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Компьютерный форум OSzone.net » Автоматическая установка Windows » Наборы обновлений для Windows XP/2003/Windows 7 » Система - [addon] "ExtremePack v.10.9.23"- updates unlimited

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Система - [addon] "ExtremePack v.10.9.23"- updates unlimited


Сообщения: 2923
Благодарности: 1263


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Автор: dimadr
Дата: 23-09-2010
Описание: Расширенный ExtremePack ~Jhellico
23 сентября 2010г.
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Addon "ExtremePack v.10.2.18".
Аддон для интеграции в дистрибутив Windows XPSP3 посредством "UpdatePack-XPSP3-Rus" обновлений, не вошедших в основной пакет. Не секрет, что Майкрософт выпускает часть обновлений со статусом:"Описанное поведение является подтвержденной ошибкой продуктов Microsoft, перечисленных в разделе "Информация… применима к:".
Рекомендации самой компании по этим обновлениям: "Предлагаемое исправление включает в себе решение только для проблемы, описанной в данной статье, и должно применяться исключительно в системах, где наблюдается вышеописанная проблема. Данное исправление находится на стадии дополнительного тестирования. По этой причине корпорация Microsoft рекомендует во всех случаях, когда проблема не представляет особой важности, отложить ее решение до выхода ближайшего пакета исправлений Service Pack". Но интерес к этим обновлениям у конечного пользователя есть, по причине того, что версии файлов обновления выше тех, которые имеются в дистрибутиве и естественно (хочется так думать) учитывают и предыдущие ошибки тоже. Также, логично предполагать, что Майкрософт признавая существования какой-то конкретно ошибки, просто так обновление выпускать не будет. И рекомендация подождать Service Pack, я думаю, не более, чем предосторожность компании Майкрософт от претензий пользователей использовавших обновление.

Аддон скорректирован для интеграции с версией пакета UpdatePack-XPSP3-Rus версия 10.2.13

Скачать Addon "ExtremePack v.10.2.18"; зеркало Размер: 9.57 Mb
MD5=7b7d10c4f66cb48f9fa5d087cb5ed1aa *ExtremePack_10.2.18.7z

Содержит обновления:
Код: Выделить весь код
KB889320 KB927436 KB934401 KB938759 KB940159-V2 KB943232 KB945060
KB945436 KB948101 KB948698 KB948877 KB950616 KB951163 KB951410
KB951624 KB951709 KB952079 KB952117 KB952595 KB953024 KB953028
KB953930 KB954232 KB954434 KB954708 KB955109 KB955356 KB955567
KB955988 KB956391 KB956625 KB967885 KB957264 KB957495 KB957502
KB957579 KB957808 KB957931 KB958071 KB958149 KB958244 KB958259
KB958347 KB958817 KB958910 KB959085 KB959160 KB959267 KB971345
KB959465 KB959540 KB959554 KB959765 KB959873 KB973296 KB973624
KB960496 KB960519 KB960655 KB960715 KB960921 KB960970 KB961187-V2
KB972435 KB961853 KB963038 KB967048-V2 KB967756 KB968358 KB968730
KB972828 KB968764 KB969262 KB970048 KB970063 KB970413 KB973502
KB970685 KB970922 KB971165 KB971234 KB971314 KB971323 KB973296 
KB971455 KB961451-v2  KB975791 KB978835
Изменения 18.02.2010:
Код: Выделить весь код


Для использования аддон распаковать в папку "Addons" набора обновлений.
нельзя использовать старую версию ExtremePack с новой версией основного пака.

Описание по каждому из обновлений вы сможете получить набрав:
http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=хххххх (где хххххх - номер хотфикса).

Интеграция этого аддона, как и всех других аддонов, происходит во время работы скрипта пакета. Для интеграции распакуйте архив в папку "Addons" пакета обновлений.
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Кто хочет и может поблагодарить и поддержать материально вот реквизиты на Webmoney: Z676098806693 или R316121197831

Расширенный ExtremePack от 23.09.2010 - здесь (совместим с UpdatePack 10.9.23) от ~Jhellico

Dmitry's blog | Яндекс.Диск

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Отправлено: 20:30, 01-06-2008



Сообщения: 2923
Благодарности: 1263

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Код: Выделить весь код
KB967756 (заменяет  KB958655)
KB969262 (заменяет KB932578)
новая версия аддона - см.первый пост.

