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Все вопросы по прошивке BIOS системных плат

Ушел из жизни

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Автор: Ment69
Дата: 18-11-2013
BIOS - (basic input-output system) базовая система ввода вывода. — небольшая программа, находящаяся на ПЗУ (постоянном запоминающем устройстве) и отвечающая за самые базовые функции интерфейса и настройки оборудования, на котором она установлена. Подробнее здесь или здесь
BIOS проверяет устройства на работоспособность и передает управление компьютером загрузчику операционной системы.

При появившемся желании перепрошить BIOS, необходимо посетить сайт производителя системной платы (ноутбука) ссылки Проверить историю биос, находящуюся там же, там указано какие изменения произошли в новых версиях. На основании этой информации и принимаем решении о перепрошивки новой версии биос.

Приведу примеры: в 1005 версии прошивки для ASUS P4P800 SE появилось "Support Prescott CPU with locked frequency" поддержка процессоров с ядром пресскот. В данном случае прошивка имеет смысл если у вас процессор с данным ядром, если у вас старичок nortwood, не стоит дергаться.

Важно: В последней версии прошивки содержатся все предыдущие исправления!

Beta версия может испортить работу вашей системной платы, то есть прошиваете вы её на своё страх и риск!

При прошивке биоса системной платы, убедитесь что питание случайно не отключится!!!

Методы перепрошивки:
Asus и Gigabyte имеют встроенную функцию перепрошивки биоса.
Функция ASUS EZ Flash применяется для легкого обновления BIOS , без прохождения через длинный процесс загрузки с дискеты и использования DOS -утилит. EZ Flash встроенна в BIOS , так что доступна простым нажатием клавиш " Alt " + " F 2" во время POST ( Тест-При-Включении ).
Подробнее тут
Gigabyte: Q-Flash

Прошивка с помощью загрузочной дискеты: Качаем отсюда Windows 98 SE OEM файл, вставляем дискету в дисковод и запускаем скачанный файл. Так мы получим загрузочную дискету. Удалить не нужные файлы, оставив только необходимые (т.е. только файлы io.sys, msdos.sys и command.com) и записать на неё файл с прошивкой (bios.bin), сам прошивальщик (awdflash.exe) и autoexec.bat с соответствующей командной строкой внутри:

- для Award: "awdflash bios.bin /cd/cp/py/sn/f/r"

- для AMI: "amiflash amibios.rom /b /n /-o /-c /-d /-r /v /-i /-k /-e /-g"

Способ восстановления от MSI

Функция восстановления BIOS'а


Переименуйте требуемый файл AMI BIOS'а в AMIBOOT.ROM и сохраните его на флоппи диске. Например, переименуйте A569MS23.ROM в AMIBOOT.ROM.
Вставьте этот флоппи диск во флоппи дисковод. Включите систему, нажмите и удерживайте Ctrl-Home для обновления bios'а. При этом будет считываться файл AMIBOOT.ROM и восстанавливаться BIOS с устройства A.
Услышав 4 звуковых сигнала (бип), Вы можете вынуть диск и перезагрузить компьютер.
для Award BIOS

Сделайте загрузочную флоппи дискетту
Скопируйте flash утилиту Award'а и файл BIOS'а на вышеупомянутую флоппи дискетту
Создайте autoexec.bat, содержащий "утилиту-прошщивальщик имя_файла_bios'а". (Например: "awdfl823K w6378vms.130") Пример создания autoexec:
a. В ОС Windows откройте notepad
b. В notepad'е наберите "awdfl823K w6378vms.130" (без кавычек)
c. Схраните файл с именем autoexec.bat
Загрузите систему с этой дискетты (может потребоваться более 2 минут, прежде чем на экране что-то появится).
Перепрограммируйте BIOS и перезапуститесь.
Спасибо GenAleks

ВНИМАНИЕ ознакомьтесь, прежде чем создать тему! Процессор - мозг компьютера, блок питания - сердце и печень.

Отправлено: 13:57, 27-04-2009


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Где можно найти обновление БИОСа подскажите пожалуйста! На официальном сайте обновлений нет.
Тип BIOS: Award
Версия BIOS: 02/08/2007 For MCP61S Chipset
Тип Award BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
Сообщение Award BIOS:02/08/2007 For MCP61S Chipset
Дата системной BIOS: 02/08/07
ID системной платы: 02/08/2007-NF-MCP61-6A61HPAOC-00
Системная плата: Epox EP-AGF6110-M

Век живи, Век учись!!!

Отправлено: 21:17, 28-04-2009 | #2

Для отключения данного рекламного блока вам необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти с учетной записью социальной сети.

Если же вы забыли свой пароль на форуме, то воспользуйтесь данной ссылкой для восстановления пароля.

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Цитата Lex-id:
На официальном сайте обновлений нет. »
А свежее прошивки нет в природе!! Кроме производителя, написанием прошивок никто не занимается.

ВНИМАНИЕ ознакомьтесь, прежде чем создать тему! Процессор - мозг компьютера, блок питания - сердце и печень.

Это сообщение посчитали полезным следующие участники:

Отправлено: 22:04, 28-04-2009 | #3

Аватара для Angry Demon

Крылатый ужас


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Цитата Ment69:
...написанием прошивок никто не занимается.
Точнее, занимается, но за такие услуги зачастую придётся выложит стоимость нескольких материнских плат.

- Пал Андреич, Вы шпион?
- Видишь ли, Юра...

Здесь можно скачать драйверы

Сообщение оказалось полезным? Поблагодарите автора, нажав ссылку Полезное сообщение чуть ниже.

Отправлено: 07:57, 29-04-2009 | #4

Новый участник

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Спасибо и на этом! Жалко плату хороша она для оверлока

Век живи, Век учись!!!

Отправлено: 13:08, 29-04-2009 | #5

Аватара для J7BXA


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Это снова я со своим барахлом. На этот раз возникли затруднения с перепрошивкой БИОСа все на той же Jetway 7BXA. На офф сайте нашел более новую версию прошивки (ftp://ftp.jetway.com.tw/d7bx.htm), ну, естественно, и AWDFlash.exe (v.8.38 вроде).
Создал я загрузочную дискету и оставил 3 файла. Закинул прошивку и прошивальщик. Загрузился и сохранил старый БИОС. Затем собирался залить новый с ключами, а он начал ругаться всякими непристойностями: "The program file's part number does not match with your system!". И правду сказал, у меня старый БИОС получился в 300+КБ, а те, которые по ссылке всего лишь 128КБ. Да и на офф сайте эта ошибка описывается как "защита при несовпадении байт" (дословно не помню, так как тоже по-английски).
Как я только не пытался залить его (A:\>awdflash 7bxa2c01.bin /sn/py/cc/r или A:\>awdflash a:\7bxa2c01.bin /sn/pn/cc/r) ничего не помогало (вылетало вышеописанное предупреждение, которое не давало шиться). Но закинув практически все ключи (+ wb/ld) мне выдало другое сообщение, со смыслом: "БИОС защищен от записи перемычкой". На что в мануале никаких перемычек не прописано.

читать дальше »
Chapter 1
Features of This Motherboard 1
Chapter 2
Installation 3
2-1 Map of the Motherboard 3
2-2 Installation Steps 5
2-2-1 Jumper Settings 5
2-2-2 System Memory (DRAM) 7
2-3 Central processing Unit (CPU) 8
2-4 Expansion Cards 9
2-5 External Connectors 10
Chapter 3
Only in J-7BXA/L 24
3-4-1 The Description of the Power Management 26
3-4-2 Description of the Green Functions 27
3-13 I/O & MEMORY MAP 36
3-16 RTC & CMOS RAM MAP 39
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
NEW Funtion for J-7BXA ,J-7BXA/L Keyboard Password/Hot-Key Power On

