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Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 9]
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Предыдущие ветки обсуждения по ссылкам ниже и в прикреплённых архивах: Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 6] | Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 6].7z Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 7] | Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 7].7z Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 8] | Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 8].7z |
Отправлено: 16:09, 04-04-2018 |
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Последний раз редактировалось TheLeon, 08-04-2018 в 12:07. Отправлено: 21:26, 07-04-2018 | #11 |
Для отключения данного рекламного блока вам необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти с учетной записью социальной сети. Если же вы забыли свой пароль на форуме, то воспользуйтесь данной ссылкой для восстановления пароля. |
Ветеран Сообщения: 862
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать TheLeon, дайте мне полный скрипт вместе с картинками
------- Отправлено: 21:54, 07-04-2018 | #12 |
Ветеран Сообщения: 862
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[Setup] AppName=Моя программа AppVersion=1.5 AppPublisher=YURSHAT AppPublisherURL=http://krinkels.org/ DefaultDirName={pf}\Моя программа [Languages] Name: "RU"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\Russian.isl" [CustomMessages] RU.CompName1=Компонент 1 RU.CompName2=Компонент 2 RU.ComponentsInfo=Наведите курсор мыши на компонент, чтобы прочитать его описание. RU.ComponentsImgInfo=Наведите курсор мыши на компонент, чтобы посмотреть его превью. RU.CompDesc1=Описание первого компонента RU.CompDesc2=Описание второго компонента [Files] Source: "compiler:WizModernImage.bmp"; DestName: "CompDescImg1.bmp"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "compiler:WizModernImage-IS.bmp"; DestName: "CompDescImg2.bmp"; Flags: dontcopy [Types] Name: full; Description: Full installation; Flags: iscustom [Components] Name: comp1; Description: "{cm:CompName1}"; Types: full Name: comp2; Description: "{cm:CompName2}"; Types: full [Code] type TComponentDesc = record Description: String; ImageName: String; Index: Integer; end; var CompDescs: array of TComponentDesc; CompDescPanel, CompDescImgPanel: TPanel; CompDescText: array[1..2] of TLabel; CompIndex, LastIndex: Integer; CompDescImg: TBitmapImage; procedure ShowCompDescription(Sender: TObject; X, Y, Index: Integer; Area: TItemArea); var i: Integer; begin if Index = LastIndex then Exit; CompIndex := -1; for i := 0 to GetArrayLength(CompDescs) -1 do begin if (CompDescs[i].Index = Index) then begin CompIndex := i; Break; end; end; if (CompIndex >= 0) and (Area = iaItem) then begin if not FileExists(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\') + CompDescs[CompIndex].ImageName) then ExtractTemporaryFile(CompDescs[CompIndex].ImageName); CompDescImg.Bitmap.LoadFromFile(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\') + CompDescs[CompIndex].ImageName); CompDescImg.Show; CompDescText[2].Caption := CompDescs[CompIndex].Description; CompDescText[2].Enabled := True; end else begin CompDescText[2].Caption := CustomMessage('ComponentsInfo'); CompDescText[2].Enabled := False; CompDescImg.Hide; end; LastIndex := Index; end; procedure CompListMouseLeave(Sender: TObject); begin CompDescImg.Hide; CompDescText[2].Caption := CustomMessage('ComponentsInfo'); CompDescText[2].Enabled := False; LastIndex := -1; end; procedure AddCompDescription(AIndex: Integer; ADescription: String; AImageName: String); var i: Integer; begin i := GetArrayLength(CompDescs); SetArrayLength(CompDescs, i + 1); CompDescs[i].Description := ADescription; CompDescs[i].ImageName := AImageName; CompDescs[i].Index := AIndex - 1 end; procedure InitializeWizard(); begin WizardForm.SelectComponentsLabel.Hide; WizardForm.TypesCombo.Hide; WizardForm.ComponentsList.SetBounds(ScaleX(0), ScaleY(0), ScaleX(184), ScaleY(205)); WizardForm.ComponentsList.OnItemMouseMove:= @ShowCompDescription; WizardForm.ComponentsList.OnMouseLeave := @CompListMouseLeave; CompDescImgPanel := TPanel.Create(WizardForm); with CompDescImgPanel do begin Parent := WizardForm.SelectComponentsPage; SetBounds(ScaleX(192), ScaleY(0), ScaleX(225), ScaleY(120)); BevelInner := bvLowered; end; CompDescText[1] := TLabel.Create(WizardForm); with CompDescText[1] do begin Parent := CompDescImgPanel; SetBounds(ScaleX(5), ScaleY(5), CompDescImgPanel.Width - ScaleX(10), CompDescImgPanel.Height - ScaleY(10)); AutoSize := False; WordWrap := True; Enabled := False; Caption := CustomMessage('ComponentsImgInfo'); end; CompDescImg := TBitmapImage.Create(WizardForm); with CompDescImg do begin Parent := CompDescImgPanel; SetBounds(ScaleX(5), ScaleY(5), CompDescImgPanel.Width - ScaleX(10), CompDescImgPanel.Height - ScaleY(10)); Stretch := True; Hide; end; CompDescPanel := TPanel.Create(WizardForm); with CompDescPanel do begin Parent := WizardForm.SelectComponentsPage; SetBounds(ScaleX(192), ScaleY(125), ScaleX(225), ScaleY(80)); BevelInner := bvLowered; end; CompDescText[2] := TLabel.Create(WizardForm); with CompDescText[2] do begin Parent := CompDescPanel; SetBounds(ScaleX(5), ScaleY(5), CompDescPanel.Width - ScaleX(10), CompDescPanel.Height - ScaleY(10)); AutoSize := False; WordWrap := True; Enabled := False; Caption := CustomMessage('ComponentsInfo'); end; AddCompDescription(1, CustomMessage('CompDesc1'), 'CompDescImg1.bmp'); AddCompDescription(2, CustomMessage('CompDesc2'), 'CompDescImg2.bmp'); end; |
------- Отправлено: 00:08, 08-04-2018 | #13 |
Пользователь Сообщения: 50
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Последний раз редактировалось TheLeon, 08-04-2018 в 15:31. Отправлено: 12:04, 08-04-2018 | #14 |
Ветеран Сообщения: 862
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать Цитата TheLeon:
var Label1: TLabel; procedure Label1Click(Sender: TObject); var ErrorCode: Integer; begin ShellExec('open','http://www.innosetup.com','', '', SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, ErrorCode) end; procedure InitializeWizard(); begin Label1 := TLabel.Create(WizardForm); with Label1 do begin Parent := WizardForm; Caption := 'Developed by Leon and OSzone.net'; SetBounds(ScaleX(15),ScaleY(338),ScaleX(132),ScaleY(130)); Font.Size := 7; OnClick:=@Label1Click; Font.Color:=clBlue; Enabled:=True; Cursor:=crHand; end; end; Цитата TheLeon:
var Image1: TBitmapImage; procedure Image1Click(Sender: TObject); var ErrorCode: Integer; begin ShellExec('open','http://www.innosetup.com','', '', SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, ErrorCode) end; procedure InitializeWizard(); begin Image1 := TBitmapImage.Create(WizardForm); with Image1 do begin Parent := WizardForm.SelectDirPage; SetBounds(ScaleX(0),ScaleY(70),ScaleX(416),ScaleY(170)); ExtractTemporaryFile('BMP.bmp'); Bitmap.LoadFromFile(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\BMP.bmp')); OnClick:=@Image1Click; Enabled:=True; Cursor:=crHand; end; end; |
------- Последний раз редактировалось habib2302, 09-04-2018 в 11:45. Отправлено: 14:17, 08-04-2018 | #15 |
Ветеран Сообщения: 1273
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать Цитата ABBAT:
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[Setup] AppName=test AppVerName=test CreateAppDir=no DefaultDirName={tmp} Uninstallable=no CreateUninstallRegKey=no [Languages] Name: ru; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\russian.isl [Code] #define A = (Defined UNICODE) ? "W" : "A" const GENERIC_READ = $80000000; GENERIC_WRITE = $40000000; FILE_SHARE_READ = $1; FILE_SHARE_WRITE = $2; OPEN_EXISTING = 3; INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1; IOCTL_ATA_PASS_THROUGH = $0004D02C; ATA_FLAGS_DRDY_REQUIRED = $0001; ATA_FLAGS_DATA_IN = $0002; ID_CMD = $EC; type TATAPassThroughEx = record Length: WORD; AtaFlags: WORD; PathId: Byte; TargetId: Byte; Lun: Byte; ReservedAsUchar: Byte; DataTransferLength: DWORD; TimeOutValue: DWORD; ReservedAsUlong: DWORD; DataBufferOffset: DWORD; PreviousTaskFile: array [0..7] of Byte; CurrentTaskFile: array [0..7] of Byte; end; TATAIdentifyDeviceQuery = record Header: TATAPassThroughEx; Data: array [0..255] of WORD; end; // Device Management Functions function DeviceIoControlATAIdentifyDeviceQuery(hDevice: THandle; dwIoControlCode: DWORD; var lpInBuffer: TATAIdentifyDeviceQuery; nInBufferSize: DWORD; out lpOutBuffer: TATAIdentifyDeviceQuery; nOutBufferSize: DWORD; out lpBytesReturned: DWORD; lpOverlapped: DWORD): BOOL; external 'DeviceIoControl@kernel32.dll stdcall'; // File