Dmitry's blog | Яндекс.Диск

Это сообщение посчитали полезным следующие участники:

Отправлено: 14:35, 24-04-2009 | #291

Для отключения данного рекламного блока вам необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти с учетной записью социальной сети.

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Автор проектов

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dimadr, при проверке qfecheck выдает, что KB968730 должен быть переустановлен,
а не понравился ему файл C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CRYPT32.DLL

косяк вызвала строчка в extreme.inf:
а должно быть:
Это сообщение посчитали полезным следующие участники:

Отправлено: 03:22, 26-04-2009 | #292


Сообщения: 96
Благодарности: 24

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Цитата iSmart:
qfecheck опять спотыкается на KB958244.
Решением, вроде бы, является удаление строчек вида:
Верно? »
эта проблема исправлена в новой версии (сам еще не скачивал, соотв., не смотрел)?

Отправлено: 09:36, 26-04-2009 | #293


Сообщения: 2923
Благодарности: 1263

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ошибка в другом, файл "crypt32.dll" (вложен в пост). Аддон перезалит.

Цитата iSmart:
эта проблема исправлена в новой версии »
... в этой версии этих строчек нет.

Dmitry's blog | Яндекс.Диск

Последний раз редактировалось dimadr, 26-03-2012 в 10:15.

Это сообщение посчитали полезным следующие участники:

Отправлено: 10:39, 26-04-2009 | #294


Сообщения: 126
Благодарности: 98

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"Расширенный" ExtremePack на основе пака dimadr - включены фактически все доступные технические обновления для WinXP SP3. Некоторое время делал для себя (в формате аддона для nLite), но решил все-таки сделать под UpdatePack и выложить - может, пригодится кому...
Скачать (19,5 МБ) (MD5: a5cab494c70a739d5e3f44132de77a58)
Это сообщение посчитали полезным следующие участники:

Отправлено: 23:11, 30-04-2009 | #295


Сообщения: 102
Благодарности: 6

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Можеш показать обновления которые Вы добавили.

Отправлено: 23:45, 30-04-2009 | #296

Новый участник

Сообщения: 13
Благодарности: 0

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прошу прощения может за тупой вопрос. но в чем отличие UpdatePack-XPSP3-Rus 9.4.24 от ExtremePack v.9.4.24

Отправлено: 22:10, 02-05-2009 | #297

Аватара для Habetdin

Автор проектов

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Z_A_R, в экстрим-паке все обновления - тут есть кроме обычных апдейтов еще и "неофициальные"

Рекомендую: $25 на тест виртуального сервера (VPS) за регистрацию по ссылке

Отправлено: 22:43, 02-05-2009 | #298


Сообщения: 2923
Благодарности: 1263

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Цитата Habetdin:
Z_A_R, в экстрим-паке все обновления - тут есть кроме обычных апдейтов еще и "неофициальные" »
UpdatePack-XPSP3-Rus - это основа, "фундамент", пакет интегрирования обновлений и аддонов в дистрибутив.
ExtremePack - это "кирпич уже не из фундамента", только часть (необязательная, но приятная ИМХО).

Dmitry's blog | Яндекс.Диск

Отправлено: 23:05, 02-05-2009 | #299


Сообщения: 126
Благодарности: 98

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Расширенный ExtremePack от 12.05.2009 - скачать (20,4 Мб) (MD5: a9cf240b6de9e62cf78881833e71bd26).
Состав пакета

