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[решено] Помогите запустить скрипт

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Сообщения: 5
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День добрий всем добрим людям!суть проблеми така:есть скрипт которий тащит базу даних з вовхед, а если бить точнея генерирует, но ума не приложу как его запустить.буду рад за любую помощ.

сам скрипт

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w

require 'net/http'

# WoWhead URL Format http://db.uawow.com/?object=xxxxx
# Data is embeded as arry of arrays within a javascript call
# return mp_Embed('Searing Gorge',[[56,76.6],[64.6,49.1],[66.2,37.7],[68,75.1]],this)
module LuaRuby
def ruby_to_lua(v)
if v=~ /\D+/
return "\"#{v}\""
return v
# Add to_lua method to hash and array
class Array
include LuaRuby
def to_lua(depth=1)
result = "{"
each {|v|
if v.instance_of? Array
result << v.to_lua(depth+1)
elsif v.instance_of? Hash
result << v.to_lua(depth+1)
myval = ruby_to_lua(v)
result << "\"#{myval}\","
result << "}\n"
return result
class Hash
include LuaRuby
def to_lua(depth=1)
# code here to generate lua out
result = ("\t" * depth) +"{\n"
keys.each {|k|
mykey = ruby_to_lua(k)
myval = fetch(k)
if mykey.to_s.length <= 0
if myval.instance_of? Hash
result << ("\t" * depth) + "[#{mykey}] = \n" + myval.to_lua(depth+1)
elsif myval.instance_of? Array
result << ("\t" * depth) + "[#{mykey}] = \n" + myval.to_lua(depth+1)
myval = ruby_to_lua(myval)
result << ("\t" * depth)+ "[#{mykey}] = #{myval},\n"
comma = ""
if depth > 1
comma = ","
return result << ("\t" * depth) + "}#{comma}\n"

def javascript_to_ruby(d)
#d.gsub!("Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom","Ahn'kahet, The Old Kingdom")
#return eval(d.gsub(/\w+:\s/) { |key| key.gsub!(/:/,''); key.gsub!(/\'\"/,'\''); key.lstrip!;key.rstrip!; key = "\"#{key}\"=>"})
return eval(d.gsub(/\w+:\s(?=[\"|\d|\[])/) { |key|
key = "\"#{key}\"=>"})


$zone_map = {
"Arathi Highlands" => 1,
"Orgrimmar" => 2,
"Eastern Kingdoms" => 3,
"Undercity" => 4,
"The Barrens" => 5,
"Darnassus" => 6,
"Azuremyst Isle" => 7,
"Un'Goro Crater" => 8,
"Burning Steppes" => 9,
"Wetlands" => 10,
"Winterspring" => 11,
"Dustwallow Marsh" => 12,
"Darkshore" => 13,
"Loch Modan" => 14,
"Blade's Edge Mountains" => 15,
"Durotar" => 16,
"Silithus" => 17,
"Shattrath City" => 18,
"Ashenvale" => 19,
"Azeroth" => 20,
"Nagrand" => 21,
"Terokkar Forest" =>22,
"Eversong Woods" =>23,
"Silvermoon City" => 24,
"Tanaris" => 25,
"Stormwind City" => 26,
"Swamp of Sorrows" => 27,
"Eastern Plaguelands" => 28,
"Blasted Lands" => 29,
"Elwynn Forest" => 30,
"Deadwind Pass" => 31,
"Dun Morogh" => 32,
"The Exodar" => 33,
"Felwood" => 34,
"Silverpine Forest" => 35,
"Thunder Bluff" => 36,
"The Hinterlands" => 37,
"Stonetalon Mountains" => 38,
"Mulgore" => 39,
"Hellfire Peninsula" => 40,
"Ironforge" => 41,
"Thousand Needles" => 42,
"Stranglethorn Vale" => 43,
"Badlands" => 44,
"Teldrassil" => 45,
"Moonglade" => 46,
"Shadowmoon Valley" =>47,
"Tirisfal Glades" => 48,
"Azshara" => 49,
"Redridge Mountains" => 50,
"Bloodmyst Isle" => 51,
"Western Plaguelands" => 52,
"Alterac Mountains" => 53,
"Westfall" => 54,
"Duskwood" => 55,
"Netherstorm" => 56,
"Ghostlands" => 57,
"Zangarmarsh" => 58,
"Desolace" => 59,
"Kalimdor" => 60,
"Searing Gorge" => 61,
"Outland" => 62,
"Feralas" => 63,
"Hillsbrad Foothills" => 64,
"Isle of Quel'Danas" => 65,
"Borean Tundra" => 67,
"Crystalsong Forest" => 77,
"Dragonblight" => 68,
"Grizzly Hills" => 69,
"Howling Fjord" => 70,
"Icecrown" => 71,
"Sholazar Basin" => 72,
"The Storm Peaks" => 73,
"Wintergrasp" => 78,
"Zul'Drak" => 74,
$rare_map = {
204 => [202,203], # silver
205 => [203,206], # gold
208 => [206,214,215], # truesilver
209 => [212,213,207], # oozed covered silver
210 => [212,213,207], # ooze covered gold
211 => [212,213,207], # oozed covered true silver
217 => [206,214,215], # dark iron
224 => [222,223,221], # khorium
223 => [222],
441 => [440], #flame cap
229 => [228], # cobalt
232 => [231] # Saronite
$rare_src = {
202 => [204,203],
203 => [204,205],
206 => [208,217,205],
214 => [208,217],
215 => [208,217],
207 => [209,210,211],
212 => [209,210,211],
213 => [209,210,211],
440 => [441],
222 => [224,223],
223 => [224],
221 => [224],
228 => [229],
231 => [232]

