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Компьютерный форум OSzone.net » Информационная безопасность » Защита компьютерных систем » Обновление Symantec Antivirus 2006

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Обновление Symantec Antivirus 2006

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Такая проблема- есть сервер на котором установлен Symantec Antivirus 2006, и соответственно центр. есть рабочие станции под тем же антивирусом. Станции обновляют базы антивируса без проблем, а вот сервер не обновляется. запустил обновление вручную для сервера- коннектится к сайту с обновлениями, заходит на него, находит что скачивать, видит его размер, начинает скачивать и выдает следующее сообщение:

[i]Downloading Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Server (1 of 1), failed.
LU1835: The LiveUpdate server failed to respond in a reasonable amount of time. This could happen because you could not connect to the server, the server is now unavailable, or you became disconnected to the server. Try running LiveUpdate again.

Downloading failed, error summary...
LU1835: The LiveUpdate server failed to respond in a reasonable amount of time. This could happen because you could not connect to the server, the server is now unavailable, or you became disconnected to the server. Try running LiveUpdate again.

LiveUpdate session is complete.

Собственно весь лог:

The following Symantec products and components are installed on your computer.
> LiveUpdate
> Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Server

Connecting to liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com...

Downloading catalog file (1 of 2), complete.
Opening update list
The digital signature found on the catalog file has been signed by Symantec Corporation.
Processing update list
Opening update list
Processing update list
Downloading catalog file (2 of 2), complete.
Opening update list
The digital signature found on the catalog file has been signed by Symantec Corporation.
Processing update list
Opening update list
Processing update list

The following updates have been found:
> Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Server, 13463.6 KB
Total Download 13463.6 KB

Downloading Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Server (1 of 1), failed.
LU1835: The LiveUpdate server failed to respond in a reasonable amount of time. This could happen because you could not connect to the server, the server is now unavailable, or you became disconnected to the server. Try running LiveUpdate again.

Downloading failed, error summary...
LU1835: The LiveUpdate server failed to respond in a reasonable amount of time. This could happen because you could not connect to the server, the server is now unavailable, or you became disconnected to the server. Try running LiveUpdate again.

LiveUpdate session is complete.

Подскажите пожайлуйста как обновить антивирус.

Отправлено: 09:54, 25-10-2006


Новый участник

Сообщения: 19
Благодарности: 0

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Неужели ни кому такого не приходилось? 8-0

Отправлено: 15:05, 25-10-2006 | #2

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