Компьютерный форум OSzone.net » Серверные продукты Microsoft » Microsoft Windows NT/2000/2003 » Сервер с Windows 2003Sp1 не хочет присоединятсья к домену :( |
Сервер с Windows 2003Sp1 не хочет присоединятсья к домену :(
Новый участник Сообщения: 17 |
Есть сервер под Windows 2003, на данны момент является членом рабочей группы. После появления контроллера домена, было принято решения ввести сервер в домен.
Меняем "член рабочей группы" на "член домена", просиходит поиск контроллера (удачно) и запрос пользователя с паролем. Вводим валидные имя+пароль. Сервер думает и выдаёт - "При присоединении к домену "блаблабла" произошла следующая ошибка: Вход в системму не произведён: имя пользователя или пароль не опоознаны. Делаем всё тоже самое с теми же именем и паролем на машине с WinXP - нет проблемм! Чем же Win2003 хуже то ??? вот кусок лога: 12/12 11:38:12 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 12/12 11:38:12 NetpDoDomainJoin 12/12 11:38:12 NetpMachineValidToJoin: 'NAT' 12/12 11:38:12 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0 12/12 11:38:12 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0 12/12 11:38:12 NetpJoinDomain 12/12 11:38:12 Machine: NAT 12/12 11:38:12 Domain: c-airlaid 12/12 11:38:12 MachineAccountOU: (NULL) 12/12 11:38:12 Account: c-airlaid\user 12/12 11:38:12 Options: 0x27 12/12 11:38:12 OS Version: 5.2 12/12 11:38:12 Build number: 3790 12/12 11:38:12 ServicePack: Service Pack 1, v.1039 12/12 11:38:12 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'c-airlaid' is valid as type 3 name 12/12 11:38:12 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'c-airlaid' returned 0x0 12/12 11:38:12 NetpValidateName: name 'c-airlaid' is valid for type 3 12/12 11:38:12 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'c-airlaid', flags: 0x1020 12/12 11:38:12 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\MAIL' in the specified domain 12/12 11:38:13 NetUseAdd to \\MAIL\IPC$ returned 1326 12/12 11:38:13 NetpJoinDomain: status of connecting to dc '\\MAIL': 0x52e 12/12 11:38:13 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x52e вот что говорит DCDiag на контроллере домена : Domain Controller Diagnosis Performing initial setup: Done gathering initial info. Doing initial required tests Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\MAIL Starting test: Connectivity ......................... MAIL passed test Connectivity Doing primary tests Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\MAIL Starting test: Replications ......................... MAIL passed test Replications Starting test: NCSecDesc ......................... MAIL passed test NCSecDesc Starting test: NetLogons ......................... MAIL passed test NetLogons Starting test: Advertising ......................... MAIL passed test Advertising Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders ......................... MAIL passed test KnowsOfRoleHolders Starting test: RidManager ......................... MAIL passed test RidManager Starting test: MachineAccount ......................... MAIL passed test MachineAccount Starting test: Services TrkWks Service is stopped on [MAIL] TrkSvr Service is stopped on [MAIL] ......................... MAIL failed test Services Starting test: ObjectsReplicated ......................... MAIL passed test ObjectsReplicated Starting test: frssysvol Error: No record of File Replication System, SYSVOL started. The Active Directory may be prevented from starting. ......................... MAIL passed test frssysvol Starting test: kccevent ......................... MAIL passed test kccevent Starting test: systemlog ......................... MAIL passed test systemlog Running enterprise tests on : c-airlaid Starting test: Intersite ......................... c-airlaid passed test Intersite Starting test: FsmoCheck ......................... c-airlaid passed test FsmoCheck Люди добрые, помогите плииииз! |
Отправлено: 09:46, 12-12-2006 |
Ветеран Сообщения: 4900
Профиль | Сайт | Отправить PM | Цитировать Ваши логи и dcdiag ничего не говорят. В журнале событий что?
------- Отправлено: 09:50, 12-12-2006 | #2 |
Для отключения данного рекламного блока вам необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти с учетной записью социальной сети. Если же вы забыли свой пароль на форуме, то воспользуйтесь данной ссылкой для восстановления пароля. |
PainStaking Сообщения: 3992
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать edis0n
Если выкладываете логи, то выкладывайте целиком и все - начиная с настроек сетевых интерфесов (ipconfig /all), и заканчивая dcdiag /v, netdiag /v используя тег [code]. Читай правила данного раздела форума и согласно совета monkkey выкладывай содежимое "Журнала событий"! |
Отправлено: 11:30, 12-12-2006 | #3 |
Новый участник Сообщения: 17
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать Исправляюсь!
В журнал событий присоединяемого компа в описываемый момент ни чего не пишется. Вот ipconfig /all Имя компьютера . . . . . . . . . : mail Основной DNS-суффикс . . . . . . : c-airlaid Тип узла. . . . . . . . . . . . . : неизвестный IP-маршрутизация включена . . . . : нет WINS-прокси включен . . . . . . . : нет Порядок просмотра суффиксов DNS . : c-airlaid Подключение по локальной сети - Ethernet адаптер: DNS-суффикс этого подключения . . : Описание . . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Физический адрес. . . . . . . . . : 00-17-31-9C-7B-0C DHCP включен. . . . . . . . . . . : нет IP-адрес . . . . . . . . . . . . : Маска подсети . . . . . . . . . . : Основной шлюз . . . . . . . . . . : DNS-серверы . . . . . . . . . . . : Это netdiag /v Gathering IPX configuration information. Querying status of the Netcard drivers... Passed Testing Domain membership... Passed Gathering NetBT configuration information. Testing for autoconfiguration... Passed Testing IP loopback ping... Passed Testing default gateways... Passed Enumerating local and remote NetBT name cache... Passed Testing the WINS server Подключение по локальной сети There is no primary WINS server defined for this adapter. There is no secondary WINS server defined for this adapter. Gathering Winsock information. Testing DNS PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server ''. Testing redirector and browser... Passed Testing DC discovery. Looking for a DC Looking for a PDC emulator Looking for an Active Directory DC Gathering the list of Domain Controllers for domain 'C-AIRLAID' Testing trust relationships... Skipped Testing Kerberos authentication... Passed Testing LDAP servers in Domain C-AIRLAID ... Gathering routing information Gathering network statistics information. Gathering configuration of bindings. Gathering RAS connection information Gathering Modem information Gathering Netware information Gathering IP Security information Tests complete. Computer Name: MAIL DNS Host Name: mail.c-airlaid DNS Domain Name: c-airlaid System info : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (Build 3790) Processor : x86 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel Hotfixes : Installed? Name Yes Q147222 Netcard queries test . . . . . . . : Passed Information of Netcard drivers: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Прямой параллельный порт Device: \DEVICE\{60F13A5D-4775-4D5E-A681-DE8CA30FBFA8} GetStats failed for 'Прямой параллельный порт'. [ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Минипорт WAN (PPTP) Device: \DEVICE\{1BC715C0-2E83-4AF4-B142-C99FBB4996FC} Media State: Connected Device State: Connected Connect Time: 00:00:00 Media Speed: 0 bps Packets Sent: 0 Bytes Sent (Optional): 0 Packets Received: 0 Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 