Chapter 1
Features of This Motherboard
The J-7BXA or J-7BXA/L is designed for the PC user who wants a great many features in a small package. This motherboard:
• Easy Installation: Is equipped with BIOS supports auto detection of hard drives and plug and play to make setup of hard drives and expansion cards virtually automatic.
• Intel chipset: Intel’s 440BX PCI/AGPset with I/O subsystems.
• Multi-Speed Support: Supports Intel Pentium II processor optimized Deshutimized at bus frequewcy, from 233MHz to 450MHz on a Slot-1.
• DRAM Memory Support: Support 3x168-pin DIMMs (3.3V either EDO or SDRAM) of 16MB, 32MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB from a memory size between 16MB to768MB.
• AGP, ISA and PCI Expansion Slots: Provides an AGP slot, three 16-bit ISA slots, and four 32-bit PCI slots.
• Super Multi-I/O: Provides two high-Speed UART compatible serial ports and one parallel port with EPP and ECP capabilities. Two floppy drives of either 5.25” or 3.5” (1.44MB or 2.88MB) are also supported without an external card.
• PCI Bus Master IDE Controller and ULTRA DMA 33: On-board PCI Bus Master IDE controller with two connectors that supports four IDE devices in two channels, provides faster data transfer rates, and supports Enhanced IDE devices such as Tape Backup, CD-ROM drives and LS-120. This controller also supports PIO Modes 3 and 4 and Bus Master IDE DMA 33Mbyte/Sec.
• Bundle with “TRIONES” ULTRA DMA 33 Driver to improve IDE transfer rate for up to 33Mbyte/sec.
• ACPI supporting for OS Directed Power Management.
Ring-ln Wake up: When Ring-In the system can wake up from SMI Mode.
Ring-ln Power On: When Ring-In the system can power on automatic by this function.
RTC Power On: Enabled RTC Power On function, you can setting RTC alarm to power on the system at the time length you setting.
Power Button: Press the button will place the system power on/off.
CPU fan auto-stopping when in suspend mode.
Support Software Power Off function.
• Power Support: Efficient PWM switching power instead of traditional Linear Voltage Regulator to prevent power component from being burned-out.
• PC 97 ready
• PS/2 Mouse: This motherboard support PS/2 mouse set.
• USB Port Connector: This motherboard supports two USB port connectors for USB devices.
• ATX Form Factor: Dimensions 30.5cm x 19cm.
• Optional IrDA: This motherboard supports an optional infrared port module for wireless interface, with independent 3rd UART (32-byte FIFO).
• Fans: Support three Extra fan connectors to evacuate the heat from CPU, and the heat within the computer case.
• AGP: Accelerated Graphics Port, for to 533MB/sec data transfer rate and 66MHz Bus clock to improve graphic functions.
• Support Password/Hot-key keyboard Power On function: User can select Power On method by using button, password or hot-key or PS/2 mouse Left/Right button in the BIOS SETUP.
• PC Health Monitoring: (Only in J-7BXA/L)
To track PC CPU temperature, system temperature, system voltage and fan speed. When CPU current temperature is over CPU warning temperature, system will slow down automatically to reduce the CPU’s temperature.

Chapter 2

2-1 Map of the Motherboard

Figure 2-1

1) JP2 p. 5 Flash ROM voltage Setting (Yellow color selector)
2) U12 p. 5 DIP Switch for CPU Type Selection
3) JP1 p. 6 CMOS RAM (Normal/Clear CMOS Data) (Yellow color selector)
4) J10 p. 6 CPU clk 66MHZ/100MHZ Selector

1) PL1 p. 10 ATX Power connector (20-pins Block)
2) CN1 p. 11 PS/2 Mouse & PS/2 Keyboard connector
(6-pins Female)
3) CN3 p. 11 Parallel Port connector (25-pins Female)
4) CN2, CN4 p. 11 Serial Port COMA & COMB (9-pins Male)
5) FDD p. 12 Floppy Driver connector (34-pins Block)
6) IDE0 p. 12 Primary IDE connector (40-pins Block)
7) IDE1 p. 13 Secondary IDE connector (40-pins Block)
8) SMI (J5 2&4) p. 13 SMI suspend Switch lead (4-pins)
9) HDLED (J5 1&3) p. 14 IDE activity LED connector (4-pins)
10) TBLED p. 14 Turbo LED switch (3-pins)
11) RST p. 14 Reset Switch lead (2-pins)
12) KEYLOCK p. 14 Keyboard Lock Switch (5-pins)
13) SPEAKER p. 14 Speaker connector (4-pins)
14) J7 p. 15 Infrared Module connector (5-pins)
15) J1 p. 15 USB Port connector
16) CPUFAN p. 16 CPU Fan connector
17) FAN1, FAN2 p. 16 Extra fanning system connectors
18) PS-ON (J6 2&4) p. 16 Power-On Button connector
19) T2 p. 17 CPU Thermal Sensor connector
20) JP5 p. 17 SB LINK connector

Expansion Slots
1) DIMM Slots p. 7 DRAM Memory Expansion slots
2) Slot 1 p. 7 Slot for Central Processing Unit (CPU)
3) AGP Slot p. 9 AGP Expansion slot
4) ISA 1,2,3 p. 9 16-bit ISA Bus Expansion slots
5) PCI 1,2,3,4 p. 9 32-bit PCI Bus Expansion slots

2-2 Installation Steps
Before using your computer, you must follow the steps as follows:
1. Set Jumpers on the Motherboard
2. Install the CPU
3. Install DRAM Modules
4. Install Expansion card
5. Connect Cables, Wires, and Power Supply
6. Setup the BIOS Software
2-2-1 Jumper Settings
1. Flash ROM Voltage Selection: JP2 (Yellow color selector)
These jumpers set the voltage supplied to the Flash ROM. It depend on Flash ROM Brand.
Programming JP2
+12V 1-2 (Intel, MXIC)
+5V 2-3 (SST, Winbond)

2. DIP Switch for CPU Type Selection: U12
U12 1 2 3 4

3. cpu Bus Frequency selection : J10
100MHZ : 1 - 2 closed (Default)
66MHZ : 2 - 3 closed

§Jumper Setting For Pentium II CPU in J-7BXA
CPU BUS Ratio CPU J10 U12
TYPE Frequency Frequency 1 2 3 4
Pentium II 233 66MHz 3.5 233MHz 2-3 OFF OFF ON ON
Pentium II 266 66MHz 4.0 266MHz 2-3 ON ON OFF ON
Pentium II 300 66MHz 4.5 300MHz 2-3 OFF ON OFF ON
Pentium II 333 66MHz 5.0 333MHz 2-3 ON OFF OFF ON
Pentium II 350 100MHz 3.5 350MHz 1-2 OFF OFF ON ON
Pentium II 400 100MHz 4.0 400MHz 1-2 ON ON OFF ON
Pentium II 450 100MHz 4.5 450MHz 1-2 OFF ON OFF ON
 Before install CPU please check the CPU Specification , and setting
the correct CPU Bus Frequency and ratio in the jumper setting.

4. CMOS RAM: JP1 (Yellow color selector)
WARNING: Make sure your computer is POWER OFF when you are CLEAR CMOS.
Connect a jumper Cap over this jumper for a few seconds, will clears information stored in the CMOS RAM Chip that input by user, such as hard disk information and passwords. After CLEAR CMOS, you must enter the BIOS setup (by holding down <DEL> during power-up) to re-enter BIOS information (see BIOS SETUP).
Selections JP1
Normal 2-3 (Default)
Clear CMOS 3-4 (momentarily)
Exterbal Battery 1-4

2-2-2 System Memory (DRAM)
This motherboard support four 168-pin DIMM Module, using +3V unbuffer synchronous DRAM in either EDO (66MHZ only) or SDRAM (66MHZ/100MHZ) with Max. memory size of 768MB.

DIM1 DIM2 DIM3 Total Memory
16MB none none 16MB
16MB 16MB none 32MB
16MB 16MB 16MB 48MB
32MB none none 32MB
32MB 32MB none 64MB
32MB 32MB 32MB 96MB
64MB none none 64MB
64MB 64MB none 128MB
64MB 64MB 64MB 192MB
128MB none none 128MB
128MB 128MB none 256MB
128MB 128MB 128MB 384MB
256MB none none 256MB
256MB 256MB none 512MB
256MB 256MB 256MB 768MB

2-3 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The motherboard provides a Slot-1 for Pentium II processor. The CPU on board must have a fan or heat sink attached to prevent overheating.
WARNING: Without a fan or heat sink, the CPU will overheat and cause damage to both the CPU and the motherboard.
To install a CPU, first turn off your system and remove its cover. Locate the Slot- 1 and place RETENTION MODULE as following:
IMPORTANT: You must set jumper U12 for both “CPU to Bus frequency Ratio” on page5 and J10 for “Bus Frequency Selection” on page6 depending on the CPU that you install.

 Attach heat sink to the CPU.
 Place Part A on slot-1 and gently screw four corners on top of the mother-

2-4 Expansion Cards
You must read the documentation come with expansion card for any hardware or software settings that may be required to setup your specific card.

Installation Procedure:
1. Read the documentation from your expansion card.
2. Set any necessary jumpers on your expansion card.
3. Remove your computer’s cover.
4. Remove the bracket on the slot you intend to use.
5. Carefully align the card’s connectors and press firmly.
6. Secure the card on the slot with the screw you remove in step 4.
7. Replace the computer’s cover.
8. Setup the BIOS if necessary.
9. Install the necessary software drivers for your expansion card.

