случится Начните с прочтения шапки темы: Восстановление разделов и информации на HDD (часть 4) дружественного ресурса Если мало, то прочитайте все 4-е части данной темы. Также, зайдите на ixbt. Удачи,

P.S. Самое удивительное, Вы уже столкнулись с этим, открыв данную тему И в решении Вам помогла стандартная программа Windows. В общем, на ошибках - не учимся!

Из двух зол, не выбирают ни одного!

Это сообщение посчитали полезным следующие участники:

Отправлено: 11:54, 03-04-2010 | #21

Для отключения данного рекламного блока вам необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти с учетной записью социальной сети.

Если же вы забыли свой пароль на форуме, то воспользуйтесь данной ссылкой для восстановления пароля.


Сообщения: 57
Благодарности: 4

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спасибо большое всем за помощь, как благодарность + ?

Отправлено: 17:23, 05-04-2010 | #22

Компьютерный форум OSzone.net » Железо » Накопители (SSD, HDD, USB Flash) » RAID - Проблема с жёстким диском

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Загрузка - Проблема с жёстким диском sekt0r Непонятные проблемы с Железом 10 08-12-2009 14:20
Разное - Проблема с жёстким диском Slavuti4 Microsoft Windows 7 7 12-11-2009 16:21
проблема с жёстким диском? Alarich Непонятные проблемы с Железом 23 31-07-2009 16:01
Ошибка - Проблема с жёстким диском Krusher Microsoft Windows 2000/XP 1 27-07-2009 18:40
Проблема с жёстким диском strobik Непонятные проблемы с Железом 13 21-07-2006 14:43