0 Bytes Received (Optional): 0 Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0 [WARNING] The net card 'Минипорт WAN (PPTP)' may not be working because it has not received any packets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Минипорт WAN (PPPoE) Device: \DEVICE\{13269D7A-684C-47AA-A469-C618ED8EBA32} Media State: Connected Device State: Connected Connect Time: 00:00:00 Media Speed: 0 bps Packets Sent: 0 Bytes Sent (Optional): 0 Packets Received: 0 Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 0 Bytes Received (Optional): 0 Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0 [WARNING] The net card 'Минипорт WAN (PPPoE)' may not be working because it has not received any packets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Минипорт WAN (IP) Device: \DEVICE\NDISWANIP Media State: Connected Device State: Connected Connect Time: 5 days, 22:44:31 Media Speed: 28 Kbps Packets Sent: 0 Bytes Sent (Optional): 0 Packets Received: 0 Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 0 Bytes Received (Optional): 0 Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0 [WARNING] The net card 'Минипорт WAN (IP)' may not be working because it has not received any packets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Минипорт WAN (L2TP) Device: \DEVICE\{EEC5A303-8027-448D-8E34-155EA975A5EE} GetStats failed for 'Минипорт WAN (L2TP)'. [ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Device: \DEVICE\{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} Media State: Connected Device State: Connected Connect Time: 5 days, 22:44:31 Media Speed: 100 Mbps Packets Sent: 633821 Bytes Sent (Optional): 0 Packets Received: 1407845 Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 672807 Bytes Received (Optional): 0 Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PASS] - At least one netcard is in the 'Connected' state. Per interface results: Adapter : Подключение по локальной сети Adapter ID . . . . . . . . : {3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} Netcard queries test . . . : Passed Adapter type . . . . . . . : Ethernet Host Name. . . . . . . . . : mail Description. . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Physical Address . . . . . : 00-17-31-9C-7B-0C Dhcp Enabled . . . . . . . : No DHCP ClassID . . . . . . . : Autoconfiguration Enabled. : Yes IP Address . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask. . . . . . . . : Default Gateway. . . . . . : Dns Servers. . . . . . . . : IpConfig results . . . . . : Passed AutoConfiguration results. . . . . . : Passed AutoConfiguration is not in use. Default gateway test . . . : Passed Pinging gateway - reachable At least one gateway reachable for this adapter. NetBT name test. . . . . . : Passed NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} MAIL <00> UNIQUE REGISTERED C-AIRLAID <1C> GROUP REGISTERED C-AIRLAID <00> GROUP REGISTERED MAIL <20> UNIQUE REGISTERED C-AIRLAID <1B> UNIQUE REGISTERED C-AIRLAID <1E> GROUP REGISTERED C-AIRLAID <1D> UNIQUE REGISTERED ..__MSBROWSE__.<01> GROUP REGISTERED [WARNING] At least one of the <00> 'WorkStation Service', <03> 'Messenger Service', <20> 'WINS' names is missing. NetBios Resolution : via DHCP Netbios Remote Cache Table Name Type HostAddress Life [sec] --------------------------------------------------------------- ADMIN <20> UNIQUE 390 ALEKSEEVA <20> UNIQUE 390 EDISON <20> UNIQUE 390 WINSERVER <00> UNIQUE 282 WINSERVER <20> UNIQUE 282 WINS service test. . . . . : Skipped There is no primary WINS server defined for this adapter. There is no secondary WINS server defined for this adapter. There are no WINS servers configured for this interface. IPX test : IPX is not installed on this machine. Global results: IP General configuration LMHOSTS Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes DNS for WINS resolution. . . . : Enabled Node Type. . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast NBT Scope ID . . . . . . . . . : Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No WINS Proxy Enabled . . . . . . : No DNS resolution for NETBIOS . . : No Domain membership test . . . . . . : Passed Machine is a . . . . . . . . . : Primary Domain Controller Emulator Netbios Domain name. . . . . . : C-AIRLAID Dns domain name. . . . . . . . : c-airlaid Dns forest name. . . . . . . . : c-airlaid Domain Guid. . . . . . . . . . : {4F6BFA88-B278-4410-B306-A2FFA6199F14} Domain Sid . . . . . . . . . . : S-1-5-21-3681732306-1937975300-3127679537 Logon User . . . . . . . . . . : администратор Logon Domain . . . . . . . . . : C-AIRLAID NetBT transports test. . . . . . . : Passed List of NetBt transports currently configured: NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} 1 NetBt transport currently configured. Autonet address test . . . . . . . : Passed PASS - you have at least one non-autoconfigured IP address IP loopback ping test. . . . . . . : Passed PASS - pinging IP loopback address was successful. Your IP stack is most probably OK. Default gateway test . . . . . . . : Passed PASS - you have at least one reachable gateway. NetBT name test. . . . . . . . . . : Passed No NetBT scope defined [WARNING] You don't have a single interface with the <00> 'WorkStation Service', <03> 'Messenger Service', <20> 'WINS' names defined. Winsock test . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed The number of protocols which have been reported : 10 Description: MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP] Provider Version :2 Max message size : Stream Oriented Description: MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP] Provider Version :2 Description: RSVP UDP Service Provider Provider Version :6 Description: RSVP TCP Service Provider Provider Version :6 Max message size : Stream Oriented Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4}] SEQPACKET 0 Provider Version :2 Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4}] DATAGRAM 0 Provider Version :2 Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{155D26DF-35CC-431E-9AA7-79E8E2C12731}] SEQPACKET 1 Provider Version :2 Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{155D26DF-35CC-431E-9AA7-79E8E2C12731}] DATAGRAM 1 Provider Version :2 Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{43D41F66-109D-432D-AC3F-81035ECAB99D}] SEQPACKET 2 Provider Version :2 Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{43D41F66-109D-432D-AC3F-81035ECAB99D}] DATAGRAM 2 Provider Version :2 Max UDP size : 65507 bytes DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed Interface {3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} DNS Domain: DNS Servers: IP Address: Expected registration with PDN (primary DNS domain name): Hostname: mail.c-airlaid. Authoritative zone: c-airlaid. Primary DNS server: mail.c-airlaid Authoritative NS: Check the DNS registration for DCs entries on DNS server '' The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server ''. Redir and Browser test . . . . . . : Passed List of transports currently bound to the Redir NetbiosSmb NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} The redir is bound to 1 NetBt transport. List of transports currently bound to the browser NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} The browser is bound to 1 NetBt transport. Mailslot test for C-AIRLAID* passed. DC discovery test. . . . . . . . . : Passed Find DC in domain 'C-AIRLAID': Found this DC in domain 'C-AIRLAID': DC. . . . . . . . . . . : \\mail.c-airlaid Address . . . . . . . . : \\ Domain Guid . . . . . . : {4F6BFA88-B278-4410-B306-A2FFA6199F14} Domain Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid Forest Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid DC Site Name. . