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[решено] Как поменять значение в оперативной памяти

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Автор: Creat0R
Дата: 16-12-2009
Возможно ли с помощью AutoIt поменять значение в оперативной памяти, для данного процесса.
Ели да то как?
Заранее спасибо

Отправлено: 14:20, 16-12-2009


Аватара для Creat0R

Must AutoIt

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Немного по теме: [решено] AutoIt работа с памятью.

“Сделай так просто, как возможно, но не проще этого.”... “Ты никогда не решишь проблему, если будешь думать так же, как те, кто её создал.”

Альберт Эйнштейн

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http://creator-lab.ucoz.ru/Images/Icons/autoit_icon.png Русское сообщество AutoIt | http://creator-lab.ucoz.ru/Images/Ic...eator_icon.png CreatoR's Lab | http://creator-lab.ucoz.ru/Images/Icons/oac_icon.png Opera AC Community

Отправлено: 15:31, 16-12-2009 | #2

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Код: Выделить весь код
#region _Memory

$memory = _MemoryOpen (ProcessExists("Name process"))
$pointer = 0x005995b5
_MemoryWrite($pointer, $memory, "10", "char[2]")
$result = _MemoryRead ($pointer, $memory, "char[2]") 
MsgBox (0, "!", $result)

; AutoIt Version:	3.1.127 (beta)
; Language:			English
; Platform:			All Windows
; Author:			Nomad
; Requirements:		These functions will only work with beta.
; Credits:	wOuter - These functions are based on his original _Mem() functions.
;			But they are easier to comprehend and more reliable.  These
;			functions are in no way a direct copy of his functions.  His
;			functions only provided a foundation from which these evolved.
; Functions:
; Function:			_MemoryOpen($iv_Pid[, $iv_DesiredAccess[, $iv_InheritHandle]])
; Description:		Opens a process and enables all possible access rights to the
;					process.  The Process ID of the process is used to specify which
;					process to open.  You must call this function before calling
;					_MemoryClose(), _MemoryRead(), or _MemoryWrite().
; Parameter(s):		$iv_Pid - The Process ID of the program you want to open.
;					$iv_DesiredAccess - (optional) Set to 0x1F0FFF by default, which
;										enables all possible access rights to the
;										process specified by the Process ID.
;					$iv_InheritHandle - (optional) If this value is TRUE, all processes
;										created by this process will inherit the access
;										handle.  Set to 1 (TRUE) by default.  Set to 0
;										if you want it FALSE.
; Requirement(s):	None.
; Return Value(s): 	On Success - Returns an array containing the Dll handle and an
;								 open handle to the specified process.
;					On Failure - Returns 0
;					@Error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid $iv_Pid.
;							 2 = Failed to open Kernel32.dll.
;							 3 = Failed to open the specified process.
; Author(s):		Nomad
; Note(s):
Func _MemoryOpen($iv_Pid, $iv_DesiredAccess = 0x1F0FFF, $iv_InheritHandle = 1)
	If Not ProcessExists($iv_Pid) Then
        Return 0
	Local $ah_Handle[2] = [DllOpen('kernel32.dll')]
	If @Error Then
        Return 0
	Local $av_OpenProcess = DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', $iv_DesiredAccess, 'int', $iv_InheritHandle, 'int', $iv_Pid)
	If @Error Then
        Return 0
	$ah_Handle[1] = $av_OpenProcess[0]
	Return $ah_Handle

; Function:			_MemoryRead($iv_Address, $ah_Handle[, $sv_Type])
; Description:		Reads the value located in the memory address specified.
; Parameter(s):		$iv_Address - The memory address you want to read from. It must
;								  be in hex format (0x00000000).
;					$ah_Handle - An array containing the Dll handle and the handle
;								 of the open process as returned by _MemoryOpen().
;					$sv_Type - (optional) The "Type" of value you intend to read.
;								This is set to 'dword'(32bit(4byte) signed integer)
;								by default.  See the help file for DllStructCreate
;								for all types.  An example: If you want to read a
;								word that is 15 characters in length, you would use
;								'char[16]' since a 'char' is 8 bits (1 byte) in size.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns the value located at the specified address.
;					On Failure - Returns 0
;					@Error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid $ah_Handle.
;							 2 = $sv_Type was not a string.
;							 3 = $sv_Type is an unknown data type.
;							 4 = Failed to allocate the memory needed for the DllStructure.
;							 5 = Error allocating memory for $sv_Type.
;							 6 = Failed to read from the specified process.
; Author(s):		Nomad
; Note(s):			Values returned are in Decimal format, unless specified as a
;					'char' type, then they are returned in ASCII format.  Also note
;					that size ('char[size]') for all 'char' types should be 1
;					greater than the actual size.
Func _MemoryRead($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $sv_Type)
	If Not IsArray($ah_Handle) Then
        Return 0
	Local $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate($sv_Type)
	If @Error Then
		SetError(@Error + 1)
		Return 0
	DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '')
	If Not @Error Then
		Local $v_Value = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1)
		Return $v_Value
        Return 0