Assigning IRQs for Expansion Cards
Some expansion cards may require an IRQ to operate. Generally an IRQ must be exclusively assigned to only one device. In an standard design there are 16 IRQs available but most of them are occupied by the system and leaves 6 free for expansion cards.
Either AGP, ISA or PCI expansion cards may require an IRQs. System IRQs are available to cards installed in the ISA expansion first, and any remaining IRQs can be used by PCI cards. Currently, there are two types of ISA cards. An original ISA expansion card design, know as “Legacy” ISA cards, they request configure the card’s jumpers manually and then install it in any available slot on the ISA bus, and other know as Plug and Play. You may use Microsoft’s Diagnostic (MSD.EXE) utility included in the DOS directory to see a map of your used and any free IRQs. For Windows 95 users, the “Control Panel” icon in “My Computer”, contains a “System” icon which gives you “Device Manager” tab. Double clicking on a specific device give you “Resources” tab which shows the Interrupt number and address. Make sure that no any two of devices use the same IRQs, or your computer will experience problems when those two devices are in use at the same time.
To simplify this process the motherboard has complied with the Plug and Play (PNP) specification which was developed to allow automatic system configuration whenever a PNP-compliant card is added to the system. For PNP cards, IRQs are assigned automatically from those available.
If the system has both Legacy and PNP ISA cards installed, IRQs are assigned to PNP cards from those not used by Legacy cards. The PCI and PNP configuration of the BIOS setup utility can be used to indicate which IRQs are being used by Legacy cards. For older Legacy cards that does not work with the BIOS, you can contact your vendor for an ISA Configuration Utility.
An IRQ number is automatically assigned to PCI expansion cards after those used by Legacy and PNP ISA cards. In the PCI bus design, the BIOS automatically assigns an IRQ to a PCI. To install a PCI card, you need to set something called the INT (interrupt) assignment. Since all the PCI slots on this motherboard use an INTA #, be sure that the jumpers on your PCI cards are set to INT A.
Assigning DMA Channels for ISA Cards
Some ISA cards, both Legacy and PNP may also need to use a DMA (Direct Memory Access) channel. DMA assignments for this motherboard are handled the same way as the IRQ assignment process described above. You can select a DMA channel in the PCI and PNP configuration section of the BIOS Setup utility. In the BIOS setup, you should choose “Yes” for those IRQ’s and DMA’s you wish to reserve for Legacy cards.

2-5 External Connectors
1. ATX Power Connector (20-pins block): PL1
ATX Power Supply connector. This is a new defined 20-pins connector that usually comes with ATX case. The ATX Power Supply allows to use soft power on momentary switch that connect from the front panel switch to 2-pins Power On jumper pole on the motherboard. When the power switch on the back of the ATX power supply turned on, the full power will not come into the system board until the front panel switch is momentarily pressed. Press this switch again will turn off the power to the system board.

2. PS/2 Mouse & PS/2 Keyboard Connector: CN1
The PS/2 Keyboard is a 6-pins miniature DIN connector. It is for a standard PS/2 style keyboard. May also be known as a 101 enhanced keyboard. The PS/2 Mouse connector is a similar 6-pin, miniature DIN connector.

3. Parallel Port Connector (25-pins female): CN3
Parallel Port connector is a 25-pins D-Subminiature Receptacle connector. The On-board Parallel Port can be disabled through the BIOS SETUP. Please refer to Chapter 3 “INTEGRATED PERIPHERALS SETUP” section for more detail information.

4. Serial Port COMA and COMB Connector: CN2, CN4
COMA and COMB are the 9-pins D-Subminature mail connector. The On-board serial port can be disabled through BIOS SETUP. Please refer to Chapter 3 “INTEGRATED PERIPHERALS SETUP“ section for more detail information.

5. Floppy drive Connector (34-pins block): FDD
This connector supports the provided floppy drive ribbon cable. After connecting the single plug end to motherboard, connect the two plugs at other end to the floppy drives.

6. Primary IDE Connector (40-pins block): IDE0
This connector supports the provided IDE hard disk ribbon cable. After connecting the single plug end to motherboard, connect the two plugs at other end to your hard disk(s). If you install two hard disks, you must configure the second drive to Slave mode by setting its jumpers accordingly. Please refer to the documentation of your hard disk for the jumper settings.

7. Secondary IDE Connector (40-pins block): IDE1
This connector connects to the next set of Master and Slave hard disks. Follow the same procedure described for the primary IDE connector. You may also configure two hard disks to be both Masters using one ribbon cable on the primary IDE connector and another ribbon cable on the secondary IDE connector.

8. SMI suspend switch lead: SMI (J5 2&4)
This allows the user to manually place the system into a suspend mode or “Green” mode where system activity will be instantly decreased to save electricity and expand the life of certain components when the system is not in use. This 4-pins connector (see the figure below) connects to the case-mounted suspend switch. If you do not have a switch for the connector, you may use the “Turbo Switch” since it does not have a function. SMI is activated when it detects a short to open moment and therefore leaving it shorted will not cause any problems. May require one or two pushes depending on the position of the switch. Wake-up can be controlled by settings in the BIOS but the keyboard will always allow wake-up (the SMI lead cannot wake-up the system). If you want to use this connector, “Suspend Switch” in the POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP of the BIOS software should be on the default setting of Enable (see page 26).
Selections SMI
Enter suspend mode 2-4
Normal open

9. IDE activity LED: HDLED (J5 1&3)
This connector connects to the hard disk activity indicator light on the case.

10. Turbo LED switch: TBLED
The motherboard‘s turbo function is always on. The turbo LED will remain constantly lit while the system power is on. You may wish to connect the Power LED from the system case to this lead. See the figure below.
11. Reset switch lead: RST
This 2-pin connector connects to the case-mounted reset switch for rebooting your computer without having to turn off your power switch. This is a preferred method of rebooting in order to prolong the life of the system‘s power supply. See the figure below.
12. Keyboard lock switch lead: KEYLOCK
This 5-pin connector connects to the case-mounted key switch for locking the keyboard for security purposes. See the figure below.

13. Speaker connector: SPEAKER
This 4-pins connector connects to the case-mounted speaker. See the figure below.

14. IR infrared module connector: J7
This connector supports the optional wireless transmitting and receiving infrared module. This module mounts to small opening on system cases that support this feature you must also configure the setting through BIOS setup. Use the four pins as shown on the Back View and connect a ribbon cable from the module to the motherboard according to the pin definitions.

1. USB Port connector: J1
The connectors are 4-pins connector that connect USB devices to the system board.

CPU FAN connector: CPUFAN

17. Extra fanning system connectors: FAN1, FAN2

18. Power-On button connector: PS-ON (J6 2&4)

19. CPU Thermal Sensor connector: T2 (only for J-7BXA/L)

20. SB link connector : JP5
This connector is in order to migrate the legacy Sound Blaster compatible audio to the PCI bus

Chapter 3

Award's ROM BIOS provides a built-in Setup program which allows user modify the basic system configuration and hardware parameters. The modified data will be stored in a battery-backed CMOS RAM so data will be retained even when the power is turned off. In general, the information saved in the CMOS RAM stay unchanged unless here is configuration change in the system, such as hard drive replacement or new equipment is installed.
It is possible that CMOS had a battery failure which cause data lose in CMOS_RAM. If so, re_enter system configuration parameters become necessary.

To enter Setup Program
Power on the computer and press <Del> key immediately will bring you into BIOS CMOS SETUP UTILITY.
Esc : QUIT ↑↓→← : Select Item
F10 : Save & Exit Setup (Shift) F2 : Change Color
Time, Date, Hard Disk Type...
Figure 3-1
The menu displays all the major selection items and allow user to select any one of shown item. The selection is made by moving cursor (press any direction key) to the item and press <Enter> key. An on_line help message is displayed at the bottom of the screen as cursor is moving to various items which provides user better understanding of each function. When a selection is made, the menu of selected item will appear so the user can modify associated configuration parameters.

Choose "STANDARD CMOS SETUP" in the CMOS SETUP UTILITY Menu (Figure 3-1). The STANDARD CMOS SETUP allows user to configure system setting such as current date and time, type of hard disk drive installed in the system, floppy drive type, and the type of display monitor. Memory size is auto-detected by the BIOS and displayed for your reference. When a field is highlighted (direction keys to move cursor and <Enter> key to select), the entries in the field will be changed by pressing <PgDn> or <PgUp> keys or user can enter new data directly from the keyboard.