KB281981 - Disconnected sessions retain the original <clientname> variable
KB889320-v2 - When you disable the Windows Firewall service on your Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer, the Computer Browser service stops after five minutes and Event ID 7023 is logged in the Event Viewer
KB915800-v4 - A hotfix is available for Windows Desktop Search document IFilters in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
KB927436-v2 - Error message when you attach a device that loads the Serscan.sys driver to a computer that is running Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP3, or Windows Server 2003: "DRIVER_VERIFIER_IOMANAGER_VIOLATION (c9)"
KB934401 - When you run the "Ipconfig /displaydns" command in Windows Server 2003, the results are incomplete
KB938759 - You cannot distribute or install a software package in Windows Server 2003 if the software package contains a very large signed file
KB940648 - Error message when you try to open the My Documents folder on a Windows XP-based computer after you resume the computer from hibernation: "You might not have permission to use this network resource"
KB942213-v2 - The MMC.exe program randomly becomes unresponsive when the user clicks OK or Cancel several times to close a Windows form in Windows Server 2003
KB943232-v2 - An application that uses the Sxs.dll file crashes when you run the application on a Windows XP-based computer
KB945060-v3 - There may be inconsistencies in the Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) and Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) values for an image file in Windows Vista and in Windows XP
KB945436 - Error message when you try to uninstall or unload the driver for a multifunction USB device on a Windows XP-based computer: "STOP: 0x000000D1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"
KB947460-v3 - Error message when you try to open a mapped DFS folder after the computer comes out of standby in Windows XP Service Pack 2: "<Drive Letter>:\ is not accessible"
KB948046-v2 - A Word document is not printed as expected after you install the Windows European Union Expansion Font pack in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows XP
KB948101-v3 - A USB keyboard does not work after you restart a Windows XP-based computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard installed
KB948277 - A blank desktop may appear when you log on to a Windows XP-based computer
KB948698 - You cannot use the Reg.exe utility to access 64-bit registry keys on a 64-bit computer from a computer that is running a 32-bit version of Windows Server 2003
KB948720 - You cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server 2008 cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files
KB948877-v2 - After you copy multiple files from a computer that is running Windows XP to a PCMCIA SRAM card, one or more files on the card are corrupted
KB949127-v2 - You cannot establish a wireless connection by using EAP authentication on a Windows XP-based client computer if the Service Set Identifier (SSID) includes a comma
KB949900 - The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during the driver installation process on a Windows XP-based computer
KB950305-v2 - ? (PostScript Printer Driver Update)
KB950312 - Error message when you try to start a console-based application, such as Cmd.exe, on a Windows XP-based computer: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142)"
KB950616 - An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file may stop responding when you run the audio application on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB950820 - The system stops responding during the logoff, shutdown, or restart process on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP and that has the Japanese IME installed
KB950982 - A list of ODBC system DSNs is truncated when the total number of characters that are used in all the DSN names is more than 7,500 on a Windows XP-based computer
KB951159 - ? (Update for explorer.exe, logon.scr, msgina.dll, shell32.dll, shlwapi.dll, sysdm.cpl, user32.dll, win32k.sys and winbrand.dll to Build 5577)
KB951163 - When you try to use the MSTSC command from Terminal Services Client 6.0 to connect to the local Windows XP-based computer, a black screen may appear for several minutes
KB951347 - A memory leak occurs when you use the IFaxIncomingMessageIterator interface to query incoming fax messages on a fax server that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP
KB951531-v2 - The W32Time service does not synchronize the CMOS clock time to the Internet time on a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003-based computer after the W32Time service stops
KB951624 - A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization of some network-based applications when Windows XP starts
KB951709 - Event ID 26 when you attach two IDE ATA/ATAPI devices as master and subordinate IDE devices on a Windows XP-based computer
KB951822-v2 - You receive an error message, the print operation fails, or partial pages are printed when you try to print to a Citizen printer or to an Alps printer in Windows XP Service Pack 3
KB952069 - Security update for Windows Media Format Runtime 7.1, 9.0, 9.5 and 11 and Media Foundation
KB952117-v2 - When you try to put a Windows XP-based computer into hibernation or into standby, the computer stops responding
KB952206-v2 - A printer-driver upgrade operation fails on printer clients that are running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP when multiple printer queues are upgraded at the same time
KB952595-v3 - ? (Update for SecureDigital Bus Driver (sdbus.sys, sffdisk.sys, sffp_sd.sys ver.6.0.4069.5726))
