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День добрий всем добрим людям!суть проблеми така:есть скрипт которий тащит базу даних з вовхед, а если бить точнея генерирует, но ума не приложу как его запустить.буду рад за любую помощ.
сам скрипт #!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require 'net/http' # WoWhead URL Format http://db.uawow.com/?object=xxxxx # Data is embeded as arry of arrays within a javascript call # return mp_Embed('Searing Gorge',[[56,76.6],[64.6,49.1],[66.2,37.7],[68,75.1]],this) module LuaRuby def ruby_to_lua(v) if v=~ /\D+/ return "\"#{v}\"" else return v end end end # Add to_lua method to hash and array class Array include LuaRuby def to_lua(depth=1) result = "{" each {|v| if v.instance_of? Array result << v.to_lua(depth+1) elsif v.instance_of? Hash result << v.to_lua(depth+1) else myval = ruby_to_lua(v) result << "\"#{myval}\"," end } result << "}\n" return result end end class Hash include LuaRuby def to_lua(depth=1) # code here to generate lua out result = ("\t" * depth) +"{\n" keys.each {|k| mykey = ruby_to_lua(k) myval = fetch(k) if mykey.to_s.length <= 0 next end if myval.instance_of? Hash result << ("\t" * depth) + "[#{mykey}] = \n" + myval.to_lua(depth+1) elsif myval.instance_of? Array result << ("\t" * depth) + "[#{mykey}] = \n" + myval.to_lua(depth+1) else myval = ruby_to_lua(myval) result << ("\t" * depth)+ "[#{mykey}] = #{myval},\n" end } comma = "" if depth > 1 comma = "," end return result << ("\t" * depth) + "}#{comma}\n" end end def javascript_to_ruby(d) #d.gsub!("Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom","Ahn'kahet, The Old Kingdom") #return eval(d.gsub(/\w+:\s/) { |key| key.gsub!(/:/,''); key.gsub!(/\'\"/,'\''); key.lstrip!;key.rstrip!; key = "\"#{key}\"=>"}) return eval(d.gsub(/\w+:\s(?=[\"|\d|\[])/) { |key| key.gsub!(/:/,''); key.lstrip!; key.rstrip!; key = "\"#{key}\"=>"}) end # # $zone_map = { "Arathi Highlands" => 1, "Orgrimmar" => 2, "Eastern Kingdoms" => 3, "Undercity" => 4, "The Barrens" => 5, "Darnassus" => 6, "Azuremyst Isle" => 7, "Un'Goro Crater" => 8, "Burning Steppes" => 9, "Wetlands" => 10, "Winterspring" => 11, "Dustwallow Marsh" => 12, "Darkshore" => 13, "Loch Modan" => 14, "Blade's Edge Mountains" => 15, "Durotar" => 16, "Silithus" => 17, "Shattrath City" => 18, "Ashenvale" => 19, "Azeroth" => 20, "Nagrand" => 21, "Terokkar Forest" =>22, "Eversong Woods" =>23, "Silvermoon City" => 24, "Tanaris" => 25, "Stormwind City" => 26, "Swamp of Sorrows" => 27, "Eastern Plaguelands" => 28, "Blasted Lands" => 29, "Elwynn Forest" => 30, "Deadwind Pass" => 31, "Dun Morogh" => 32, "The Exodar" => 33, "Felwood" => 34, "Silverpine Forest" => 35, "Thunder Bluff" => 36, "The Hinterlands" => 37, "Stonetalon Mountains" => 38, "Mulgore" => 39, "Hellfire Peninsula" => 40, "Ironforge" => 41, "Thousand Needles" => 42, "Stranglethorn Vale" => 43, "Badlands" => 44, "Teldrassil" => 45, "Moonglade" => 46, "Shadowmoon Valley" =>47, "Tirisfal Glades" => 48, "Azshara" => 49, "Redridge Mountains" => 50, "Bloodmyst Isle" => 51, "Western Plaguelands" => 52, "Alterac Mountains" => 53, "Westfall" => 54, "Duskwood" => 55, "Netherstorm" => 56, "Ghostlands" => 57, "Zangarmarsh" => 58, "Desolace" => 59, "Kalimdor" => 60, "Searing Gorge" => 61, "Outland" => 62, "Feralas" => 63, "Hillsbrad Foothills" => 64, "Isle of Quel'Danas" => 65, "Borean Tundra" => 67, "Crystalsong Forest" => 77, "Dragonblight" => 68, "Grizzly Hills" => 69, "Howling Fjord" => 70, "Icecrown" => 71, "Sholazar Basin" => 72, "The Storm Peaks" => 73, "Wintergrasp" => 78, "Zul'Drak" => 74, } $rare_map = { 204 => [202,203], # silver 