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Our Site Name . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Flags . . . . . . . . . : PDC emulator GC DS KDC TIMESERV GTIMESERV WRITABLE DNS_DC DNS_DOMAIN DNS_FOREST CLOSE_SITE 0x8 Find PDC emulator in domain 'C-AIRLAID': Found this PDC emulator in domain 'C-AIRLAID': DC. . . . . . . . . . . : \\mail.c-airlaid Address . . . . . . . . : \\ Domain Guid . . . . . . : {4F6BFA88-B278-4410-B306-A2FFA6199F14} Domain Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid Forest Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid DC Site Name. . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Our Site Name . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Flags . . . . . . . . . : PDC emulator GC DS KDC TIMESERV GTIMESERV WRITABLE DNS_DC DNS_DOMAIN DNS_FOREST CLOSE_SITE 0x8 Find Active Directory DC in domain 'C-AIRLAID': Found this Active Directory DC in domain 'C-AIRLAID': DC. . . . . . . . . . . : \\mail.c-airlaid Address . . . . . . . . : \\ Domain Guid . . . . . . : {4F6BFA88-B278-4410-B306-A2FFA6199F14} Domain Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid Forest Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid DC Site Name. . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Our Site Name . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Flags . . . . . . . . . : PDC emulator GC DS KDC TIMESERV GTIMESERV WRITABLE DNS_DC DNS_DOMAIN DNS_FOREST CLOSE_SITE 0x8 |
Отправлено: 12:00, 12-12-2006 | #4 |
Новый участник Сообщения: 17
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать вот полный dcdiag /v
Domain Controller Diagnosis Performing initial setup: * Verifying that the local machine mail, is a DC. * Connecting to directory service on server mail. * Collecting site info. * Identifying all servers. * Identifying all NC cross-refs. * Found 1 DC(s). Testing 1 of them. Done gathering initial info. Doing initial required tests Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\MAIL Starting test: Connectivity * Active Directory LDAP Services Check * Active Directory RPC Services Check ......................... MAIL passed test Connectivity Doing primary tests Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\MAIL Starting test: Replications * Replications Check * Replication Latency Check * Replication Site Latency Check ......................... MAIL passed test Replications Test omitted by user request: Topology Test omitted by user request: CutoffServers Starting test: NCSecDesc * Security Permissions check for all NC's on DC MAIL. * Security Permissions Check for DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=c-airlaid (NDNC,Version 2) * Security Permissions Check for DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=c-airlaid (NDNC,Version 2) * Security Permissions Check for CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid (Schema,Version 2) * Security Permissions Check for CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid (Configuration,Version 2) * Security Permissions Check for DC=c-airlaid (Domain,Version 2) ......................... MAIL passed test NCSecDesc Starting test: NetLogons * Network Logons Privileges Check Verified share \\MAIL\netlogon Verified share \\MAIL\sysvol ......................... MAIL passed test NetLogons Starting test: Advertising The DC MAIL is advertising itself as a DC and having a DS. The DC MAIL is advertising as an LDAP server The DC MAIL is advertising as having a writeable directory The DC MAIL is advertising as a Key Distribution Center The DC MAIL is advertising as a time server The DS MAIL is advertising as a GC. ......................... MAIL passed test Advertising Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders Role Schema Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Role Domain Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Role PDC Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Role Rid Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Role Infrastructure Update Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid ......................... MAIL passed test KnowsOfRoleHolders Starting test: RidManager * Available RID Pool for the Domain is 1603 to 1073741823 * mail.c-airlaid is the RID Master * DsBind with RID Master was successful * rIDAllocationPool is 1103 to 1602 * rIDPreviousAllocationPool is 1103 to 1602 * rIDNextRID: 1126 ......................... MAIL passed test RidManager Starting test: MachineAccount Checking machine account for DC MAIL on DC MAIL. * SPN found :LDAP/mail.c-airlaid/c-airlaid * SPN found :LDAP/mail.c-airlaid * SPN found :LDAP/MAIL * SPN found :LDAP/mail.c-airlaid/C-AIRLAID * SPN found :LDAP/3de7825b-d7c4-4fd1-9c8b-ba9b2c87c462._msdcs.c-airlaid * SPN found :E3514235-4B06-11D1-AB04-00C04FC2DCD2/3de7825b-d7c4-4fd1-9c8b-ba9b2c87c462/c-airlaid * SPN found :HOST/mail.c-airlaid/c-airlaid * SPN found :HOST/mail.c-airlaid * SPN found :HOST/MAIL * SPN found :HOST/mail.c-airlaid/C-AIRLAID * SPN found :GC/mail.c-airlaid/c-airlaid ......................... MAIL passed test MachineAccount Starting test: Services * Checking Service: Dnscache * Checking Service: NtFrs * Checking Service: IsmServ * Checking Service: kdc * Checking Service: SamSs * Checking Service: LanmanServer * Checking Service: LanmanWorkstation * Checking Service: RpcSs * Checking Service: w32time * Checking Service: NETLOGON ......................... MAIL passed test Services Test omitted by user request: OutboundSecureChannels Starting test: ObjectsReplicated MAIL is in domain DC=c-airlaid Checking for CN=MAIL,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=c-airlaid in domain DC=c-airlaid on 1 servers Object is up-to-date on all servers. Checking for CN=NTDS Settings,CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid in domain CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid on 1 servers Object is up-to-date on all servers. ......................... MAIL passed test ObjectsReplicated Starting test: frssysvol * The File Replication Service SYSVOL ready test File Replication Service's SYSVOL is ready ......................... MAIL passed test frssysvol Starting test: frsevent * The File Replication Service Event log test ......................... MAIL passed test frsevent Starting test: kccevent * The KCC Event log test Found no KCC errors in Directory Service Event log in the last 15 minutes. ......................... MAIL passed test kccevent Starting test: systemlog * The System Event log test Found no errors in System Event log in the last 60 minutes. ......................... MAIL passed test systemlog Test omitted by user request: VerifyReplicas Starting test: VerifyReferences The system object reference (serverReference) CN=MAIL,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=c-airlaid and backlink on CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid are correct. The system object reference (frsComputerReferenceBL) CN=MAIL,CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,DC=c-airlaid and backlink on CN=MAIL,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=c-airlaid are correct. The system object reference (serverReferenceBL) CN=MAIL,CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,DC=c-airlaid and backlink on CN=NTDS Settings,CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid are correct. ......................... MAIL passed test VerifyReferences Test omitted by user request: VerifyEnterpriseReferences Test omitted by user request: CheckSecurityError Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones Starting test: CrossRefValidation ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation Starting test: CheckSDRefDom ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones Starting test: CrossRefValidation ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation Starting test: CheckSDRefDom ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom Running partition tests on : Schema Starting test: CrossRefValidation ......