Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)
Opt("SendKeyDelay", 200)
; Executable file name
$EXECUTABLE = "Setup32.exe"
; I already purchase a license
$license = 0
; User name
$Username = ""
; License code
$Licensecode = ""
; Add desktop icon
$desktopicon = 0
; Add Quick Launch icon
$QuickLaunchicon = 0
; Make Babylon my default search engine
$searchengine = 0
; Make Babylon Search my home page
$homepage = 0
; Install Babylon toolbar
$toolbar = 0
; Installation folder
$INSTALLLOCATION = @ProgramFilesDir & "\Babylon\Babylon-Pro"
; Choose Activation Mouse Button (only one of the three next variables must be equal with 1!)
; Right Mouse Button + Ctrl
$RightMouseButtonCtrl = 1
; Right Mouse Button + Shift
$RightMouseButtonShift = 0
; Middle Mouse Button
$MiddleMouseButton = 0
; Babylon Updates (if you want to receive Babylon updates then set the next variable equal with 1 and enter your email address below inside quotes)
$Updates = 0
; Email address (if you want to receive Babylon updates, enter your email address below inside quotes)
$Email = ""
; LingoZ by Babylon desktop shortcut
$LingoZshortcut = 0
; Run Babylon at Windows startup
$startup = 0
If FileExists($INSTALLLOCATION & "\Babylon.exe") Then
MsgBox(0x40010, @ScriptName, "Please uninstall previous version of Babylon before using this script", 4)
; Please read the following License Agreement.
WinWaitActive("Software License Agreement", "Please read the following License Agreement.")
ControlClick("Software License Agreement", "", "Button1")
; Choose installation type:
WinWaitActive("Installation Type", "Choose installation type:")
ControlCommand("Installation Type", "", "Button2", "Check", "")
If $desktopicon = 0 Then
ControlCommand("Installation Type", "", "Button3", "UnCheck", "")
If $QuickLaunchicon = 0 Then
ControlCommand("Installation Type", "", "Button4", "UnCheck", "")
If $searchengine = 0 Then
ControlCommand("Installation Type", "", "Button5", "UnCheck", "")
If $homepage = 0 Then
ControlCommand("Installation Type", "", "Button6", "UnCheck", "")
If $toolbar = 0 Then
ControlCommand("Installation Type", "", "Button7", "UnCheck", "")
ControlSetText("Installation Type", "", "Edit1", "")
ControlSetText("Installation Type", "", "Edit1", $INSTALLLOCATION)
ControlClick("Installation Type", "", "Button10")
; Choose Activation Mouse Button
WinWaitActive("Setup Complete", "Choose Activation Mouse Button")
If $RightMouseButtonShift = 1 Then
ControlCommand("Setup Complete", "", "Button3", "Check", "")
If $MiddleMouseButton = 1 Then
ControlCommand("Setup Complete", "", "Button4", "Check", "")
If $Updates = 0 Then
ControlCommand("Setup Complete", "", "Button6", "UnCheck", "")
If $Updates = 1 Then
ControlSetText("Setup Complete", "", "Edit1", "")
ControlSetText("Setup Complete", "", "Edit1", $Email)
ControlCommand("Setup Complete", "", "Button7", "UnCheck", "")
ControlClick("Setup Complete", "", "Button8")
; Delete LingoZ by Babylon.lnk
If $LingoZshortcut = 0 Then
FileDelete(@DesktopCommonDir & "\LingoZ by Babylon.lnk")
; Prevent Babylon Client to run at Windows startup
If $startup = 0 Then
RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "Babylon Client")
Распаковываем (перепаковываем) дистрибутив, складываем в одну папку с ним нужные словари и скомпилированный скрипт.
Если нужно включаем $license, и вводим регистрационный ключ.
Сразу предупреждаю что установка должна происходить с жесткого диска.
Отвечаю сам на свой вопрос: возможно.
Просто перепаковываем в SFX с параметром установщика - Setup32.exe -S. Все необходимые словари можно сложить рядом - они подхватятся автоматически.
После выполняем команды (указаны для моей конфигурации):
TASKKILL /F /IM Firefox.exe
TASKKILL /F /IM iexplore.exe
DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Рабочий стол\Babylon.lnk"
DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Рабочий стол\LingoZ by Babylon.lnk"
DEL "%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\babylon.xml"
Осталась одна маленькая(?) проблема - регистрация.