# mieral viens
mineral_map = {
"Copper Vein" => [1731,201],
"Incendicite Mineral Vein" => [1610,219],
"Tin Vein" => [1732,202],
"Lesser Bloodstone Deposit" => [2653,218],
"Iron Deposit" => [1735,203],
"Mithril Deposit" => [2040,206],
"Ooze Covered Mithril Deposit" => [123310,207],
"Small Thorium Vein" => [324,214],
"Ooze Covered Thorium Vein" => [123848,213],
"Rich Thorium Vein" => [175404,215],
"Fel Iron Deposit" => [181555,221],
"Adamantite Deposit" => [181556,222],
"Rich Adamantite Deposit" => [181569,223],
"Khorium Vein" => [181557,224],
"Nethercite Deposit" => [185877,227],
# rare nodes below
"Silver Vein" => [1733,204],
"Ooze Covered Silver Vein" => [73940,209],
"Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Vein" => [177388,212],
"Dark Iron Deposit" => [165658,217],
"Truesilver Deposit" => [2047,208],
"Ooze Covered Truesilver Deposit" => [123309,211],
"Gold Vein" => [1734,205],
"Ooze Covered Gold Vein" => [73941,210],
"Cobalt Deposit" => [189978,228],
"Rich Cobalt Deposit" => [189979,229],
"Titanium Vein" => [191133,230],
"Saronite Deposit" => [189980,231],
"Rich Saronite Deposit" => [189981,232]
# Herbs
herb_map = {
"Silverleaf" => [1617,402],
"Peacebloom" => [1618,401],
"Bloodthistle" => [181166,436],
"Earthroot" => [1619,403],
"Mageroyal" => [1620,404],
"Briarthorn" => [1621,405],
"Stranglekelp" => [2045,407],
"Bruiseweed" => [1622,408],
"Wild Steelbloom" => [1623,409],
"Grave Moss" => [1628,410],
"Kingsblood" => [1624,411],
"Liferoot" => [2041,412],
"Fadeleaf" => [2042,413],
"Goldthorn" => [2046,414],
"Khadgar's Whisker" => [2043,415],
"Wintersbite" => [2044,416],
"Firebloom" => [2866,417],
"Purple Lotus" => [142140,418],
"Arthas' Tears" => [142141,420],
"Sungrass" => [142142,421],
"Blindweed" => [142143,422],
"Ghost Mushroom" => [142144,423],
"Gromsblood" => [142145,424],
"Golden Sansam" => [176583,425],
"Dreamfoil" => [176584,426],
"Mountain Silversage" => [176586,427],
"Plaguebloom" => [176587,428],
"Icecap" => [176588,429],
"Black Lotus" => [176589,431],
"Felweed" => [181270,432],
"Dreaming Glory" => [181271,433],
"Terocone" => [181277,434],
"Ragveil" => [181275,440],
"Flame Cap" => [181276,441],
"Netherbloom" => [181279,438],
"Nightmare Vine" => [181280,439],
"Mana Thistle" => [181281,437],
"Netherdust Bush" => [185881,442],
"Icethorn" => [190172,447],
"Lichbloom" => [190171,448],
"Tiger Lily" => [190169,450],
"Frozen Herb" => [190173,452],
"Adder's Tongue" => [191019,443],
"Talandra's Rose" => [190170,449],
"Firethorn" => [191303,451],
"Goldclover" => [189973,446]