KB952909-v2 - When you try to print a document to a PostScript printer in an application, the application exits unexpectedly, or you find that an invalid PDF file is created from the incorrect data in the PostScript file
KB953024 - Rich Text Format (.rtf) files may not print correctly in Windows XP when you use an application that uses the RichEdit control
KB953028 - On a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP, an application experiences an access violation and then crashes if the computer has more than four cores or more than four logical processors
KB953609 - Error message when you try to add a wireless network to a Windows XP-based computer that has hotfix 917021 applied: "At least one of your changes was not applied successfully to the wireless configuration"
KB953760-v2 - When you enable SSO for a terminal server from a Windows XP SP3-based client computer, you are still prompted for user credentials when you log on to the terminal server
KB953761 - Some DHCP Options are not recognized on a Windows XP SP3-based client computer when the DHCP server offer includes option 43
KB953930 - The Fc.exe command does not work correctly on a Windows XP-based computer when the two files that you are comparing have the TAB or SPACE character around the 128th byte in a string of characters
KB954193 - Jet 4.0 Database Engine cumulative hotfix package for Windows XP SP2 and SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP1 and SP2, Windows Vista, Windows Vista SP1, and Windows Server 2008
KB954232 - The On-Screen Keyboard behavior on a Windows XP-based computer does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certain scenarios
KB954434 - A multiprocessor computer that is running a Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Vista stops responding on a black screen after you resume the computer from hibernation
KB955043-v2 - A memory leak may occur when you run an application that uses the DHTML Edit control on a Windows XP-based computer
KB955109 - Error message when you run an application that uses the Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar) component on a computer that is running Windows XP SP2 or Windows XP SP3: "0xC0000005 (Access Violation)"
KB955356 - When you try to start a Windows XP SP3-based computer that is connected to an external IEEE 1394 hard disk, the system may stop responding before the logon screen appears
KB955567 - Data corruption may occur when you try to append data to a FILESTREAM varbinary (max) column in SQL Server 2008 on a Windows XP-based computer
KB955576 - TAPI-based applications stop responding, and you cannot disconnect telephone calls on a Windows XP-based telephony server
KB955830 - When you connect to a Windows XP-based computer by using a remote desktop connection, the computer may be not able to automatically enter the Sleep mode again after you log off the computer
KB955843-v4 - An ADO-based application may stop responding when it uses the adAsyncExecute option to open a Recordset object in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows XP
KB955988 - The Win32_Environment WMI class does not return the value of the PATH environment variable if the variable consists of more than 1,024 characters on a Windows XP-based computer
KB956072 - Windows XP-based terminal server does not allow RDP connections whose encryption level is set to Low
KB956625 - After you run Internet Explorer 7 for a long time on a computer that is running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, Internet Explorer becomes unstable or crashes
KB956807 - The Unicode hyphen character (U+2010) is not drawn when you use an application that uses GDI+ API functions in Windows Server 2008, in Windows Vista, in Windows Server 2003, and in Windows XP
KB957218 - A user name that contains Unicode characters is not handled correctly in Windows XP Service Pack 3 during the EAP authentication
KB957264 - Error message when you try to run an application that you developed by using the "return quickly" feature of the Windows COM port driver: "Error reading comm device"
KB957495 - The action controls in Sound Recorder are missing or only partly visible if you set the font size to Large or to Extra Large in a non-English version of Windows XP
KB957931 - A Windows XP-based, Windows Vista-based, or Windows Server 2008-based computer does not respond to 802.1X authentication requests for 20 minutes after a failed authentication
KB958058 - When you try to log on to a Windows XP SP3-based computer by using a roaming profile, the roaming profile cannot load
KB958071 - You receive error code 1206 when you run an application that uses the WLanSetProfile function on a Windows XP Service Pack 3-based computer
KB958149 - Performance decreases when you stream isochronous data on a Windows-based computer that has a Texas Instruments (TI) IEEE 1394 host controller installed
KB958200 - The Defrag.exe tool stops responding when you run the Dfrgntfs.exe tool to defragment a hard disk on a Windows XP-based computer
KB958244 - The system may stop responding when you restart a Windows XP-based multicore computer
KB958259-v2 - Some embedded OLE objects that you created in Office 2008 for Mac cannot be edited in an installation of Office that is running on a Windows XP-based computer
KB958580 - ? (Update for Terminal Services ActiveX Client (lhmstscx.dll, mstscax.dll ver.6.0.6001.22319))
KB958817 - The Automatic Update window may stop responding when you use a WSUS server to deploy Windows Internet Explorer 7 and cumulative security update 944533 on a Windows XP-based client computer
KB958910 - When you send a print job to an Internet Printer Protocol (IPP) print server from a Windows-based computer, the print job fails and never restarts