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation Starting test: CheckSDRefDom ......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom Running partition tests on : Configuration Starting test: CrossRefValidation ......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation Starting test: CheckSDRefDom ......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom Running partition tests on : c-airlaid Starting test: CrossRefValidation ......................... c-airlaid passed test CrossRefValidation Starting test: CheckSDRefDom ......................... c-airlaid passed test CheckSDRefDom Running enterprise tests on : c-airlaid Starting test: Intersite Skipping site Default-First-Site-Name, this site is outside the scope provided by the command line arguments provided. ......................... c-airlaid passed test Intersite Starting test: FsmoCheck GC Name: \\mail.c-airlaid Locator Flags: 0xe00003fd PDC Name: \\mail.c-airlaid Locator Flags: 0xe00003fd Time Server Name: \\mail.c-airlaid Locator Flags: 0xe00003fd Preferred Time Server Name: \\mail.c-airlaid Locator Flags: 0xe00003fd KDC Name: \\mail.c-airlaid Locator Flags: 0xe00003fd ......................... c-airlaid passed test FsmoCheck Test omitted by user request: DNS Test omitted by user request: DNS |
Отправлено: 12:18, 12-12-2006 | #5 |
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Gathering IPX configuration information. Querying status of the Netcard drivers... Passed Testing Domain membership... Passed Gathering NetBT configuration information. Testing for autoconfiguration... Passed Testing IP loopback ping... Passed Testing default gateways... Passed Enumerating local and remote NetBT name cache... Passed Testing the WINS server Подключение по локальной сети There is no primary WINS server defined for this adapter. There is no secondary WINS server defined for this adapter. Gathering Winsock information. Testing DNS PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server ''. Testing redirector and browser... Passed Testing DC discovery. Looking for a DC Looking for a PDC emulator Looking for an Active Directory DC Gathering the list of Domain Controllers for domain 'C-AIRLAID' Testing trust relationships... Skipped Testing Kerberos authentication... Passed Testing LDAP servers in Domain C-AIRLAID ... Gathering routing information Gathering network statistics information. Gathering configuration of bindings. Gathering RAS connection information Gathering Modem information Gathering Netware information Gathering IP Security information Tests complete. Computer Name: MAIL DNS Host Name: mail.c-airlaid DNS Domain Name: c-airlaid System info : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (Build 3790) Processor : x86 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel Hotfixes : Installed? Name Yes Q147222 Netcard queries test . . . . . . . : Passed Information of Netcard drivers: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Прямой параллельный порт Device: \DEVICE\{60F13A5D-4775-4D5E-A681-DE8CA30FBFA8} GetStats failed for 'Прямой параллельный порт'. [ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Минипорт WAN (PPTP) Device: \DEVICE\{1BC715C0-2E83-4AF4-B142-C99FBB4996FC} Media State: Connected Device State: Connected Connect Time: 00:00:00 Media Speed: 0 bps Packets Sent: 0 Bytes Sent (Optional): 0 Packets Received: 0 Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 0 Bytes Received (Optional): 0 Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0 [WARNING] The net card 'Минипорт WAN (PPTP)' may not be working because it has not received any packets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Минипорт WAN (PPPoE) Device: \DEVICE\{13269D7A-684C-47AA-A469-C618ED8EBA32} Media State: Connected Device State: Connected Connect Time: 00:00:00 Media Speed: 0 bps Packets Sent: 0 Bytes Sent (Optional): 0 Packets Received: 0 Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 0 Bytes Received (Optional): 0 Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0 [WARNING] The net card 'Минипорт WAN (PPPoE)' may not be working because it has not received any packets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Минипорт WAN (IP) Device: \DEVICE\NDISWANIP Media State: Connected Device State: Connected Connect Time: 5 days, 22:44:31 Media Speed: 28 Kbps Packets Sent: 0 Bytes Sent (Optional): 0 Packets Received: 0 Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 0 Bytes Received (Optional): 0 Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0 [WARNING] The net card 'Минипорт WAN (IP)' may not be working because it has not received any packets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Минипорт WAN (L2TP) Device: \DEVICE\{EEC5A303-8027-448D-8E34-155EA975A5EE} GetStats failed for 'Минипорт WAN (L2TP)'. [ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Device: \DEVICE\{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} Media State: Connected Device State: Connected Connect Time: 5 days, 22:44:31 Media Speed: 100 Mbps Packets Sent: 633821 Bytes Sent (Optional): 0 Packets Received: 1407845 Directed Pkts Recd (Optional): 672807 Bytes Received (Optional): 0 Directed Bytes Recd (Optional): 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PASS] - At least one netcard is in the 'Connected' state. Per interface results: Adapter : Подключение по локальной сети Adapter ID . . . . . . . . : {3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} Netcard queries test . . . : Passed Adapter type . . . . . . . : Ethernet Host Name. . . . . . . . . : mail Description. . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Physical Address . . . . . : 00-17-31-9C-7B-0C Dhcp Enabled . . . . . . . : No DHCP ClassID . . . . . . . : Autoconfiguration Enabled. : Yes IP Address . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask. . . . . . . . : Default Gateway. . . . . . : Dns Servers. . . . . . . . : IpConfig results . . . . . : Passed AutoConfiguration results. . . . . . : Passed AutoConfiguration is not in use. Default gateway test . . . : Passed Pinging gateway - reachable At least one gateway reachable for this adapter. NetBT name test. . . . . . : Passed NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} MAIL <00> UNIQUE REGISTERED C-AIRLAID <1C> GROUP REGISTERED C-AIRLAID <00> GROUP REGISTERED MAIL <20> UNIQUE REGISTERED C-AIRLAID <1B> UNIQUE REGISTERED C-AIRLAID <1E> GROUP REGISTERED C-AIRLAID <1D> UNIQUE REGISTERED ..__MSBROWSE__.<01> GROUP REGISTERED [WARNING] At least one of the <00> 'WorkStation Service', <03> 'Messenger Service', <20> 'WINS' names is missing. NetBios Resolution : via DHCP Netbios Remote Cache Table Name Type HostAddress Life [sec] --------------------------------------------------------------- ADMIN <20> UNIQUE 390 ALEKSEEVA <20> UNIQUE 390 EDISON <20> UNIQUE 390 WINSERVER <00> UNIQUE 282 WINSERVER <20> UNIQUE 282 WINS service test. . . . . : Skipped There is no primary WINS server defined for this adapter. There is no secondary WINS server defined for this adapter. There are no WINS servers configured for this interface. IPX test : IPX is not installed on this machine. Global results: IP General configuration LMHOSTS Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes DNS for WINS resolution. . . . : Enabled Node Type. . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast NBT Scope ID . . . . . . . . . : Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No WINS Proxy Enabled . . . . . . : No DNS resolution for NETBIOS . . : No Domain membership test . . . . . . : Passed Machine is a . . . . . . . . . : Primary Domain Controller Emulator Netbios Domain name. . . . . . : C-AIRLAID Dns domain name. . . . . . . . : c-airlaid Dns forest name. . . . . . . . : c-airlaid Domain Guid. . . . . . . . . . : {4F6BFA88-B278-4410-B306-A2FFA6199F14} Domain Sid . . . . . . . . . . : S-1-5-21-3681732306-1937975300-3127679537 Logon User . . . . . . . . . . : администратор Logon Domain . . . . . . . . . : C-AIRLAID NetBT transports test. . . . . . . : Passed List of NetBt transports currently configured: NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} 1 NetBt transport currently configured. Autonet address test . . . . . . . : Passed PASS - you have at least one non-autoconfigured IP address IP loopback ping test. . . . . . . : Passed PASS - pinging IP loopback address was successful. Your IP stack is most probably OK. Default gateway test . . . . . . . : Passed PASS - you have at least one reachable gateway. NetBT name test. . . . . . . . . . : Passed No NetBT scope defined [WARNING] You don't have a single interface with the <00> 'WorkStation Service', <03> 'Messenger Service', <20> 'WINS' names defined. Winsock test . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed The number of protocols which have been reported : 10 Description: MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP] Provider Version :2 Max message size : Stream Oriented Description: MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP] Provider Version :2 Description: RSVP UDP Service Provider Provider Version :6 Description: RSVP TCP Service Provider Provider Version :6 Max message size : Stream Oriented Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4}] SEQPACKET 0 Provider Version :2 Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4}] DATAGRAM 0 Provider Version :2 Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{155D26DF-35CC-431E-9AA7-79E8E2C12731}] SEQPACKET 1 Provider Version :2 Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{155D26DF-35CC-431E-9AA7-79E8E2C12731}] DATAGRAM 1 Provider Version :2 Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{43D41F66-109D-432D-AC3F-81035ECAB99D}] SEQPACKET 2 Provider Version :2 Description: MSAFD NetBIOS [\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{43D41F66-109D-432D-AC3F-81035ECAB99D}] DATAGRAM 2 Provider Version :2 Max UDP size : 65507 bytes DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed Interface {3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} DNS Domain: DNS Servers: IP Address: Expected registration with PDN (primary DNS domain name): Hostname: mail.c-airlaid. Authoritative zone: c-airlaid. Primary DNS server: mail.c-airlaid Authoritative NS: Check the DNS registration for DCs entries on DNS server '' The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. The Record is correct on DNS server ''. PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server ''. Redir and Browser test . . . . . . : Passed List of transports currently bound to the Redir NetbiosSmb NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} The redir is bound to 1 NetBt transport. List of transports currently bound to the browser NetBT_Tcpip_{3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} The browser is bound to 1 NetBt transport. Mailslot test for C-AIRLAID* passed. DC discovery test. . . . . . . . . : Passed Find DC in domain 'C-AIRLAID': Found this DC in domain 'C-AIRLAID': DC. . . . . . . . . . . : \\mail.c-airlaid Address . . . . . . . . : \\ Domain Guid . . . . . . : {4F6BFA88-B278-4410-B306-A2FFA6199F14} Domain Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid Forest Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid DC Site Name. . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Our Site Name . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Flags . . . . . . . . . : PDC emulator GC DS KDC TIMESERV GTIMESERV WRITABLE DNS_DC DNS_DOMAIN DNS_FOREST CLOSE_SITE 0x8 Find PDC emulator in domain 'C-AIRLAID': Found this PDC emulator in domain 'C-AIRLAID': DC. . . . . . . . . . . : \\mail.c-airlaid Address . . . . . . . . : \\ Domain Guid . . . . . . : {4F6BFA88-B278-4410-B306-A2FFA6199F14} Domain Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid Forest Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid DC Site Name. . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Our Site Name . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Flags . . . . . . . . . : PDC emulator GC DS KDC TIMESERV GTIMESERV WRITABLE DNS_DC DNS_DOMAIN DNS_FOREST CLOSE_SITE 0x8 Find Active Directory DC in domain 'C-AIRLAID': Found this Active Directory DC in domain 'C-AIRLAID': DC. . . . . . . . . . . : \\mail.c-airlaid Address . . . . . . . . : \\ Domain Guid . . . . . . : {4F6BFA88-B278-4410-B306-A2FFA6199F14} Domain Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid Forest Name . . . . . . : c-airlaid DC Site Name. . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Our Site Name . . . . . : Default-First-Site-Name Flags . . . . . . . . . : PDC emulator GC DS KDC TIMESERV GTIMESERV WRITABLE DNS_DC DNS_DOMAIN DNS_FOREST CLOSE_SITE 0x8 DC list test . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed List of DCs in Domain 'C-AIRLAID': mail.c-airlaid Trust relationship test. . . . . . : Skipped Kerberos test. . . . . . . . . . . : Passed Cached Tickets: LDAP test. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Passed Do un-authenticated LDAP call to 'mail.c-airlaid'. Found 1 entries: Attr: currentTime Val: 17 20061212084210.0Z Attr: subschemaSubentry Val: 52 CN=Aggregate,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: dsServiceName Val: 101 CN=NTDS Settings,CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: namingContexts Val: 12 DC=c-airlaid Val: 29 CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Val: 39 CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Val: 30 DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=c-airlaid Val: 30 DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=c-airlaid Attr: defaultNamingContext Val: 12 DC=c-airlaid Attr: schemaNamingContext Val: 39 CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: configurationNamingContext Val: 29 CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: rootDomainNamingContext Val: 12 DC=c-airlaid Attr: supportedControl Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.801 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.528 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.417 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.619 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.841 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.529 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.521 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.970 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1338 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.474 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1339 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1340 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413 Val: 23 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9 Val: 24 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.10 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1504 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1852 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.802 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1907 Attr: supportedLDAPVersion Val: 1 3 Val: 1 2 Attr: supportedLDAPPolicies Val: 14 MaxPoolThreads Val: 15 MaxDatagramRecv Val: 16 MaxReceiveBuffer Val: 15 InitRecvTimeout Val: 14 MaxConnections Val: 15 MaxConnIdleTime Val: 11 MaxPageSize Val: 16 MaxQueryDuration Val: 16 MaxTempTableSize Val: 16 MaxResultSetSize Val: 22 MaxNotificationPerConn Val: 11 MaxValRange Attr: highestCommittedUSN Val: 5 15714 Attr: supportedSASLMechanisms Val: 6 GSSAPI Val: 10 GSS-SPNEGO Val: 8 EXTERNAL Val: 10 DIGEST-MD5 Attr: dnsHostName Val: 14 mail.c-airlaid Attr: ldapServiceName Val: 25 c-airlaid:mail$@C-AIRLAID Attr: serverName Val: 84 CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: supportedCapabilities Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.800 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1670 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1791 Attr: isSynchronized Val: 4 TRUE Attr: isGlobalCatalogReady Val: 4 TRUE Attr: domainFunctionality Val: 1 2 Attr: forestFunctionality Val: 1 0 Attr: domainControllerFunctionality Val: 1 2 |