Date (mm:dd:yy) : Wed, Sep, 10 1997
Time (hh:mm:ss) : 10 : 33 : 52

Primary Master : Auto 0 0 0 0 0 0 Auto
Primary Slave : Auto 0 0 0 0 0 0 Auto
Secondary Master : Auto 0 0 0 0 0 0 Auto
Secondary Slave : Auto 0 0 0 0 0 0 Auto

Drive A : 1.4M , 3.05 in.
Drive B : None

Video : EGA/VGA
Halt On : All Errors Base Memory : 640K
Extended Memory : 7168K
Other Memory : 384K

Total Memory : 8192K
Esc : Quit ↑↓→← : Select Item Pu/Pd/+/- : Modify
F1 : Help (Shift)F2: Change Color
Figure 3-2
NOTE: If hard disk Primary Master/Slave and Secondary Master/Slave were used Auto, than the hard disk size and model will be auto-detect on display during POST.
NOTE: The "Halt On:" field is to determine when to halt the system by the BIOS is error occurred during POST.

Select the "BIOS FEATURES SETUP" option in the CMOS SETUP UTILITY menu allows user to change system related parameters in the displayed menu. This menu shows all of the manufacturer's default values of this motherboard. Again, user can move the cursor by pressing direction keys and <PgDn> of <PgUp> keys to modify the parameters. Pressing [F1] key to display help message of the selected item.
This setup program also provide 2 convinent ways to load the default parameter data from BIOS [F6] or CMOS [F7] area if shown data is corrupted. This provides the system a capability to recover from any possible error.

Virus Warning : Disabled
CPU Internal Cache : Enabled
External Cache : Enabled
Quick Power On Self Test : Disabled
Boot Sequence : A,C,SCSI
Swap Floppy Drive : Disabled
Boot Up Floppy Seek : Enabled
Boot Up Numlock Status : On
Boot Up System Speed : High
Gate A20 Option : Fast
Typematic Rate Setting : Disabled
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec) : 6
Typematic Delay (Msec) : 250
Security Option : Setup Video BIOS Shadow : Enabled
C8000-CBFFF Shadow : Disabled
CC000-CFFFF Shadow : Disabled
D0000-D3FFF Shadow : Disabled
D4000-D7FFF Shadow : Disabled
D8000-DBFFF Shadow : Disabled
DC000-DFFFF Shadow : Disabled

PCI/VGA Palette Snoop : Disabled
Assign IRQ For VGA : Enabled
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB : Non-OS2
HDD S.M.A.R.T Capability : Disabled
Report NO FDD For WIN95 : NO
Esc: Quit ↑↓→← : Select Item
F1 : Help Pu/Pd/+/-:Modify
F5 : Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
Figure 3-3
NOTE: The Security Option contains "setup" and "system". The "setup" indicates that the password setting is for CMOS only while the "system" indicates the password setting is for both CMOS and system boot up procedure.

• Virus Warning: This category flashes on the screen. During and after the system boots up, any attempt to write to the boot sector or partition table of the hard disk drive will halt the system and the following error message will appear, in the mean time, you can run an anti-virus program to locate the problem. Default value is Disabled
Enabled: Activates automatically when the system boots up causing a warning message to appear when anything attempts to access the boot sector or hard disk partition table.
Disabled: No warning message to appear when anything attempts to access the boot sector or hard disk partition table.
• CPU Internal Cache / External Cache: These two categories speed up memory access. However, it depends on CPU/chipset design. The default value is Enable. If your CPU without Internal Cache then this item "CPU Internal Cache" will not be show.
Enabled: Enable cachehis category speeds up Power On Self Test. (POST) after you power on the computer.
Disabled: Disable cache
• Quick Power On Self Test: If it is set to Enable, BIOS will shorten or skip some check items during POST.
Enabled: Enable quick POST
Disabled: Normal POST
• Boot Sequence: This category determines which drive computer searches first for the DOS (Disk Operating System). Default value is A,C,SCSI.
System will first search for floppy disk drive, then hard disk drive and then SCSI device. The options are: C, A, SCSI; C, CDROM, A; CDROM, C, A; D, A, SCSI; E, A, SCSI; F, A, SCSI; SCSI, A, C; SCSI, C, A; C only; LS/ZIP, C.
• Swap Floppy Drive: The swap floppy drive. Default value is Disabled.
Enabled: Floppy A & B will be swapped under the DOS
Disabled: Floppy A & B will be not swap
• Boot Up Floppy Seek: During POST, BIOS will determine if the floppy disk drive installed is 40 or 80 tracks. 360K type is 40 tracks while 760K, 1.2M and 1.44M are all 80 tracks. The default value is Enabled.
Enabled: BIOS searches for floppy disk drive to determine if it is 40 or 80 tracks.
Note that BIOS can not tell from 720K, 1.2M or 1.44M drive type as they are all 80 tracks.
Disabled: BIOS will not search for the type of floppy disk drive by track number.
Note that there will not be any warning message if the drive installed is 360K.
• Boot Up NumLock Status: The default value is On.
On: Keypad is number keys.
Off: Keypad is arrow keys.
• Boot UP System Speed: It selects the default system speed-the speed that the system will run at immediately after power up.
High: Set the speed to high.
Low: Set the speed to low.
NOTE: The board default value is LOW in the field. Boot the system to controller turbo or De-turbo by Onboard (Turbo Switch).
• Gate A20 Option: The default value is Fast.
Normal: The A20 signal is controlled by keyboard controller or chipset hardware.
Fast: Default: Fast. The A20 signal is controlled by Port 92 or chipset specific method.
• Typematic Rate Setting: This determines the typematic rate.
Enabled: Enable typematic rate and typematic delay programming.
Disabled: Disable typematic rate and typematic delay programming. The system BIOS will use default value of this 2 items and the default is controlled by keyboard.

Я уже и БИОС обнулял и CMOS

P.S. Подскажите пожайлуста.

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Аватара для J7BXA


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• Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec):
6 : 6 characters per second 8 : 8 characters per second
10 : 10 characters per second 12 : 12 characters per second
15 : 15 characters per second 20 : 20 characters per second
24 : 24 characters per second 30 : 30 characters per second
• Typematic Delay (Msec): When holding a key, the time between the first and second character displayed.
250 : 250 msec
500 : 500 msec
750 : 750 msec
1000 : 1000 msec
• Security Option: This category allows you to limit access to the system and Setup, or just to Setup. The default value is Setup.
System: The system will not boot and access to Setup will be denied if the correct password is not entered at the prompt.
Setup: The system will boot, but access to Setup will be denied if the incorrect password is entered at the prompt.
NOTE: To disable security, select PASSWORD SETTING at Main Menu and then you will be asked to enter password. Do not type anything and just press <Enter>, it will disable security. Once the security is disabled, the system will boot and you can enter Setup freely.
• Video BIOS Shadow: It determines whether video BIOS will be copied to RAM, however, it is optional from chipset design. Video Shadow will increase the video speed.
Enabled: Video shadow is enabled
Disabled: Video shadow is disabled
• C8000 - CBFFF Shadow:
CC000 - CFFFF Shadow:
D0000 - D3FFF Shadow:
D4000 - D7FFF Shadow:
D8000 - DBFFF Shadow:
DC000 - DFFFF Shadow:
These categories determine whether optional ROM will be copied to RAM by 16K byte or 32K byte per/unit and the size depends on chipset.
Enabled: Optional shadow is enabled.
Disabled: Optional shadow is disabled.

Choose the "CHIPSET FEATURES SETUP" in the CMOS SETUP UTILITY menu to display following menu.
Auto Configuration : Enabled
DRAM Speed Selection : 60 ns
MA Wait State : Slow
EDO RAS# To CAS# Delay : 3
EDO RAS# Precharge Time : 3
EDO DRAM Read Burst : x333
EDO DRAM Write Burst : x222
DRAM Data Integrity Mode : Non-ECC
CPU-To-PCI IDE Posting : Enabled
System BIOS Cacheable : Enabled
Video BIOS Cacheable : Enabled
8 Bit I/O Recovery Time : 1
16 Bit I/O Recovery Time : 1
Memory Hole At 15M-16M : Disabled
Passive Release : Enabled
Delayed Transaction : Disabled
AGP Aperture Size(MB) : 64
SDRAM RAS-to-CAS Delay : Slow
SDRAM RAS Precharge Time : Slow Auto Detect DIMM/PCI CLk : Enable
Spread Spectrum Modulated : Disable
CPU Host/PCI Clock : Default