205 => [203,206], # gold 208 => [206,214,215], # truesilver 209 => [212,213,207], # oozed covered silver 210 => [212,213,207], # ooze covered gold 211 => [212,213,207], # oozed covered true silver 217 => [206,214,215], # dark iron 224 => [222,223,221], # khorium 223 => [222], 441 => [440], #flame cap 229 => [228], # cobalt 232 => [231] # Saronite } $rare_src = { 202 => [204,203], 203 => [204,205], 206 => [208,217,205], 214 => [208,217], 215 => [208,217], 207 => [209,210,211], 212 => [209,210,211], 213 => [209,210,211], 440 => [441], 222 => [224,223], 223 => [224], 221 => [224], 228 => [229], 231 => [232] } # mieral viens mineral_map = { "Copper Vein" => [1731,201], "Incendicite Mineral Vein" => [1610,219], "Tin Vein" => [1732,202], "Lesser Bloodstone Deposit" => [2653,218], "Iron Deposit" => [1735,203], "Mithril Deposit" => [2040,206], "Ooze Covered Mithril Deposit" => [123310,207], "Small Thorium Vein" => [324,214], "Ooze Covered Thorium Vein" => [123848,213], "Rich Thorium Vein" => [175404,215], "Fel Iron Deposit" => [181555,221], "Adamantite Deposit" => [181556,222], "Rich Adamantite Deposit" => [181569,223], "Khorium Vein" => [181557,224], "Nethercite Deposit" => [185877,227], # rare nodes below "Silver Vein" => [1733,204], "Ooze Covered Silver Vein" => [73940,209], "Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Vein" => [177388,212], "Dark Iron Deposit" => [165658,217], "Truesilver Deposit" => [2047,208], "Ooze Covered Truesilver Deposit" => [123309,211], "Gold Vein" => [1734,205], "Ooze Covered Gold Vein" => [73941,210], "Cobalt Deposit" => [189978,228], "Rich Cobalt Deposit" => [189979,229], "Titanium Vein" => [191133,230], "Saronite Deposit" => [189980,231], "Rich Saronite Deposit" => [189981,232] } # Herbs herb_map = { "Silverleaf" => [1617,402], "Peacebloom" => [1618,401], "Bloodthistle" => [181166,436], "Earthroot" => [1619,403], "Mageroyal" => [1620,404], "Briarthorn" => [1621,405], "Stranglekelp" => [2045,407], "Bruiseweed" => [1622,408], "Wild Steelbloom" => [1623,409], "Grave Moss" => [1628,410], "Kingsblood" => [1624,411], "Liferoot" => [2041,412], "Fadeleaf" => [2042,413], "Goldthorn" => [2046,414], "Khadgar's Whisker" => [2043,415], "Wintersbite" => [2044,416], "Firebloom" => [2866,417], "Purple Lotus" => [142140,418], "Arthas' Tears" => [142141,420], "Sungrass" => [142142,421], "Blindweed" => [142143,422], "Ghost Mushroom" => [142144,423], "Gromsblood" => [142145,424], "Golden Sansam" => [176583,425], "Dreamfoil" => [176584,426], "Mountain Silversage" => [176586,427], "Plaguebloom" => [176587,428], "Icecap" => [176588,429], "Black Lotus" => [176589,431], "Felweed" => [181270,432], "Dreaming Glory" => [181271,433], "Terocone" => [181277,434], "Ragveil" => [181275,440], "Flame Cap" => [181276,441], "Netherbloom" => [181279,438], "Nightmare Vine" => [181280,439], "Mana Thistle" => [181281,437], "Netherdust Bush" => [185881,442], "Icethorn" => [190172,447], "Lichbloom" => [190171,448], "Tiger Lily" => [190169,450], "Frozen Herb" => [190173,452], "Adder's Tongue" => [191019,443], "Talandra's Rose" => [190170,449], "Firethorn" => [191303,451], "Goldclover" => [189973,446] } treasure_map = { "Giant Clam" => [2744,501], "Battered Chest" => [2843,502], "Tattered Chest" => [2844,503], "Solid Chest" => [2850,504], "Large Iron Bound Chest" => [74447,505], "Large Solid Chest" => [74448,506], "Large Battered Chest" => [75293,507], "Buccaneer's Strongbox" => [123330,508], "Large Mithril Bound Chest" => [153468,509], "Large Darkwood Chest" => [131979,510], "Un'Goro Dirt Pile" => [157936,511], "Bloodpetal