treasure_map = {
"Giant Clam" => [2744,501],
"Battered Chest" => [2843,502],
"Tattered Chest" => [2844,503],
"Solid Chest" => [2850,504],
"Large Iron Bound Chest" => [74447,505],
"Large Solid Chest" => [74448,506],
"Large Battered Chest" => [75293,507],
"Buccaneer's Strongbox" => [123330,508],
"Large Mithril Bound Chest" => [153468,509],
"Large Darkwood Chest" => [131979,510],
"Un'Goro Dirt Pile" => [157936,511],
"Bloodpetal Sprout" => [164958,512],
"Blood of Heroes" => [176213,513],
"Practice Lockbox" => [178244,514],
"Battered Footlocker" => [179488,515],
"Waterlogged Footlocker" => [179487,516],
"Dented Footlocker" => [179496,517],
"Mossy Footlocker" => [179497,518],
"Scarlet Footlocker" => [179498,519],
"Burial Chest" => [181665,520],
"Fel Iron Chest" => [181798,521],
"Heavy Fel Iron Chest" => [181800,522],
"Adamantite Bound Chest" => [181802,523],
"Felsteel Chest" => [181804,524],
"Glowcap" => [182053,525],
"Wicker Chest" => [184740,526],
"Primitive Chest" => [184793,527],
"Solid Fel Iron Chest" => [184930,528],
"Bound Fel Iron Chest" => [184931,529],
"Bound Adamantite Chest" => [184936,530],
"Netherwing Egg" => [185915,531],
"Everfrost Chip" => [193997,532]
# utility function
def gather_coords(x,y)
trim_terminator = 7
if y == 100
y = 99.9
if x == 100
x = 99.9
id = (x * 10000 + 0.5).floor * 10000 + (y * 10000 + 0.5).floor
return id/100

def get_wowdbdata(id)
response = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("http://db.uawow.com/object.aspx?id=#{id}"))
unless response
raise "Data not available for id #{id}"
lst = response.scan(/<script>addMapLocations\((.*)\)<\/script>/)[0]
if lst.nil?
raise "No map data for #{id}"
data = lst[0]
return javascript_to_ruby(data)

def process_wowdbdata(maps,storage_object,search_object)
isRare = $rare_map.has_key?(search_object)
totalNodes = 0
maps.each do |map|
zone = map['mapLabel']
zoneID = $zone_map[zone]
puts "\t\tZone #{zone}(#{zoneID})"
if zoneID.to_i == 0
puts "Skipping #{zone}"
coords = map['coords']
coords.each do |coord|
x = coord[0]
y = coord[1]
gid = gather_coords(x,y)
totalNodes += 1
unless storage_object[zoneID]
storage_object[zoneID] = Hash.new
if storage_object[zoneID].has_key?(gid) and not isRare # we already have a node at the location we are processing
if $rare_src.has_key?(search_object) and $rare_src[search_object].include?(storage_object[zoneID][gid]) #
storage_object[zoneID][gid] = search_object
# we have a conflict, this may be due to the fact wowhead only keps track of node to 1 decimal place and it really is a 1 yard difference
# lets generate a new x,y shifting it by 10 yards
while storage_object[zoneID].has_key?(gid)
x += 0.1
y += 0.1
gid = gather_coords(x,y)
puts "\t\t\tshifting x,y by 0.1"
storage_object[zoneID][gid] = search_object
storage_object[zoneID][gid] = search_object
return totalNodes

def process_mapline(line,zoneid,node_id, map)
offset = 0
length = 6
lineLength = line.length
map[zoneid] = Hash.new
count = 0
while offset < lineLength
x = "#{line[offset,2]}.#{line[offset+2,1]}"
y = "#{line[offset+3,2]}.#{line[offset+5,1]}"
offset = offset + 6
map[zoneid][gather_coords(x.to_f,y.to_f)] = node_id
count +=1
return count

def scrape(data_file,node_list,saved_variable)
start = Time.now
passed = true
count = 0
storage = Hash.new
puts "Starting data extract for #{saved_variable}"
node_list.keys.sort.each {|key|
id = node_list[key]
puts "\tNode: #{key}"
maps = get_wowdbdata(id[0])
c = process_wowdbdata(maps,storage,id[1])
puts "\t\tTotal Nodes found: #{c}"
count += c
rescue Exception => e
passed = false
puts "Exception processing wowdbd data for #{saved_variable} cause: #{e}"
if passed then
puts "Processed #{count} nodes in #{((Time.now).to_i-start.to_i) } seconds for #{saved_variable}"
file = File.new(data_file,modestring="w")
file << "#{saved_variable} = "
file << storage.to_lua
puts "Failed to fully process #{saved_variable}, skipping update"
return count
# Main program below
start_time = Time.now
count = 0
count += scrape("MiningData.lua",mineral_map,"GatherMateDataMineDB")
count += scrape("HerbalismData.lua",herb_map,"GatherMateDataHerbDB")
count += scrape("TreasureData.lua",treasure_map,"GatherMateDataTreasureDB")