Esc: Quit ↑↓→←: Select Item
F1 : Help Pu/Pd/+/-:Modify
F5 : Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
Figure 3-4
• DRAM Timing: The default value is 60ns.
60ns : 2 (faster) Burst Wait State, for 60~70ns Fast Page Mode/EDO DRAM.
70ns : 3 (slower) Burst Wait State, for 70ns Fast Page Mode/EDO DRAM.
• Video BIOS Cacheable: The default value is Enabled.
Enabled: This field Enabled the Video BIOS Cacheable to speed up to VGA Performance.
Disabled: Disabled the Video BIOS Cacheable function.
• 8/16 Bit I/O Recovery Time: The default value is 1.
8 Bit I/O Recovery Time: This field defines the recovery time from 1 to 8
for 8-bit I/O.
16 Bit I/O Recovery Time: To define the recovery time from 1 to 4 for 16-bit
• Memory Hole At 15M~16M:The default value is Disabled.
Disabled: Normal Setting.
Enabled: This field enabled the main memory (15~16MB) remap to ISA BUS.
• Auto Detect DIMM/PCI CIK: When enabled this item,the Clock of DIMM Socket or PCI Slot will not out put if there have not device occupy.
• CPU HOST/PCI Clock: This item can setting CPU Host/PCI clock by BIOS setup and when choose a frequency it will ignore the hardware setting of CPU bus frequency.
Only in J-7BXA/L
Choose the "CHIPSET FEATURES SETUP" in the CMOS SETUP UTILITY menu to display following menu.
Auto Configuration : Enabled
DRAM Speed Selection : 60 ns
MA Wait State : Slow
EDO RAS# To CAS# Delay : 3
EDO RAS# Precharge Time : 3
EDO DRAM Read Burst : x333
EDO DRAM Write Burst : x222
DRAM Data Integrity Mode : Non-ECC
CPU-To-PCI IDE Posting : Enabled
System BIOS Cacheable : Enabled
Video BIOS Cacheable : Disabled
8 Bit I/O Recovery Time : 1
16 Bit I/O Recovery Time : 1
Memory Hole At 15M-16M : Disabled
Passive Release : Enabled
Delayed Transaction : Disabled
AGP Aperture Size(MB) : 64
SDRAM RAS-to-CAS Delay : Slow
SDRAM RAS Precharge Time : Slow SDRAM CAS latency : 3
Spread Spectrum Modulated: 1.5%
CPU Warning Temperature : Disabled
Current CPU Temperature : 44C/111F
Current System Temp. : 34C/93F
Current CPUFAN Speed : 0 RPM
Current FAN1 Speed : 0 RPM
Current FAN2 Speed : 5232 RPM
Core(V) : 2.80V Vtt(V) : 1.50V
V I/O(V): 3.86V
+12Volt : 12.80V -12Volt: -13.31V
-5Volt : -5.54V +5Volt : 5.14V

Esc: Quit ↑↓→←: Select Ite m
F1 : Help Pu/Pd/+/-:Modify
F5 : Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
Figure 3-5

• DRAM Timing: The default value is 60ns.
60ns : 2 (faster) Burst Wait State, for 60~70ns Fast Page Mode/EDO DRAM.
70ns : 3 (slower) Burst Wait State, for 70ns Fast Page Mode/EDO DRAM.
• Video BIOS Cacheable: The default value is Enabled.
Enabled: This field Enabled the Video BIOS Cacheable to speed up to VGA Performance.
Disabled: Disabled the Video BIOS Cacheable function.
• 8/16 Bit I/O Recovery Time: The default value is 1.
8 Bit I/O Recovery Time: This field defines the recovery time from 1 to 8
for 8-bit I/O.
16 Bit I/O Recovery Time: To define the recovery time from 1 to 4 for 16-bit
• Memory Hole At 15M~16M:The default value is Disabled.
Disabled: Normal Setting.
Enabled: This field enableds the main memory (15~16MB) remap to ISA BUS.
• CPU Warning Temperature: If CPU’s temperature approach to setting temperature, system will slow down automatically to reduce the CPU’s temperature. The settings are 70, 66, 63, 60, 56, 53, 50 and Disabled.
• Current CPU Temperature: Indicate the temperature of the CPU at present time.
• Current System Temperature: Indicate the temperature of entire system of present time.
• Core (V), I/O (V): Indicate the CPU’s Core Voltage and I/O Voltage.
• 12Volt, -12Volt, -5Volt, 5Volt: Indicate the voltage incoming for power supply.

Choose the "POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP" in the CMOS SETUP UTILITY to display the following screen. This menu allows user to modify the power management parameters and IRQ signals. In general, these parameters should not be changed unless it's absolutely necessary.
Power Management : Ueser Define
PM Control by APM : Yes
Video Off Method : V/H SYNC+Blank

Video Off After : Stand by

Doze Mode : Disabled
Standby Mode : Disabled
Suspend Mode : Disabled
HDD Power Down : Disabled

Throttle Duty Cycle : 62.5%
ZZ Active in Suspend : Disabled
VGA Active Monitor : Enabled
Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN : Instant-Off
CPUFAN Off In Suspend : Enabled
Resume by Ring : Disabled
** Reload Global Timer Events **
IRQ [3-7, 9-15], NMI : Enabled
Primary IDE 0 : Disabled
Primary IDE 1 : Disabled
Secondary IDE 0 : Disabled
Secondary IDE 1 : Disabled
Floppy Disk : Disabled
Serial Port : Enabled
Parallel Port : Disabled

IRQ 8 Break Suspend : Disabled Esc: Quit ↑↓→←: Select Item
F1 : Help Pu/Pd/+/-: Modify
F5 : Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
Figure 3-6
Again, user can move the cursor by pressing direction keys to the field need to be modified and press <PgDn> or <PgUp> to alter item selection. You can only change the content of Doze Mode, Standby Mode, and Suspend Mode when the Power Management is set to 'User Define'.
3-4-1 The Description of the Power Management
• Power Management mode selection:
Disabled: The system operates in NORMAL conditions (Non-GREEN), and the Power Management function is disabled.
Max.saving: This mode will maximize the power saving capability.
Min.saving: This mode will minimize the power saving capability.
User define: Allow user to define timeout parameters to control power saving timing. Refer item shown below:
• Timeout parameters:
HDD Standby
HDD Standby timer can be set from 1 to 15 minute(s).
System Doze
The "System Doze" mode timer starts to count when there is no "PM events" occurred. The valid timeout setting is from 1 minute up to 1 hour.
System Standby
The "Standby" mode timer starts to count when "System Doze" mode timer timed out and no "PM events" occurred. Valid range is from 1 minute up to 1 hour.
System Suspend
This function works only when the Pentium CPU is installed. The timer starts to count when "System Standby" mode timer timed out and no "PM Events" occurred. Valid range is from 1 minute up to 1 hour.
3-4-2 Description of the Green Functions
This motherboard supports HDD Power Down, Doze and standby power saving functions when Intel Pentium Processor CPU is installed. The suspend function is also supported when the SMI switch is short (ref. page 13). The detail description of these functions are provided as following:
HDD Standby Mode
When system stop reading or writing HDD, the timer starts to count. The system will cut off the HDD power when timer ran out of time. The system will not resume operation until either a read from or a write to HDD command is executed again.
Doze Mode
The system hardware will drop down CPU clock from normal working speed when Doze mode timeout occurred.
Standby Mode
When the system standby mode timer ran out, it will enter the standby mode and retain CPU at slow working speed. The screen will be blanked out.
Suspend Mode
When the system suspend timer time out, the system will enter the suspend mode and the chipset will stop CPU clock immediately. The power consumption in Suspend Mode is lower than in standby mode. The screen is also blanked out.

PM Events:
AWARD BIOS defines 15 PM Events in the power management mode (Doze, standby & suspend). The user can initial any PM Events to be "Enable" or "Disable". When the system detects all of the enabled events do not have any activity, it will start the system Doze timer first if the "Power Management" isn't "Disabled". Once the system Doze timer timed out, it will process doze power saving procedure by starting the system standby timer. When the standby timer ran out and all of the "Enabled" events remains silent, the system will enter the standby mode. By now, the system will not only process the standby power saving procedures but also start the system suspend timer. When the suspend timer time out, all of the CPU clock will be stopped by dropping system clock down to zero and remains this way until any one of the "Enabled" event occurred.