Отправлено: 12:19, 12-12-2006 | #6 |
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Do NTLM authenticated LDAP call to 'mail.c-airlaid'. Found 1 entries: Attr: currentTime Val: 17 20061212084210.0Z Attr: subschemaSubentry Val: 52 CN=Aggregate,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: dsServiceName Val: 101 CN=NTDS Settings,CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: namingContexts Val: 12 DC=c-airlaid Val: 29 CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Val: 39 CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Val: 30 DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=c-airlaid Val: 30 DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=c-airlaid Attr: defaultNamingContext Val: 12 DC=c-airlaid Attr: schemaNamingContext Val: 39 CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: configurationNamingContext Val: 29 CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: rootDomainNamingContext Val: 12 DC=c-airlaid Attr: supportedControl Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.801 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.528 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.417 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.619 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.841 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.529 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.521 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.970 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1338 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.474 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1339 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1340 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413 Val: 23 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9 Val: 24 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.10 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1504 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1852 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.802 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1907 Attr: supportedLDAPVersion Val: 1 3 Val: 1 2 Attr: supportedLDAPPolicies Val: 14 MaxPoolThreads Val: 15 MaxDatagramRecv Val: 16 MaxReceiveBuffer Val: 15 InitRecvTimeout Val: 14 MaxConnections Val: 15 MaxConnIdleTime Val: 11 MaxPageSize Val: 16 MaxQueryDuration Val: 16 MaxTempTableSize Val: 16 MaxResultSetSize Val: 22 MaxNotificationPerConn Val: 11 MaxValRange Attr: highestCommittedUSN Val: 5 15714 Attr: supportedSASLMechanisms Val: 6 GSSAPI Val: 10 GSS-SPNEGO Val: 8 EXTERNAL Val: 10 DIGEST-MD5 Attr: dnsHostName Val: 14 mail.c-airlaid Attr: ldapServiceName Val: 25 c-airlaid:mail$@C-AIRLAID Attr: serverName Val: 84 CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: supportedCapabilities Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.800 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1670 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1791 Attr: isSynchronized Val: 4 TRUE Attr: isGlobalCatalogReady Val: 4 TRUE Attr: domainFunctionality Val: 1 2 Attr: forestFunctionality Val: 1 0 Attr: domainControllerFunctionality Val: 1 2 Do Negotiate authenticated LDAP call to 'mail.c-airlaid'. Found 1 entries: Attr: currentTime Val: 17 20061212084210.0Z Attr: subschemaSubentry Val: 52 CN=Aggregate,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: dsServiceName Val: 101 CN=NTDS Settings,CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: namingContexts Val: 12 DC=c-airlaid Val: 29 CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Val: 39 CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Val: 30 DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=c-airlaid Val: 30 DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=c-airlaid Attr: defaultNamingContext Val: 12 DC=c-airlaid Attr: schemaNamingContext Val: 39 CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: configurationNamingContext Val: 29 CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: rootDomainNamingContext Val: 12 DC=c-airlaid Attr: supportedControl Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.801 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.528 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.417 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.619 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.841 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.529 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.521 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.970 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1338 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.474 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1339 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1340 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413 Val: 23 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9 Val: 24 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.10 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1504 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1852 Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.802 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1907 Attr: supportedLDAPVersion Val: 1 3 Val: 1 2 Attr: supportedLDAPPolicies Val: 14 MaxPoolThreads Val: 15 MaxDatagramRecv Val: 16 MaxReceiveBuffer Val: 15 InitRecvTimeout Val: 14 MaxConnections Val: 15 MaxConnIdleTime Val: 11 MaxPageSize Val: 16 MaxQueryDuration Val: 16 MaxTempTableSize Val: 16 MaxResultSetSize Val: 22 MaxNotificationPerConn Val: 11 MaxValRange Attr: highestCommittedUSN Val: 5 15714 Attr: supportedSASLMechanisms Val: 6 GSSAPI Val: 10 GSS-SPNEGO Val: 8 EXTERNAL Val: 10 DIGEST-MD5 Attr: dnsHostName Val: 14 mail.c-airlaid Attr: ldapServiceName Val: 25 c-airlaid:mail$@C-AIRLAID Attr: serverName Val: 84 CN=MAIL,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=c-airlaid Attr: supportedCapabilities Val: 22 1.2.840.113556.1.4.800 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1670 Val: 23 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1791 Attr: isSynchronized Val: 4 TRUE Attr: isGlobalCatalogReady Val: 4 TRUE Attr: domainFunctionality Val: 1 2 Attr: forestFunctionality Val: 1 0 Attr: domainControllerFunctionality Val: 1 2 Registered Service Principal Names: NtFrs-88f5d2bd-b646-11d2-a6d3-00c04fc9b232/mail.c-airlaid ldap/mail.c-airlaid/ForestDnsZones.c-airlaid GC/mail.c-airlaid/c-airlaid HOST/MAIL HOST/mail.c-airlaid HOST/mail.c-airlaid/c-airlaid E3514235-4B06-11D1-AB04-00C04FC2DCD2/3de7825b-d7c4-4fd1-9c8b-ba9b2c87c462/c-airlaid