Sprout" => [164958,512], "Blood of Heroes" => [176213,513], "Practice Lockbox" => [178244,514], "Battered Footlocker" => [179488,515], "Waterlogged Footlocker" => [179487,516], "Dented Footlocker" => [179496,517], "Mossy Footlocker" => [179497,518], "Scarlet Footlocker" => [179498,519], "Burial Chest" => [181665,520], "Fel Iron Chest" => [181798,521], "Heavy Fel Iron Chest" => [181800,522], "Adamantite Bound Chest" => [181802,523], "Felsteel Chest" => [181804,524], "Glowcap" => [182053,525], "Wicker Chest" => [184740,526], "Primitive Chest" => [184793,527], "Solid Fel Iron Chest" => [184930,528], "Bound Fel Iron Chest" => [184931,529], "Bound Adamantite Chest" => [184936,530], "Netherwing Egg" => [185915,531], "Everfrost Chip" => [193997,532] } # utility function def gather_coords(x,y) trim_terminator = 7 if y == 100 y = 99.9 end if x == 100 x = 99.9 end id = (x * 10000 + 0.5).floor * 10000 + (y * 10000 + 0.5).floor return id/100 end def get_wowdbdata(id) response = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("http://db.uawow.com/object.aspx?id=#{id}")) unless response raise "Data not available for id #{id}" end lst = response.scan(/<script>addMapLocations\((.*)\)<\/script>/)[0] if lst.nil? raise "No map data for #{id}" end data = lst[0] return javascript_to_ruby(data) end def process_wowdbdata(maps,storage_object,search_object) isRare = $rare_map.has_key?(search_object) totalNodes = 0 maps.each do |map| zone = map['mapLabel'] zoneID = $zone_map[zone] puts "\t\tZone #{zone}(#{zoneID})" if zoneID.to_i == 0 puts "Skipping #{zone}" next end coords = map['coords'] coords.each do |coord| x = coord[0] y = coord[1] gid = gather_coords(x,y) totalNodes += 1 unless storage_object[zoneID] storage_object[zoneID] = Hash.new end if storage_object[zoneID].has_key?(gid) and not isRare # we already have a node at the location we are processing if $rare_src.has_key?(search_object) and $rare_src[search_object].include?(storage_object[zoneID][gid]) # storage_object[zoneID][gid] = search_object else # we have a conflict, this may be due to the fact wowhead only keps track of node to 1 decimal place and it really is a 1 yard difference # lets generate a new x,y shifting it by 10 yards while storage_object[zoneID].has_key?(gid) x += 0.1 y += 0.1 gid = gather_coords(x,y) puts "\t\t\tshifting x,y by 0.1" end storage_object[zoneID][gid] = search_object end else storage_object[zoneID][gid] = search_object end end end return totalNodes end def process_mapline(line,zoneid,node_id, map) offset = 0 length = 6 lineLength = line.length map[zoneid] = Hash.new count = 0 while offset < lineLength x = "#{line[offset,2]}.#{line[offset+2,1]}" y = "#{line[offset+3,2]}.#{line[offset+5,1]}" offset = offset + 6 map[zoneid][gather_coords(x.to_f,y.to_f)] = node_id count +=1 end return count end def scrape(data_file,node_list,saved_variable) start = Time.now passed = true count = 0 storage = Hash.new puts "Starting data extract for #{saved_variable}" node_list.keys.sort.each {|key| id = node_list[key] puts "\tNode: #{key}" #sleep(5) begin maps = get_wowdbdata(id[0]) c = process_wowdbdata(maps,storage,id[1]) puts "\t\tTotal Nodes found: #{c}" count += c rescue Exception => e passed = false puts "Exception processing wowdbd data for #{saved_variable} cause: #{e}" end } if passed then puts "Processed #{count} nodes in #{((Time.now).to_i-start.to_i) } seconds for #{saved_variable}" file = File.new(data_file,modestring="w") file << "#{saved_variable} = " file << storage.to_lua file.close else puts "Failed to fully process #{saved_variable}, skipping update" end return count end # Main program below start_time = Time.now count = 0 count += scrape("MiningData.lua",mineral_map,"GatherMateDataMineDB") count += scrape("HerbalismData.lua",herb_map,"GatherMateDataHerbDB") count += scrape("TreasureData.lua",treasure_map,"GatherMateDataTreasureDB") #### ## Manual Map Processing for Gas Clouds ## Staticly adding gas clouds as reported on Wowhead #### gas_start = Time.now gases = Hash.new if File.exists?