## Manual Map Processing for Gas Clouds
## Staticly adding gas clouds as reported on Wowhead
gas_start = Time.now
gases = Hash.new
if File.exists?("user_gas.yaml")
require 'yaml'
gases = YAML.load_file( 'user_gas.yaml' )

gas_sv_file = File.new("GasData.lua", modestring="w")
gas_sv_file << "GatherMateDataGasDB = "
count4 = 0
if File.exists?("user_fish.yaml")
require 'yaml'
fishes = Hash.new
fishes = YAML.load_file( 'user_fish.yaml' )
fish_sv_file = File.new("FishData.lua", modestring="w")
fish_sv_file << "GatherMateDataFishDB = "
fish_sv_file << fishes.to_lua

# windy cloud
count4 += process_mapline("28461158078062076022034049066030059034027030062056343665955554222525028138430840924 4518217541242625394571471641462704433686652512299453596361811593714702522338394519829672770645669676 5906515902873663106674285263226295516446106467206524182937226974923026556402654234962756815654763803 73256680619650739313260595417",21,301,gases)
#Arcane vortex
count4 += process_mapline("56833040161943075151860053187164358069944033265249218423842523176838476640868733260 1272588301382457252588339610374724394411524422568514532562570616582633601654594617633580803536266397 316646363458180410254720351663514511557341545309434405166630485608345579460306407660304297530",56,30 3,gases)
count4 += process_mapline("61458761459261358356846046647057046152221052522238441938942064246663446664647164047 4642470638474518208467521471535581455495330420426469537214327533341349344622631649612466378430490560 540300450620374542506450380350450280360431729570190328378342412",47,304,gases)
#swamp gas
count4 += process_mapline("58052065073059035024056016020043753346058030250460754932930909051028024030021031032 0320380340420381589450560630660750830780790850490160240330621601530826726844312713347269359270433650 685119458415584808792402623382631603462281481132621185687673658866458388520",58,302,gases)
gas_sv_file << gases.to_lua
puts "Processed #{count4} nodes in #{((Time.now).to_i-gas_start.to_i) } seconds for GatherMateDataGasDB"

puts "Total nodes processed: #{count + count4}, executed in #{Time.now.to_i - start_time.to_i} seconds"
changelog = File.new("run.out", modstring="w")
changelog.puts "#{Time.now}"
changelog.puts "Total nodes processed: #{count + count4}, executed in #{Time.now.to_i - start_time.to_i} seconds"
version = File.new("version").read.chomp
version = version.next
puts "Version #{version}"
updated = File.new("version","w")
tag = File.new("tag","w")
tag.puts "#!/bin/bash"
tag.puts "svn ci -m 'GatherMate_Data: Weekly update'"
tag.puts "svn cp -m 'GatherMate_Data: weekly update' svn://kagaro@svn.wowace.com/wow/gathermate_data/mainline/trunk svn://kagaro@svn.wowace.com/wow/gathermate_data/mainline/tags/v#{version}"

Отправлено: 07:24, 05-01-2012


Аватара для saneck


Сообщения: 1674
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Цитата Ve3yn4ik:
но ума не приложу как его запустить »
Пуск - Выполнить, набираете cmd, скопируйте скрипт в командную строку и нажмите Enter

Не знать-не стыдно,стыдно не учится!

Отправлено: 07:31, 05-01-2012 | #2

Для отключения данного рекламного блока вам необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти с учетной записью социальной сети.

Если же вы забыли свой пароль на форуме, то воспользуйтесь данной ссылкой для восстановления пароля.

Новый участник

Сообщения: 5
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ради интереса когда команди например puts или tags стали использоватса в досе ?
і више ети константи не описани откуда дос знает их?

Отправлено: 07:41, 05-01-2012 | #3

Аватара для McLotos


Сообщения: 410
Благодарности: 21

Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать

А мне почему-то кажется что это CGI

Старайтесь не решать свои проблемы по средствам личных сообщений, они могут быть решены очень не скоро.Не забывайте пользоваться поиском по форуму.Помните что уникальных проблем не бывает.Если всё-таки ответа не нашли, создайте тему, с подробным описанием проблемы.Спасибо за понимание.

Отправлено: 07:43, 05-01-2012 | #4

Новый участник

Сообщения: 5
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извени никогда не залазил в ети дебри приходилось роботать только в низкоуровних язках может подскажеш как запусить
ели поможет тип файла бил *.rb

Нашел решения скрип бил написан на рубе всем спасибо за помощ

Отправлено: 07:46, 05-01-2012 | #5

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