ldap/3de7825b-d7c4-4fd1-9c8b-ba9b2c87c462._msdcs.c-airlaid ldap/MAIL ldap/mail.c-airlaid ldap/mail.c-airlaid/DomainDnsZones.c-airlaid ldap/mail.c-airlaid/c-airlaid DNS/mail.c-airlaid Routing table test . . . . . . . . : Passed Active Routes : Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 20 1 20 20 20 20 1 No persistent route entries. Netstat information test . . . . . : Passed Interface Statistics Received Sent Unicast Packets 411813797 310894134 Non-unicast packets 733626 6179 Discards 0 0 Errors 0 0 Unknown protocols 7462 458284 Interface index = 1 Description = MS TCP Loopback interface Type = 24 MTU = 1520 Speed = 10000000 Physical Address = 00-00-00-00-00-00 Administrative Status = 1 Operational Status = 1 Last Changed = 1087011315 Output Queue Length = 0 Interface index = 65539 Description = Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Type = 6 MTU = 1500 Speed = 100000000 Physical Address = 00-17-31-9C-7B-0C Administrative Status = 1 Operational Status = 1 Last Changed = 1087011317 Output Queue Length = 0 Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP mail:smtp mail.c-airlaid:138 LISTENING TCP mail:domain mail.c-airlaid:4220 LISTENING TCP mail:http mail.c-airlaid:36947 LISTENING TCP mail:kerberos mail.c-airlaid:14339 LISTENING TCP mail:pop3 mail.c-airlaid:39054 LISTENING TCP mail:epmap mail.c-airlaid:10252 LISTENING TCP mail:imap mail.c-airlaid:6222 LISTENING TCP mail:ldap mail.c-airlaid:38958 LISTENING TCP mail:https mail.c-airlaid:59596 LISTENING TCP mail:microsoft-ds mail.c-airlaid:22727 LISTENING TCP mail:kpasswd mail.c-airlaid:16483 LISTENING TCP mail:http-rpc-epmap mail.c-airlaid:59452 LISTENING TCP mail:ldaps mail.c-airlaid:12505 LISTENING TCP mail:1025 mail.c-airlaid:45173 LISTENING TCP mail:1027 mail.c-airlaid:24697 LISTENING TCP mail:1040 mail.c-airlaid:8308 LISTENING TCP mail:1050 mail.c-airlaid:16556 LISTENING TCP mail:msft-gc mail.c-airlaid:49400 LISTENING TCP mail:msft-gc-ssl mail.c-airlaid:53485 LISTENING TCP mail:ms-wbt-server mail.c-airlaid:2160 LISTENING TCP mail:44337 mail.c-airlaid:22651 LISTENING TCP mail:ldap mail.c-airlaid:1032 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:ldap mail.c-airlaid:1035 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:ldap mail.c-airlaid:1036 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:ldap mail.c-airlaid:1045 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:1025 mail.c-airlaid:1053 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:1032 mail.c-airlaid:ldap ESTABLISHED TCP mail:1035 mail.c-airlaid:ldap ESTABLISHED TCP mail:1036 mail.c-airlaid:ldap ESTABLISHED TCP mail:1045 mail.c-airlaid:ldap ESTABLISHED TCP mail:1053 mail.c-airlaid:1025 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:2205 mail.c-airlaid:ldap CLOSE_WAIT TCP mail:2208 mail.c-airlaid:ldap CLOSE_WAIT TCP mail:2209 mail.c-airlaid:ldap CLOSE_WAIT TCP mail:netbios-ssn mail.c-airlaid:8314 LISTENING TCP mail:ldap mail.c-airlaid:1684 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:ldap mail.c-airlaid:2545 TIME_WAIT TCP mail:ldap mail.c-airlaid:2546 TIME_WAIT TCP mail:ldap mail.c-airlaid:2547 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:ldap mail.c-airlaid:2548 TIME_WAIT TCP mail:1025 mail.c-airlaid:1218 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:1025 mail.c-airlaid:1468 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:1025 ADMIN:2026 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:1218 mail.c-airlaid:1025 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:1468 mail.c-airlaid:1025 ESTABLISHED TCP mail:1684 mail.c-airlaid:ldap ESTABLISHED TCP mail:2400 mail.c-airlaid:1025 TIME_WAIT TCP mail:2505 pop1.masterhost.ru:pop3 TIME_WAIT TCP mail:2506 pop1.masterhost.ru:pop3 TIME_WAIT TCP mail:2541 mail.c-airlaid:epmap TIME_WAIT TCP mail:2542 mail.c-airlaid:1025 TIME_WAIT TCP mail:2543 ALEKSEEVA:netbios-ssn TIME_WAIT TCP mail:2545 mail.c-airlaid:ldap TIME_WAIT TCP mail:2547 mail.c-airlaid:ldap ESTABLISHED TCP mail:2549 mail.c-airlaid:epmap TIME_WAIT TCP mail:2550 mail.c-airlaid:1025 TIME_WAIT TCP mail:ms-wbt-server EDISON:4455 ESTABLISHED UDP mail:microsoft-ds *:* UDP mail:isakmp *:* UDP mail:1029 *:* UDP mail:1034 *:* UDP mail:1039 *:* UDP mail:1043 *:* UDP mail:2963 *:* UDP mail:ipsec-msft *:* UDP mail:44337 *:* UDP mail:domain *:* UDP mail:ntp *:* UDP mail:1031 *:* UDP mail:1033 *:* UDP mail:1041 *:* UDP mail:1044 *:* UDP mail:1222 *:* UDP mail:1249 *:* UDP mail:1284 *:* UDP mail:2395 *:* UDP mail:2536 *:* UDP mail:2544 *:* UDP mail:domain *:* UDP mail:kerberos *:* UDP mail:ntp *:* UDP mail:netbios-ns *:* UDP mail:netbios-dgm *:* UDP mail:389 *:* UDP mail:kpasswd *:* |
Отправлено: 12:22, 12-12-2006 | #7 |
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IP Statistics Packets Received = 2*192*712 Received Header Errors = 0 Received Address Errors = 207 Datagrams Forwarded = 0 Unknown Protocols Received = 0 Received Packets Discarded = 67 Received Packets Delivered = 2*192*436 Output Requests = 1*478*588 Routing Discards = 0 Discarded Output Packets = 0 Output Packet No Route = 0 Reassembly Required = 4 Reassembly Successful = 2 Reassembly Failures = 0 Datagrams successfully fragmented = 2 Datagrams failing fragmentation = 0 Fragments Created = 4 Forwarding = 2 Default TTL = 128 Reassembly timeout = 60 TCP Statistics Active Opens = 16*022 Passive Opens = 25*611 Failed Connection Attempts = 6 Reset Connections = 292 Current Connections = 23 Received Segments = 1*187*272 Segment Sent = 1*141*301 Segment Retransmitted = 1*110 Retransmission Timeout Algorithm = vanj Minimum Retransmission Timeout = 300 Maximum Retransmission Timeout = 120*000 Maximum Number of Connections = -1 UDP Statistics Datagrams Received = 962*800 No Ports = 24*116 Receive Errors = 31 Datagrams Sent = 296*316 ICMP Statistics Received Sent Messages 39*892 39*892 Errors 0 0 Destination Unreachable 37 37 Time Exceeded 29 29 Parameter Problems 0 0 Source Quenchs 0 0 Redirects 0 0 Echos 20*854 20*854 Echo Replies 18*972 18*972 Timestamps 0 0 Timestamp Replies 0 0 Address Masks 0 0 Address Mask Replies 0 0 Bindings test. . . . . . . . . . . : Passed Component Name : NDIS-протокол ввода-вывода пользовательского режима Bind Name: Ndisuio Binding Paths: Owner of the binding path : NDIS-протокол ввода-вывода пользовательского режима Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: ndis5 Upper Component: NDIS-протокол ввода-вывода пользовательского режима Lower Component: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Component Name : Протокол точка-точка по Ethernet Bind Name: RasPppoe Binding Paths: Owner of the binding path : Протокол точка-точка по Ethernet Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: ndis5 Upper Component: Протокол точка-точка по Ethernet Lower Component: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Component Name : Туннельный протокол точка-точка Bind Name: mspptp Binding Paths: Component Name : Туннельный протокол уровня 2 Bind Name: msl2tp Binding Paths: Component Name : NDIS-драйвер WAN удаленного доступа Bind Name: NdisWan Binding Paths: Owner of the binding path : NDIS-драйвер WAN удаленного доступа Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: ndiscowan Upper Component: NDIS-драйвер WAN удаленного доступа Lower Component: Прямой параллельный порт Owner of the binding path : NDIS-драйвер WAN удаленного доступа Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: ndiswan Upper Component: NDIS-драйвер WAN удаленного доступа Lower Component: Минипорт WAN (PPPoE) Owner of the binding path : NDIS-драйвер WAN удаленного доступа Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: ndiswan Upper Component: NDIS-драйвер WAN