This “PNP and PCI configuration Setup” option configures the PCI bus slots. All PCI bus slots on the system use INTA#, thus all installed PCI cards must be set to this value.
PNP OS Installed : No
Resources Controlled By : Manual
Reset Configuration Data: Disabled

IRQ-3 assigned to : Legacy ISA
IRQ-4 assigned to : Legacy ISA
IRQ-5 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
IRQ-7 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
IRQ-9 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
IRQ-10 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
IRQ-11 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
IRQ-12 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
IRQ-14 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
IRQ-15 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
DMA-0 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP Used MEM Base Addr : N/A
Assign IRQ For USB : Disable

DMA-1 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
DMA-3 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
DMA-5 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
DMA-6 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP
DMA-7 assigned to : PCI/ISA PnP Esc: Quit ↑↓→←: Select Item
F1 : Help Pu/Pd/+/-:Modify
F5 : Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
Figure 3-7

IRQxx assigned to
These fields indicate whether or not the displayed IRQ for each field is being used by a Legacy (non-PnP) ISA card. Two options are available: “PCI/ISA PnP” and “Legacy ISA”. The first option the default value, indicates either that the displayed IRQ is not used or an PCI/ISA PnP is being used to determine if an ISA card is using that IRQ. Second option is for Legacy ISA card that requires a unique IRQ, and you are not using an PCI/ISA PnP, you must set the field for that IRQ to Legacy ISA.
For example: If you install a Legacy ISA card that requires IRQ10 lets say, then set “IRQ10 assigned to Legacy ISA”.
DMAxx assigned to
These fields indicate whether or not the displayed DMA channel for each field is being used by a Legacy (non-PnP) ISA card. Available options include: “PCI/ISA PnP” and ”Legacy ISA“. When is option ”PCI/ISA PnP“ indicates either that the displayed DMA channel is not used or an PCI/ISA PnP being used to determine if an ISA card is using that channel. If you install a Legacy ISA card that requires a unique DMA channel, and you are not using an PCI/ISA PnP, you must set the field for that channel to “Legacy ISA“.
The "LOAD BIOS DEFAULTS" function loads the system default data directly from ROM and initialize associated hardware properly. This function will be necessary only when the system CMOS data is corrupted.
Esc : QUIT ↑↓→← : Select Item
F10 : Save & Exit Setup (Shift) F2 : Change Color
Time, Date, Hard Disk Type...
Figure 3-8
The "LOAD SETUP DEFAULTS" function loads the system default data directly from ROM and initialize associated hardware properly. This function will be necessary only when the system CMOS data is corrupted.
Esc : QUIT ↑↓→← : Select Item
F10 : Save & Exit Setup (Shift) F2 : Change Color
Time, Date, Hard Disk Type...
Figure 3-9
IDE HDD Block Mode : Enabled
IDE Primary Master PIO : Auto
IDE Primary Salve PIO : Auto
IDE Secondary Master PIO : Auto
IDE Secondary Slave PIO : Auto
IDE Primary Master UDMA : Auto
IDE Primary Slave UDMA : Auto
IDE Secondary Master UDMA: Auto
IDE Secondary Slave UDMA : Auto
On-Chip Primary PCI IDE: Enabled
On-Chip Secondary PCI IDE: Enabled
USB Keyboard Support
Power On Function : Button Only
KB Power On Password :
Hot key Power On : Ctrl-F1
KBC Input Clock : 8MHz
Onboard FDC Controller : Enabled Onboard Parallel Port : 378/IRQ7
Parallel Port Mode : SPP

Onboard SERIAL PORT 1 : Auto
Onboard SERIAL PORT 2 : Auto
UR2 Mode : Normal
Esc: Quit ↑↓→←: Select Item
F1 : Help Pu/Pd/+/-:Modify
F5 : Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
Figure 3-10
NOTE: If you don't use the Onboard IDE connector, than use On-card (PCI or ISA card) IDE connector. You will set Onboard Primary IDE: Disabled an Onboard Secondary IDE: Disabled from CHIPSET FEATURES SETUP UTILITY.
The Onboard PCI IDE cable should be equal to or less than 18 inches (45 cm).
• IDE HDD Block Mode: The default value is Enabled.
Enabled: Enabled IDE HDD Block Mode. The HDD transfer rate is better than Disable.
Disabled: Disable IDE HDD Block Mode.
• IDE Primary Master PIO: The default value is Auto.
Auto: BIOS will automatically detect the Onboard Primary Master PCI IDE HDD Accessing mode.
Mode0~4: Manually set the IDE Accessing mode.
• IDE Primary Slave PIO: The default value is Auto.
Auto: BIOS will automatically detect the Onboard Primary Slave PCI IDE HDD Accessing mode.
Mode0~4: Manually set the IDE Accessing mode.
• IDE Secondary Master PIO: The default value is Auto.
Auto: BIOS will automatically detect the Onboard Secondary Master PCI IDE HDD Accessing mode.
Mode0~4: Manually set the IDE Accessing mode.
• IDE Secondary Slave PIO: The default value is
Auto: BIOS will automatically detect the Onboard Secondary Slave PCI IDE HDD Accessing mode.
Mode0~4: Manually set the IDE Accessing mode.
• Onboard Primary PCI IDE: The default value is Enabled.
Enabled: Enable Onboard 1 st channel IDE port.
Disabled: Disable Onboard 1 st channel IDE port. When use On-card (PCI or ISA card) IDE connector.
• Onboard Secondary PCI IDE: The default value is Enabled.
Enabled: Enable Onboard 2 nd channel IDE port.
Disabled: Disable Onboard 2 nd channel IDE port. When use On-card (PCI or ISA card) IDE connector.
• PCI Slot IDE 2nd Channel: The default value is Enabled.
Enabled: Enable secondary IDE port and BIOS will assign IRQ15 for this port.
Disabled: Disable secondary IDE port and IRQ15 is available for other device.
• Onboard FDC Controller: The default value Enabled.
Enabled: Enable the Onboard floppy drive interface controller.
Disabled: Disable the Onboard floppy drive interface controller. When use On-card ISA FDC's controller.
• Onboard Serial Port 1: This field allows the user to select the serial port. The default value is COM1.
COM1: Enable Onboard Serial port 1 and address is 3F8H.
COM2: Enable Onboard Serial port 1 and address is 2F8H.
COM3: Enable Onboard Serial port 1 and address is 3E8H.
COM4: Enable Onboard Serial port 1 and address is 2E8H.
Disabled: Disable Onboard CHIP's Serial port 1.
• Onboard Serial port 2: This field allows the user to select the serial port. The default value is COM2.
COM1: Enable Onboard Serial port 2 and address is 3F8H.
COM2: Enable Onboard Serial port 2 and address is 2F8H.
COM3: Enable Onboard Serial port 2 and address is 3E8H.
COM4: Enable Onboard Serial port 2 and address is 2E8H.
Disabled: Disable Onboard CHIP's Serial port 2.
• Onboard Parallel port: This field allows the user to select the LPT port. The default value is 378H.
378H: Enable Onboard LPT port and address is 378H.
278H: Enable Onboard LPT port and address is 278H.
3BCH: Enable Onboard LPT port and address is 3BCH.
Disabled: Disable Onboard CHIP's LPT port.
NOTE: Parallel Port address is 378H/3BCH that selects the rounting of IRQ7 for LPT1.
Parallel Port address is 278H that selects the rounting of IRQ5 LPT1.
• Onboard Parallel port Mode: This field allows the user to select the parallel port mode. The default value is ECP + EPP.
Normal: Standard mode. IBM PC/AT Compatible bidirectional parallel port.
EPP: Enhanced Parallel Port mode.
ECP: Extended Capabilities Port mode.
EPP+ECP: ECP Mode & EPP Mode.
• Power On Function: This field allower the user to select Power On method by button, password or hot-key PS/2 Mouse
Button Only: Power On by press the button only.
Password: Allow Power On by enter password correct by only.
Hot-Key: Allow Power On by enter special defined hot-key only.
Mouse Left/Right: Allow Power on by press PS/2 Mouse button
This item lets you configure the system so that a password is required each time the system boots or an attempt is made to enter the Setup program (Refer to Figure 3-3 for the details). Supervisor Password allows you to change all CMOS settings but the User Password setting doesn’t have this function. The way to set up the passwords for both Supervisor and User are as follow:
1. Choose either Supervisor Password or User Password in the Main Menu and press <Enter>. The following message appears:
“Enter Password:”
2. The first time you run this option, enter your password up to only 8 characters and press <Enter>. The screen does not display the entered characters. For no password just press <Enter>.
3. After you enter the password, the following message appears prompting you to confirm the password:
“Confirm Password:”
4. Enter exact the same password you just typed again to confirm the password and press <Enter>.
5. Move the cursor to Save & Exit Setup to save the password.
6. If you need to delete the password you entered before, choose the Supervisor Password and Press <Enter>. It will delete the password that you bad before.
7. Move the cursor to Save & Exit Setup to save the option you did, otherwise the old password will still be there when you turn on your machine next time.
The "IDE HDD AUTO DETECTION" utility is a very useful tool especially when you do not know which kind of hard disk type you are using. You can use this utility to detect the correct disk type and install in the system automatically. Also you can set HARD DISK TYPE to “Auto” in the STANDARD CMOS SETUP to have same result. The BIOS will Auto-detect the hard disk size and model on display during POST.