; Function:			_MemoryWrite($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $v_Data[, $sv_Type])
; Description:		Writes data to the specified memory address.
; Parameter(s):		$iv_Address - The memory address which you want to write to.
;								  It must be in hex format (0x00000000).
;					$ah_Handle - An array containing the Dll handle and the handle
;								 of the open process as returned by _MemoryOpen().
;					$v_Data - The data to be written.
;					$sv_Type - (optional) The "Type" of value you intend to write.
;								This is set to 'dword'(32bit(4byte) signed integer)
;								by default.  See the help file for DllStructCreate
;								for all types.  An example: If you want to write a
;								word that is 15 characters in length, you would use
;								'char[16]' since a 'char' is 8 bits (1 byte) in size.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns 1
;					On Failure - Returns 0
;					@Error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid $ah_Handle.
;							 2 = $sv_Type was not a string.
;							 3 = $sv_Type is an unknown data type.
;							 4 = Failed to allocate the memory needed for the DllStructure.
;							 5 = Error allocating memory for $sv_Type.
;							 6 = $v_Data is not in the proper format to be used with the
;								 "Type" selected for $sv_Type, or it is out of range.
;							 7 = Failed to write to the specified process.
; Author(s):		Nomad
; Note(s):			Values sent must be in Decimal format, unless specified as a
;					'char' type, then they must be in ASCII format.  Also note
;					that size ('char[size]') for all 'char' types should be 1
;					greater than the actual size.
Func _MemoryWrite($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $v_Data, $sv_Type)
	If Not IsArray($ah_Handle) Then
        Return 0
	Local $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate($sv_Type)
	If @Error Then
		SetError(@Error + 1)
		Return 0
		DllStructSetData($v_Buffer, 1, $v_Data)
		If @Error Then
			Return 0
	DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'WriteProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '')
	If Not @Error Then
		Return 1
        Return 0

; Function:			_MemoryClose($ah_Handle)
; Description:		Closes the process handle opened by using _MemoryOpen().
; Parameter(s):		$ah_Handle - An array containing the Dll handle and the handle
;								 of the open process as returned by _MemoryOpen().
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns 1
;					On Failure - Returns 0
;					@Error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid $ah_Handle.
;							 2 = Unable to close the process handle.
; Author(s):		Nomad
; Note(s):
Func _MemoryClose($ah_Handle)
	If Not IsArray($ah_Handle) Then
        Return 0
	DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $ah_Handle[1])
	If Not @Error Then
		Return 1
        Return 0

; Function:			SetPrivilege( $privilege, $bEnable )
; Description:		Enables (or disables) the $privilege on the current process
;                   (Probably) requires administrator privileges to run
; Author(s):		Larry (from autoitscript.com's Forum)
; Notes(s):
; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=31248&view=findpost&p=223999

Func SetPrivilege( $privilege, $bEnable )
    Const $TOKEN_QUERY = 0x0008
    Const $SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 0x0002
    Local $hToken, $SP_auxret, $SP_ret, $hCurrProcess, $nTokens, $nTokenIndex, $priv
    $nTokens = 1
    $LUID = DLLStructCreate("dword;int")
    If IsArray($privilege) Then    $nTokens = UBound($privilege)
    $TOKEN_PRIVILEGES = DLLStructCreate("dword;dword[" & (3 * $nTokens) & "]")
    $NEWTOKEN_PRIVILEGES = DLLStructCreate("dword;dword[" & (3 * $nTokens) & "]")
    $hCurrProcess = DLLCall("kernel32.dll","hwnd","GetCurrentProcess")
    $SP_auxret = DLLCall("advapi32.dll","int","OpenProcessToken","hwnd",$hCurrProcess[0],   _
    If $SP_auxret[0] Then
        $hToken = $SP_auxret[3]
        $nTokenIndex = 1
        While $nTokenIndex <= $nTokens
            If IsArray($privilege) Then
                $priv = $privilege[$nTokenIndex-1]
                $priv = $privilege
            $ret = DLLCall("advapi32.dll","int","LookupPrivilegeValue","str","","str",$priv,   _
            If $ret[0] Then
                If $bEnable Then
                    DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,$SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED,(3 * $nTokenIndex))
                    DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,0,(3 * $nTokenIndex))
                DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,DllStructGetData($LUID,1),(3 * ($nTokenIndex-1)) + 1)
                DLLStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES,2,DllStructGetData($LUID,2),(3 * ($nTokenIndex-1)) + 2)
            $nTokenIndex += 1
        $ret = DLLCall("advapi32.dll","int","AdjustTokenPrivileges","hwnd",$hToken,"int",0,   _
                "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES),"int",DllStructGetSize($NEWTOKEN_PRIVILEGES),   _
        $f = DLLCall("kernel32.dll","int","GetLastError")
    If $SP_auxret[0] = 0 Then Return 0
    $SP_auxret = DLLCall("kernel32.dll","int","CloseHandle","hwnd",$hToken)
    If Not $ret[0] And Not $SP_auxret[0] Then Return 0
    return $ret[0]
EndFunc   ;==>SetPrivilege


Последний раз редактировалось kronic, 17-12-2009 в 10:05.

Отправлено: 17:50, 16-12-2009 | #3

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