удаленного доступа Lower Component: Минипорт WAN (PPTP) Owner of the binding path : NDIS-драйвер WAN удаленного доступа Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: ndiscowan Upper Component: NDIS-драйвер WAN удаленного доступа Lower Component: Минипорт WAN (L2TP) Owner of the binding path : NDIS-драйвер WAN удаленного доступа Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: ndiswanasync Upper Component: NDIS-драйвер WAN удаленного доступа Lower Component: RAS асинхронный адаптер Component Name : Протокол сообщений TCP/IP (сеанс SMB) Bind Name: NetbiosSmb Binding Paths: Component Name : Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) Bind Name: NetBT Binding Paths: Owner of the binding path : Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: tdi Upper Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: ndis5 Upper Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Owner of the binding path : Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: tdi Upper Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: ndiswanip Upper Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Минипорт WAN (IP) Component Name : Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Bind Name: Tcpip Binding Paths: Owner of the binding path : Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: ndis5 Upper Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Owner of the binding path : Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: ndiswanip Upper Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Минипорт WAN (IP) Component Name : Клиент для сетей Microsoft Bind Name: LanmanWorkstation Binding Paths: Owner of the binding path : Клиент для сетей Microsoft Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: netbios_smb Upper Component: Клиент для сетей Microsoft Lower Component: Протокол сообщений TCP/IP (сеанс SMB) Owner of the binding path : Клиент для сетей Microsoft Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: netbios Upper Component: Клиент для сетей Microsoft Lower Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: tdi Upper Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: ndis5 Upper Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Owner of the binding path : Клиент для сетей Microsoft Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: netbios Upper Component: Клиент для сетей Microsoft Lower Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: tdi Upper Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: ndiswanip Upper Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Минипорт WAN (IP) Component Name : Веб-клиент Bind Name: WebClient Binding Paths: Component Name : Беспроводная настройка Bind Name: wzcsvc Binding Paths: Component Name : Балансировка нагрузки сети Bind Name: Wlbs Binding Paths: Owner of the binding path : Балансировка нагрузки сети Binding Enabled: No Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: ndis5 Upper Component: Балансировка нагрузки сети Lower Component: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Component Name : Сервер маршрутизации и удаленного доступа Bind Name: RemoteAccess Binding Paths: Component Name : Сервер удаленного доступа Bind Name: msrassrv Binding Paths: Component Name : Диспетчер подключений удаленного доступа Bind Name: RasMan Binding Paths: Component Name : Клиент удаленного доступа Bind Name: msrascli Binding Paths: Component Name : Служба доступа к файлам и принтерам сетей Microsoft Bind Name: LanmanServer Binding Paths: Owner of the binding path : Служба доступа к файлам и принтерам сетей Microsoft Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: netbios_smb Upper Component: Служба доступа к файлам и принтерам сетей Microsoft Lower Component: Протокол сообщений TCP/IP (сеанс SMB) Owner of the binding path : Служба доступа к файлам и принтерам сетей Microsoft Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: netbios Upper Component: Служба доступа к файлам и принтерам сетей Microsoft Lower Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: tdi Upper Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: ndis5 Upper Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Owner of the binding path : Служба доступа к файлам и принтерам сетей Microsoft Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: netbios Upper Component: Служба доступа к файлам и принтерам сетей Microsoft Lower Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: tdi Upper Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: ndiswanip Upper Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Минипорт WAN (IP) Component Name : Интерфейс NetBIOS Bind Name: NetBIOS Binding Paths: Owner of the binding path : Интерфейс NetBIOS Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: netbios Upper Component: Интерфейс NetBIOS Lower Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: tdi Upper Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: ndis5 Upper Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Owner of the binding path : Интерфейс NetBIOS Binding Enabled: Yes Interfaces of the binding path: -Interface Name: netbios Upper Component: Интерфейс NetBIOS Lower Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: tdi Upper Component: Протокол клиента WINS (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) -Interface Name: ndiswanip Upper Component: Протокол Интернета (TCP/IP) Lower Component: Минипорт WAN (IP) Component Name : Общий классификатор пакетов Bind Name: Gpc Binding Paths: Component Name : Шлюз уровня приложения Bind Name: ALG Binding Paths: Component Name : Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC Bind Name: {3D412B11-8C29-49A9-BFD3-67A3B80D30F4} Binding Paths: Component Name : Минипорт WAN (IP) Bind Name: NdisWanIp Binding Paths: Component Name : Прямой параллельный порт Bind Name: {60F13A5D-4775-4D5E-A681-DE8CA30FBFA8} Binding Paths: Component Name : Минипорт WAN (PPPoE) Bind Name: {13269D7A-684C-47AA-A469-C618ED8EBA32} Binding Paths: Component Name : Минипорт WAN (PPTP) Bind Name: {1BC715C0-2E83-4AF4-B142-C99FBB4996FC} Binding Paths: Component Name : Минипорт WAN (L2TP) Bind Name: {EEC5A303-8027-448D-8E34-155EA975A5EE} Binding Paths: Component Name : RAS асинхронный адаптер Bind Name: {0230FBC9-F932-4B39-AE73-4A8063BFD3A2} Binding Paths: WAN configuration test . . . . . . : Skipped No active remote access connections. Modem diagnostics test . . . . . . : Passed IP Security test . . . . . . . . . : Skipped Note: run "netsh ipsec dynamic show /?" for more detailed information The command completed successfully |
Отправлено: 12:23, 12-12-2006 | #8 |
Ветеран Сообщения: 666
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать измени настройки предпочитаемого ДНС сервера на 192,168,0,1
------- Отправлено: 12:36, 12-12-2006 | #9 |
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да кстати присоединяемый сервер и есть, он же шлюз и инет. |
Отправлено: 12:56, 12-12-2006 | #10 |
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[решено] не хочет запускатся служба "сервер" (w2k) | gotanda_rus | Microsoft Windows NT/2000/2003 | 26 | 16-08-2006 03:18 | |
Windows 2003 SE никак не хочет присоединяться к домену | basilius | Microsoft Windows NT/2000/2003 | 4 | 07-12-2005 16:52 | |
[решено] Как подключить клиентов Windows 9x/ME/NT к домену Windows Server 2k3? | SuperBoss | Microsoft Windows NT/2000/2003 | 36 | 16-11-2005 15:58 | |
[решено] При добавлении к домену - Сервер не может выполнить требуемую операцию | gults | Microsoft Windows NT/2000/2003 | 12 | 26-09-2005 08:30 | |
[решено] Добавление Windows 2003 к домену 2000 (рядовой сервер, контроллер домена) | Borzov | Microsoft Windows NT/2000/2003 | 46 | 05-09-2005 09:51 |