Date (mm:dd:yy) : Wed, Sep, 10 1997
Time (hh:mm:ss) : 10 : 33 : 52

Primary Master :
Primary Slave :
Secondary Master :

Esc : Quit ↑↓→← : Select Item Pu/Pd/+/- : Modify
F1 : Help (Shift)F2: Change Color
Figure 3-11
The Award BIOS supports 3 HDD modes : NORMAL, LBA & LARGE
Generic access mode in which neither the BIOS nor the IDE controller will make any transformations during accessing.
The maximum number of cylinders, head & sectors for NORMAL mode are 1024, 16 & 63.
no. Cylinder (1024)
x no. Head ( 16)
x no. Sector ( 63)
x no. per sector ( 512)
528 Megabytes
If user set this HDD to NORMAL mode, the maximum accessible HDD size will be 528 Megabytes even though its physical size may be greater than that!
LBA (Logical Block Addressing) mode
A new HDD accessing method to overcome the 528 Megabyte bottleneck. The number of cylinders, heads & sectors shown in setup may not be the number physically contained in the HDD.
During HDD accessing, the IDE controller will transform the logical address described by sector, head & cylinder into its own physical address inside the HDD.
The maximum HDD size supported by LBA mode is 8.4 Gigabytes which is obtained by the following formula:
no. Cylinder (1024)
x no. Head ( 255)
x no. Sector ( 63)
x bytes per sector ( 512)
8.4 Gigabytes
LARGE mode
Extended HDD access mode supported by Award Software.
Some IDE HDDs contain more than 1024 cylinder without LBA support (in some cases, user do not want LBA). The Award BIOS provides another alternative to support these kinds of LARGE mode:
1120 16 59 NORMAL
560 32 59 LARGE
BIOS tricks DOS (or other OS) that the number of cylinders is less than 1024 by dividing it by 2. At the same time, the number of heads is multiplied by 2. Reverse transformation process will be made inside INT 12h in order to access the right HDD address the right HDD address!
Maximum HDD size:
no. Cylinder (1024)
x no. Head ( 32)
x no. Sector ( 63)
x bytes per sector ( 512)
1 Gigabytes
To support LBA or LARGE mode of HDDs, there must be some softwares involved. All these softwares are located in the Award HDD Service Routine (1NT 13h). It may be failed to access a HDD with LBA (LARGE) mode selected if you are running under a Operating System which replaces the whole INT 13h.
UNIX operating systems do not support either LBA or LARGE and must set to the Standard mode. UNIX can support drives larger than 528MB.


The "SAVE & EXIT SETUP" option will bring you back to boot up procedure with all the changes you just made which are recorded in the CMOS RAM.


The "EXIT WITHOUT SAVING" option will bring you back to normal boot up procedure without saving any data into CMOS RAM. All of the old data in the CMOS will not be destroyed.


Address Range Size Description
00000-7FFFF 512K Conventional memory
80000-9FBFF 127K Extended Conventional memory
9FC00-9FFFF 1K Extended BIOS data area if PS/2 mouse is installed
A0000-C7FFF 160K Available for Hi DOS memory
C8000-DFFFF 96K Available for Hi DOS memory and adapter ROMs
E0000-EEFFF 60K Available for UMB
EF000-EFFFF 4K Video service routine for Monochrome & CGA adapter
F0000-F7FFF 32K BIOS CMOS setup utility
F8000-FCFFF 20K BIOS runtime service routine (2)
FD000-FDFFF 4K Plug and Play ESCD data area
FE000-FFFFF 8K BIOS runtime service routine (1)


000-01F DMA controller (Master)
022-023 CHIPSET control registers. I/O ports
040-05F TIMER control registers
060-06F KEYBOARD interface controller (8042)
070-07F RTC ports & CMOS I/O ports
080-09F DMA register
0A0-0BF INTERRUPT controller (Slave)
0C0-0DF DMA controller (Slave)
1F0-1F8 HARD DISK controller
278-27F PARALLEL port 2
2B0-2DF GRAPHICS adapter controller
2F8-2FF SERIAL port 2
360-36F NETWORK ports
378-37F PARALLEL port 1
3B0-3BF MONOCHROME & PARALLEL port adapter
3C0-3CF EGA adapter
3D0-CDF CGA adapter
3F0-3F7 FLOPPY DISK controller
3F8-3FF SERIAL port-1


TIME MAP: TIMER Channel 0 System timer interrupt
TIMER Channel 1 DRAM REFRESH request
TIMER Channel 2 SPEAKER tone generator

DMA CHANNELS: DMA Channel 0 Available
DMA Channel 1 Onboard ECP (Option)
DMA Channel 3 Onboard ECP (Default)
DMA Channel 4 Cascade for DMA controller 1
DMA Channel 5 Available
DMA Channel 6 Available
DMA Channel 7 Available


NMI: Parity check error

IRQ (H/W): 0 System TIMER interrupt from TIMER 0
1 KEYBOARD output buffer full
2 Cascade for IRQ 8-15
3 SERIAL port 2
4 SERIAL port 1
5 PARALLEL port 2
7 PARALLEL port 1
8 RTC clock
9 Available
10 Available
11 Available
12 PS/2 Mouse
13 MATH coprocessor
14 Onboard HARD DISK (IDE1) channel
15 Onboard HARD DISK (IDE2) channel


RTC & CMOS: 00 Seconds
01 Second alarm
02 Minutes
03 Minutes alarm
04 Hours
05 Hours alarm
06 Day of week
07 Day of month
08 Month
09 Year
0A Status register A
0B Status register B
0C Status register C
0D Status register D
0E Diagnostic status byte
0F Shutdown byte
10 FLOPPY DISK drive type byte
11 Reserve
12 HARD DISK type byte
13 Reserve
14 Equipment type
15 Base memory low byte
16 Base memory high byte
17 Extension memory low byte
18 Extension memory high byte
30 Reserved for extension memory low byte
31 Reserved for extension memory high byte
34-3F Reserve

Я не Мастер, я только учусь...
Suum Cuique

Отправлено: 01:08, 11-05-2009 | #7

Аватара для J7BXA


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ISA PORT codes are typically output to port address 80h.

Post Name Description
CO Turn Off Chipset Cache OEM Specific-Cache controller.
1 Processor Test 1 Processor Status (1 FLAGS) Verification.
Tests the following processor status flags carry, zero, sign, overflow.
The BIOS will set each of these flags, verify the are set, then turn each flag off and verify it is off.
2 Processor Test 2 Read/ Write/ Verify all CPU registers except SS, SP, and BP with data pattern FF and OO.
3 Initialize Chips Disable NMI, PIE, AIE, UEI, SOWV.
Disable video, parity checking, DMA.
Reset math coprocessor.
Clear all page registers, CMOS shutdown byte.
Initialize timer 0, 1, and 2, including set EISA timer to a known state.
Initialize DMA Controllers 0 and 1.
Initialize interrupt controllers 0 and 1.
Initialize EISA extended registers.
4 Test Memory Refresh Toggle RAM must be periodically refreshed inorder to keep the memory from decaying.
This function assures that the memory refresh function is working properly.
5 Blank video, Initialize keyboard Keyboard controller initialization.
6 Reserved
7 Test CMOS Interface and Battery Status Verifies CMOS is working correctly, detects bad battery.
BE Chipset Default
Initialization Program chipset registers with power on BIOS defaults.
C1 Memory presence test OEM Specific-Test to size on-board memory.
C5 Early Shadow OEM Specific-Early Shadow enable for fast boot.
C6 Cache presence test External cache size detection.

8 Setup low memory Early chip set initialization.
Memory presence test.
OEM chip set routines.
Clear low 64K of memory.
Test first 64K memory.
Early Cache
Initialization Cyrix CPU initialization.
Cache initialization.
A Setup Interrupt Vector Table Initialization first 120 interrupt vectors with SPURIOUS_INT_HDLR and initialize INT 00h-1Fh according to INT_TBL
B Test CMOS RAM Checksum
Test CMOS RAM Checksum, if bad, or insert key pressed, load defaults.
C Initialize keyboard Detect type of keyboard controller (optional) Set NUM_LOCK status.
D Initialize Video Interface Detect CPU clock.
Read CMOS location 14h to find out type of video in use.
Detect and Initialize Video Adapter.
E Test Video Memory Test video memory, write sign-on message to screen.
Setup shadow RAM.Enable shadow according to Setup.
F Test DMA Controller 0 BIOS checksum test.
Keyboard detect and initialization.
10 Test DMA Controller 1
11 Test DMA Page Registers
Test DMA Page Registers.
12-13 Reserved
14 Test Timer Counter 2 Test 8254 Timer 0 Counter 2.
15 Test 8259-1 Mask Bits Verify 8259 Channel 1 masked interrupts by alternately turning off and on the interrupt lines.
16 Test 8259-2 Mask Bits Verify 8259 Channel 2 masked interrupts by alternately turning off and on the interrupt lines.

