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Цитата haker-kirik:
Тут дело не в перепакове.
Именно в ней и дело.
В параметрах, которые используются для упаковки Driver.cab. Конкретно параметр FolderSizeThreshold, см. Microsoft Cabinet Format:
Цитата MSDN:
Set the threshold size for the current folder.
Default: .Set MinMaxFolderSize=0 ; Default to the maximum cabinet size

Sets the threshold size for the current folder. When this threshold is exceeded, then the current folder is closed. If any more files are to be processed, they will go into a new folder. MakeCAB attempts to limit folders to the size specified by this variable, but in most cases folders will be a bit larger than this threshold.

If Cabinet is OFF, this variable is ignored. If size is 0, then the threshold is the same as the maximum cabinet size.

Folders are compression/encryption boundaries. The state of the compressor and cryptosystem are reset at folder boundaries. To access a file in a folder, the folder must be decrypted and decompressed starting from the front of the folder and continuing through to the desired file. Thus, smaller folder thresholds are appropriate for a layout where a small number of files needs to be randomly accessed quickly from a cabinet. On the other hand, larger folder thresholds permit the compressor to examine more data, and so generally yield better compression results. For a layout where the files will be accessed sequentially and most of the files will be accessed, a larger folder threshold is best.
В русской XP с микрософтской интеграцией SP2 размер Driver.cab = 63146062 байта, причем FolderSizeThreshold не определен - т. е. все 4434 файла в кабе внутри одной "папки" (контейнера), поэтому доступ к первому файлу (1394vdbg.sys) практически мгновенный, а к последнему (zlogic.cyz) самый медленный. В этом можно убедиться, открыв Driver.cab любым архиватором.

P. S. Я тоже интересовался этим вопросом, когда подбирал параметры для своего скрипта.
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Отправлено: 09:59, 03-08-2007 | #9