KB959160 - When you run an application that uses the CryptEnumProviderTypes function application in Windows XP Service Pack 3, you receive the error message ERROR_MORE_DATA (0xea)
KB959267 - After you repeatedly dock and undock a Windows XP-based portable computer that is connected to a docking station, you may be unable to change the state of an attached network device
KB959334 - Text that has the font set to Arial Black and the font style set to bold may change so that the font is set to Arial Black and the font style is set to italic when you open the document on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB959439 - After you upload encrypted files from a Windows XP-based computer to a WebDAV share, the files remain encrypted
KB959465 - Write protection does not always work on SD memory cards that are plugged into a computer that runs Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008
KB959540 - When you run an application that uses the scroll bar control of the Common Controls file on a Windows XP-based computer, the scroll bar control does not work correctly
KB959554 - Only the header and footer information in an XPS document are printed when you print the document on a computer that is running Windows XP, Windows Vista SP1, or Windows Server 2008
KB959682 - FIX: A Message Queuing 3.0 message is rejected on the receiver when you send the message by using an external certificate from a Windows XP Service Pack 3-based computer
KB959765 - Remote NDIS (RNDIS) devices may not work correctly after you perform a surprise removal on a Windows XP-based computer and then attach the RNDIS device to the computer again
KB959873 - You cannot send Start TLS requests from a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP Professional x64 Edition to a server that is running OpenLDAP Software
KB960064 - An XML-based application uses lots of memory when multiple threads call the SelectSingleNode method at the same time in Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008
KB960071-v2 - An access violation occurs when you use an application that calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a long query in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows XP
KB960253 - You encounter issues when you create shortcuts in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008, and then you try to use these shortcuts in an earlier version of Windows
KB960655 - You encounter several problems on a Windows XP SP3-based computer when the EAP-TLS machine authentication fails during system startup
KB960921 - If you start a Windows XP-based portable computer while it is running on battery power, the brightness of the LCD screen is not decreased as expected
KB960970 - An IEEE 1394 network adapter that is installed on a Windows XP-based computer is not listed in Device Manager
KB961067 - When you search some specific terms in the German version of Windows XP, the search results are incorrect
KB961451-v2 - ? (Update for Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Cursor Engine (msadce.dll ver.2.81.3010.0))
KB961729 - ? (Update for MSXML 3.0 SP10 (msxml3.dll ver.8.100.1049.0))
KB961742 - ? (Update for Windows NT Logon Application (licdll.dll, winlogon.exe ver.5.1.2600.5739))
KB961853-v2 - Error message when you try to access a network share in a private network: "There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request"
KB963038 - Error message when you establish a remote desktop connection to a remote computer that is running Windows XP: "STOP: 0x1000008E"
KB965220 - ? (Update for NAP IPSec Enforcement Client (napipsec.dll, oakley.dll ver.5.1.2600.5750))
KB967705 - When you try to print some data in the PDF format in Internet Explorer on a Windows XP-based computer, the main menu of Internet Explorer disappears
KB967756 - After you uninstall some software updates in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008, some assembly files may still reflect the updated version instead of the original version of the files
KB967882 - Messages that contain double-byte characters are not displayed correctly on a Windows XP-based computer when you use Communicator to communicate with a Macintosh user
KB968730 - Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP clients cannot obtain certificates from a Windows Server 2008-based certification authority (CA) if the CA is configured to use SHA2 256 or higher encryption
KB968764 - Streaming USB 1.1 devices that are connected to an external USB 2.0 hub behave incorrectly on a Windows XP-based computer
KB969111 - A Windows XP Service Pack 3-based client computer cannot use the IEEE 802.1x authentication when you use PEAP with PEAP-MSCHAPv2 in a domain
KB969145 - Your Windows XP Service Pack 3-based computer stops responding when you use an SD card
KB969262 - Windows XP stops responding when heavy I/O operations occur on an NTFS-formatted volume.
KB969356-v2 - Error message when you use Outlook to connect to an Exchange server by using an RPC over HTTP connection on a Windows XP-based computer: "Microsoft Office Outlook has encountered a problem and needs to close"
KB970084 - A hotfix is available to update the Daylight Saving Time for the "(GMT +5:00) Islamabad, Karachi" time zone for the year 2009 for Windows XP-based, Windows Server 2003-based, Windows Vista-based and Windows Server 2008-based computers
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Отправлено: 21:28, 12-05-2009 | #300

Компьютерный форум OSzone.net » Автоматическая установка Windows » Наборы обновлений для Windows XP/2003/Windows 7 » Система - [addon] "ExtremePack v.10.9.23"- updates unlimited

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