Management Functions function CreateFile(lpFileName: string; dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode: DWORD; lpSecurityAttributes: Longint; dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes: DWORD; hTemplateFile: THandle): THandle; external 'CreateFile{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; // Handle and Object Functions function CloseHandle(hObject: THandle): BOOL; external 'CloseHandle@kernel32.dll stdcall'; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function IsDriveSSD(const ADriveLetter: string): Boolean; var BytesReturned: DWORD; DeviceHandle: THandle; ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery: TATAIdentifyDeviceQuery; begin Result := False; try DeviceHandle := CreateFile(Format('\\.\%s', [ADriveLetter]), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if DeviceHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then RaiseException(SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery.Header.Length := SizeOf(ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery.Header); ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery.Header.AtaFlags := ATA_FLAGS_DATA_IN or ATA_FLAGS_DRDY_REQUIRED; ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery.Header.DataTransferLength := SizeOf(ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery.Data); ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery.Header.TimeOutValue := 3; ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery.Header.DataBufferOffset := SizeOf(ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery.Header); ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery.Header.CurrentTaskFile[6{ = Command/Status register }] := ID_CMD; // ATA IDENTIFY DEVICE command if not DeviceIoControlATAIdentifyDeviceQuery(DeviceHandle, IOCTL_ATA_PASS_THROUGH, ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery, SizeOf(ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery), ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery, SizeOf(ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery), BytesReturned, 0) then begin Log(Format('DeviceIoControl failed: %s', [SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)])); Exit; end; Result := ATAIdentifyDeviceQuery.Data[{ Word }217{: Nominal media rotation rate }] = 1; finally if DeviceHandle > 0 then CloseHandle(DeviceHandle); end; end; /////////////////////////// procedure InitializeWizard; begin if IsDriveSSD(ExpandConstant('{sd}')) then MsgBox('SSD', mbInformation, MB_OK) else MsgBox('No SSD', mbInformation, MB_OK); end; |
Отправлено: 15:28, 08-04-2018 | #16 |
Новый участник Сообщения: 23
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать El Sanchez,
Отправлено: 21:58, 08-04-2018 | #17 |
Пользователь Сообщения: 50
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать El Sanchez, здравствуйте, сможете ли помочь с задуманным?
Последний раз редактировалось TheLeon, 11-04-2018 в 19:10. Отправлено: 19:09, 10-04-2018 | #18 |
Ветеран Сообщения: 1273
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать Цитата TheLeon:
Скрытый текст
[Setup] AppName=test AppVerName=test DefaultDirName={tmp} Uninstallable=no CreateUninstallRegKey=no LicenseFile=compiler:license.txt [Languages] Name: ru; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\russian.isl [Messages] ru.WizardLicense=Сканирование... [Code] ////////////////////////// procedure ChangeMainPanel; var HelpBitmap: TBitmapImage; begin WizardForm.PageDescriptionLabel.Hide; with WizardForm.WizardSmallBitmapImage do begin Left := ScaleX(10); Top := (Parent.Height - Height) div 2; end; HelpBitmap := TBitmapImage.Create(WizardForm.MainPanel); with HelpBitmap do begin Parent := WizardForm.MainPanel; Bitmap.LoadFromFile('{#CompilerPath }\WizModernSmallImage-IS.bmp'); AutoSize := True; Left := Parent.Width - Width - ScaleX(10); Top := (Parent.Height - Height) div 2; ShowHint := True; Hint := 'Sample text'; end; with WizardForm.PageNameLabel do begin Font.Color := clGray; Font.Size := 14; Font.Style := []; AdjustHeight; Left := WizardForm.WizardSmallBitmapImage.Left + WizardForm.WizardSmallBitmapImage.Width + ScaleX(10); Top := (Parent.Height - Height) div 2; Width := HelpBitmap.Left - Left - ScaleX(10); end; end; /////////////////////////// procedure InitializeWizard; begin ChangeMainPanel; end; Цитата TheLeon:
Скрытый текст
[Setup] AppName=test AppVerName=test DefaultDirName={tmp} Uninstallable=no CreateUninstallRegKey=no [Languages] Name: ru; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\russian.isl [Code] #define A = (Defined UNICODE) ? "W" : "A" const WS_CHILD = $40000000; WS_VISIBLE = $10000000; WS_DISABLED = $08000000; // ATL Functions function AtlAxWinInit: BOOL; external 'AtlAxWinInit@atl.dll stdcall'; function AtlAxCreateControl(lpszName: string; hWnd: HWND; pStream, ppUnkContainer: Longint): HResult; external 'AtlAxCreateControl@atl.dll stdcall'; // Window Functions function GetSysColor(nIndex: Integer): DWORD; external 'GetSysColor@user32.dll stdcall'; function CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle: DWORD; lpClassName, lpWindowName: string; dwStyle: DWORD; x, y, nWidth, nHeight: Integer; hWndParent: HWND; hMenu: HMENU; hInstance, lpParam: Longint): HWND; external 'CreateWindowEx{#A}@user32.dll stdcall'; function DestroyWindow(hWnd: HWND): BOOL; external 'DestroyWindow@user32.dll stdcall'; var GIFWndHandle: HWND; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ShowAnimatedGIF(AWndParent: HWND; ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer; AUrl: string; AColor: TColor): HWND; (* Parameters: AWndParent...: A handle to the parent window ALeft........: The initial horizontal position of the window ATop.........: The initial vertical position of the window AWidth.......: The width of the window AHeight......: The height of the window AUrl.........: The URL or full path of the GIF file AColor.......: Color background Return value: A handle to ActiveX control host window *) var HTMLStr: string; ResultCode: HResult; begin if not AtlAxWinInit then Exit; Result := CreateWindowEx(0, 'AtlAxWin', '', WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or WS_DISABLED, ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight, AWndParent, 0, 0, 0); if Result = 0 then RaiseException(SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); if AColor < 0 then AColor := GetSysColor(AColor and $0000FF); HTMLStr := Format('about:<html><body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" scroll="no" bgcolor="#%.2x%.2x%.2x"><p align="center"><img src="%s" height="100%%"></img></p></body></html>', [AColor and $0000FF, AColor and $00FF00 shr 8, AColor and $FF0000 shr 16, AUrl]); ResultCode := AtlAxCreateControl(HTMLStr, Result, 0, 0); if ResultCode <> 0 then RaiseException(SysErrorMessage(ResultCode)); end; /////////////////////////// procedure InitializeWizard; begin GIFWndHandle := ShowAnimatedGIF(WizardForm.SelectDirPage.Handle, 0, WizardForm.DirEdit.Top + WizardForm.DirEdit.Height + ScaleY(5), WizardForm.SelectDirPage.Width, WizardForm.DiskSpaceLabel.Top - WizardForm.DirEdit.Top - WizardForm.DirEdit.Height - ScaleY(5), 'https://media.giphy.com/media/9y0qXExCElAgU/giphy.gif', WizardForm.SelectDirPage.Color); end; //////////////////////////// procedure DeinitializeSetup; begin if GIFWndHandle <> 0 then DestroyWindow(GIFWndHandle); end; Цитата TheLeon:
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Цитата TheLeon:
Отправлено: 18:12, 11-04-2018 | #19 |
Пользователь Сообщения: 77
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать Здраствуйте, ув. форумчане. Подскажите пож. Возникла следующая проблема:
1. Создана кастомная страница var Page: TWizardPage; procedure InitializeWizard(); begin Page := CreateCustomPage(wpWelcome, 'ISCustomPage1_Caption', 'ISCustomPage1_Description'); end; Со стандартными страницами всё ясно на как быть в таком случае ? |
Отправлено: 21:14, 24-04-2018 | #20 |
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Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 7] | El Sanchez | Автоматическая установка приложений | 2499 | 02-02-2015 08:59 | |
Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 6] | El Sanchez | Автоматическая установка приложений | 2494 | 10-03-2014 11:51 | |
Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 5] | El Sanchez | Автоматическая установка приложений | 1999 | 28-03-2013 19:09 | |
Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 4] | El Sanchez | Автоматическая установка приложений | 2099 | 22-05-2012 23:16 | |
Скрипты Inno Setup. Помощь и советы [часть 3] | Serega | Автоматическая установка приложений | 3755 | 26-10-2011 17:58 |