("user_gas.yaml") require 'yaml' gases = YAML.load_file( 'user_gas.yaml' ) end gas_sv_file = File.new("GasData.lua", modestring="w") gas_sv_file << "GatherMateDataGasDB = " count4 = 0 if File.exists?("user_fish.yaml") require 'yaml' fishes = Hash.new fishes = YAML.load_file( 'user_fish.yaml' ) fish_sv_file = File.new("FishData.lua", modestring="w") fish_sv_file << "GatherMateDataFishDB = " fish_sv_file << fishes.to_lua fish_sv_file.close end # windy cloud count4 += process_mapline("28461158078062076022034049066030059034027030062056343665955554222525028138430840924 4518217541242625394571471641462704433686652512299453596361811593714702522338394519829672770645669676 5906515902873663106674285263226295516446106467206524182937226974923026556402654234962756815654763803 73256680619650739313260595417",21,301,gases) #Arcane vortex count4 += process_mapline("56833040161943075151860053187164358069944033265249218423842523176838476640868733260 1272588301382457252588339610374724394411524422568514532562570616582633601654594617633580803536266397 316646363458180410254720351663514511557341545309434405166630485608345579460306407660304297530",56,30 3,gases) #felmist count4 += process_mapline("61458761459261358356846046647057046152221052522238441938942064246663446664647164047 4642470638474518208467521471535581455495330420426469537214327533341349344622631649612466378430490560 540300450620374542506450380350450280360431729570190328378342412",47,304,gases) #swamp gas count4 += process_mapline("58052065073059035024056016020043753346058030250460754932930909051028024030021031032 0320380340420381589450560630660750830780790850490160240330621601530826726844312713347269359270433650 685119458415584808792402623382631603462281481132621185687673658866458388520",58,302,gases) # gas_sv_file << gases.to_lua gas_sv_file.close puts "Processed #{count4} nodes in #{((Time.now).to_i-gas_start.to_i) } seconds for GatherMateDataGasDB" puts "Total nodes processed: #{count + count4}, executed in #{Time.now.to_i - start_time.to_i} seconds" changelog = File.new("run.out", modstring="w") changelog.puts "#{Time.now}" changelog.puts "Total nodes processed: #{count + count4}, executed in #{Time.now.to_i - start_time.to_i} seconds" changelog.close version = File.new("version").read.chomp version = version.next puts "Version #{version}" updated = File.new("version","w") updated.puts(version) updated.close tag = File.new("tag","w") tag.puts "#!/bin/bash" tag.puts "svn ci -m 'GatherMate_Data: Weekly update'" tag.puts "svn cp -m 'GatherMate_Data: weekly update' svn://kagaro@svn.wowace.com/wow/gathermate_data/mainline/trunk svn://kagaro@svn.wowace.com/wow/gathermate_data/mainline/tags/v#{version}" tag.close |
ради интереса когда команди например puts или tags стали использоватса в досе ?
і више ети константи не описани откуда дос знает их? |
А мне почему-то кажется что это CGI =)
извени никогда не залазил в ети дебри приходилось роботать только в низкоуровних язках может подскажеш как запусить
ели поможет тип файла бил *.rb Нашел решения скрип бил написан на рубе всем спасибо за помощ |
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Время: 19:41.
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