17 Test Stuck 8259's
Interrupt Bits Turn off interrupts then verify no interrupt mask register is on.
18 Test 8259 Interrupt
Functionality Force an interrupt and verify the interrupt occurred.
19 Test Stuck NMI Bits
(Parity I/O Check) Verity NMI can be cleared.
1A Display CPU clock.
1B-1E Reserved
1F Set EISA Mode If EISA non-volatile memory checksum is good, execute EISA initialization. If not, execute ISA tests an clear EISA mode flag.
Test EISA Configuration Memory Integrity (checksum & communication interface).
20 Enable Slot 0 Initialization slot 0 (System Board).
21-2F Enable Slot 1-15 Initialize slot 1 through 15.
30 Size Base and Extended
Memory Size base memory from 256K to 640K and extended memory above 1MB.

Test Base and Extended Memory Test base memory from 256K to 640K and extended memory above 1MB using various patterns.
NOTE: This will be skipped in EISA mode and can be "skipped" with ESC key in ISA mode.
32 Test EISA Extended
Memory If EISA Mode flag is set then test EISA memory found in slots initialization.
NOTE: This will be skipped in ISA mode and can be "skipped" with ESC key in EISA mode.
33-3B Reserved
3C Setup Enabled
3D Initialize & install Mouse Detect if mouse is present, initialize mouse, install interrupt vectors.
3E Setup Cache Controller Initialize cache controller.
3F Reserved
BF Chipset Initialization Program chipset registers with Setup values
40 Display virus protest disable or enable.
41 Initialize Floppy
Drive & Controller Initialize floppy disk drive controller and drives.
42 Initialize Hard Drive &
controller Initialize hard drive controller and any drives.

43 Detect & Initialize
Serial/Parallel Ports Initialize any serial and parallel ports (also game port).
44 Reserved
45 Detect & Initialize
Math Coprocessor Initialize math coprocessor.
46 Reserved
47 Reserved
48-4D Reserved
4E Manufacturing POST Loop or Display Messages
Reboot if Manufacturing POST Loop pin is set. Otherwise display any messages (i.e., any non-fatal errors that were detected during POST) and enter Setup.
4F Security Check Ask password security (optional).
50 Write CMOS Write all CMOS values back to RAM and clear screen.
51 Pre-boot Enable Enable parity checker.
Enable NMI, Enable cache before boot.
52 Initialize Option ROMs
Initialize any option ROMs present from
NOTE: When FSCAN option is enabled, will initialize from C8OOOh to F7FFFh.
53 Initialize Time Value Initialize time value in 40h:BIOS area.
60 Setup Virus Protect Setup virus protect according to Setup.
61 Set Boot Speed Set system speed for boot.
62 Setup Num Lock Setup Num Lock status according to Setup.
63 Boot Attempt Set low stack.
Boot via INT 19h.
B0 Spurious If interrupt occurs in protected mode.
B1 Unclaimed NMI If unmasked NMI occurs, display.
Press F1 to disable NMI, F2 reboot.
E1-EF Setup Pages E1-Page 1, E2-Page 2, etc.
FF Boot

Chapter 4
General Description
The PC HEALTH MONITOR-II Software, an application software based on Microsoft Windows 95, is used to control the PC HEALTH MONITOR CHIP. It can monitor the temperatures, power supply voltages and fan speeds via PC HEALTH MONITOR CHIP and show the information on screen periodically. User can use it to specify temperature, voltage and fan speed configurations used by monitor chip. By the way, the alarm warning events and polling interval could also be set by this software. If there is an abnormal event happens, it will pop up a window on screen to inform the user the abnormal situation.
Using the Software

General Function
1. Power Supply Voltage :
VCORE Low Limit/High Limit
VTT Low Limit/High Limit
3.3V Low Limit/High Limit
+5V Low Limit/High Limit
-5V Low Limit/High Limit
+12V Low Limit/High Limit
-12V Low Limit/High Limit
These values are used to specify the threshold values of detecting the abnormal condition of VTT, 3.3V, +5V, -5V, +12V, -12V.
2. FAN Speed
If the fan RPM is lower than this value and “CPUFAN/FAN1/FAN2” is enabled in Monitoring Config. the PC Speaker will alarm and the monitor software will pop up a window to inform user.
3. Temperature
System/ CPU1 Low Limit/ High Limit
There values is used to specify the Temp-Over register/ Tem-under register of PC HEALTH MONITOR CHIP, If the temperature of the external thermistor is higher than this value and “System/CPU” is enabled in Monitoring Config. the monitor software will pop up a window to inform user.
Monitoring Config.

Enabled or Disabled: User can decide which item should be monitored or not by choosing the item in the configuration page.
Faults Count (1 or 3): User can decide the system to pop up the warning message when there is 1 fault detected or there are 3 consecutive faults detected.
Beep: In addition to pop up warning message user can choose to activate Beep tone if there is error detected. Beep tone will until the error is treated.

Chapter 5
New Function for J-7BXA ,J-7BXA/L Keyboard Password/Hot-key Power On
The J-7BXA ,J-7BXA/L has two ways to Power On System, one is use power button the other is use keyboard. This document description how to use keyboard to control Power On function.
Function 1:
Use Power Button Power On (Default setting)
Please setting both JP3 1-2 closed and J2 1-2 closed (see Figure A). In this condition the system will ignore the BIOS SETUP “Power On Function” under “INTEGRATED PERIPERALS”, system only can power on by Power Button.
Function 2:
Use Keyboard Password/ Hot-key Power On
You have to setting both JP3 2-3 closed and J2 2-3 closed (see Figure A). In this setting you can change BIOS SETUP to “Password” or “Hot-key” in “Power On Function” item under “INTEGRATED PERIPHERAL SETUP”.
A: When choose “Password”, then user can setting your password in “KB Power On Password” item. After save CMOS SETUP, the next time want to power on, you have to key in your password to power on, otherwise the system will not power on.
B: When choose “Hot-key”, then user can choose by key in Hot-key or use Power button to power on system.
Question and Answer:
Q1: When you forget password or the system can not power on by power button?
Answer: There has two solution of this problem:
sol 1: 1st : Turn off the Power Supply by ON/OFF switch.
2nd: Clear CMOS by JP1 3-4 closed about 10 sec and remove the Jumper to 2-3 closed for Normal use.
3rd: Switch ON the Power Supply by ON/OFF switch.
4th: Follow Function 1 or Function 2 to setting to setting your Power On Function.
sol 2: Change the Jumper setting both JP3 1-2 closed and J2 1-2 closed (Default setting)
Let you can use power button to Power On your system, and you can setting BIOS again. In this condition you can choose use Function 1 (use Power Button Power On) or use Function 2 (Use Keyboard Password/ Hot-key Power On) to setting your system.
Q2: When use Function 2 use keyboard Password/Hot-key Power On, there has keyboard error problem?
Answer: This is the Power Supply 5V stand by current too small can not drive the keyboard.
sol: If your Power Supply 5V Stand By current is not enough to driver keyboard. You can not use keyboard password/Hot-key power on Function, Please change the Jumper setting JP3 1-2 closed and J2 1-2 closed only can use Function 1: Power Button Power On.

Отправлено: 01:09, 11-05-2009 | #8


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Акуратно сними наклейку голографичную с микросхемы BIOS - если на ней надпись Intel - смотри как стоит перемычка на джампере на установку / снятие защиты от записи. Это только для интеловских флэш-микросхем. Если нет такого джампера в описании к материнской плате - это кто то подстраховался до тебя, "чтоб биос не перешили" - поставил микросхему интеловскую, прошитую на другой плате но с BIOS для твоей материнки. Найди другую флеш с маркировкой первых цифр - 29хххххх. У интеловской - 28ххххххх, и у них предусмотрена внутреннее запароливание на перепрошивку BIOS.

Отправлено: 23:41, 12-05-2009 | #9

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Помогите плиз! У меня мать Fujitsu Siemens D2331,
биос Phoenix 5.00 R1.23.2331.01
PCI Express-ный слот на ней не пашет, хочу попробовать перепрошить биос, но нигде не могу найти прошивку! Стоит ли прошивать биос или можно как-то по другому заставить мать видеть PCI Express слот?

Отправлено: 15:34, 25-05-2009 | #10

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