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Компьютерный форум OSzone.net » Автоматическая установка Windows » Автоматическая установка Windows 2000/XP/2003 » (solved) Батник,изменение размера окна

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(solved) Батник,изменение размера окна


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Как задать индивидуальный размер окна файла xxx.cmd. Наример я хочу чтобы файл drivers.cmd при отработке отображался, по заданому мной размеру или скажем во весь экран. А то както не эстетично смотрится, как малюсенькая форточка

Отправлено: 15:19, 15-02-2006


Аватара для SyCraft


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cmdow тебе поможет
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Отправлено: 17:40, 15-02-2006 | #2

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cmdow тебе поможет ищи на форуме инфу
По cmdow инфы море! А что касается конкретной команды по изменение размера окна, ничего нет.

Отправлено: 07:54, 17-02-2006 | #3


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Usage 3. This form of CMDOW performs the specified action(s), IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY ARE SPECIFIED, on the specified window.

Some of these commands allow you to manipulate windows in ways not normally possible. Improper use may cause unexpected results and system instability.

Here are the commandline options:-

CMDOW window {[/ACT] [/INA] [/ENA] [/DIS] [/VIS] [/HID] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/RES] [/TOP] [/NOT] [/REN caption] [/MOV left top] [/SIZ width height] [/CLS] [/END]}
window Window to perform action(s) on. Specify a window by its unique handle in hexadecimal format (0x1A0142) or its caption. Windows without captions can be specified by their ClassName. The At symbol '@', may be used to refer to this window. ie 'CMDOW @ /HID'
/ACT Activates the specified window. It's possible to activate a hidden and/or disabled window (although doing so will not make it visible or enabled). If a minimized window is activated, it remains minimized.
/INA Inactivates the specified window (activates a window shown on the taskbar with the lowest Z order). If the specified window is already inactive or it is the only window shown on the taskbar, then /INA has no effect. This action added for completeness rather than usefulness.
/ENA Enables the specified window (allowing user interaction).
/DIS Disables the specified window. A disabled window will continue to run as usual, although it will not accept user input until it is enabled.
/VIS Unhides the specified window (make it visible).
/HID Hides the specified window. Although a hidden window will not be shown on the taskbar, it will still run and may be unhidden later.
/MIN Minimizes specified window. Not all windows can be minimized, dialog boxes for instance.
/MAX Maximizes specified window (even those not having a Maximize button).
/RES Restores the specified window to its former size and position. If a minimized window was originally maximized, then /RES will maximize the window. Applying /RES a second time, will restore the window to the size and position it was before it was maximized.
/TOP Makes the specified window always on top. It will remain on top even when another window is activated. If two or more windows have this attribute set, the topmost window will be that which had the attribute set first.
/NOT Makes window not always on top. This is the normal setting for most windows.
/REN Renames the caption of the specified window to the caption specified after /REN. Use double quotes for captions containing whitespace.
/MOV Moves the specified window. The left and top arguments specify the new position of the left top corner of the window. For level one windows this relative to the desktop, and for child windows this is relative to its parent window. Level one windows can be moved off the screen using negative coords or coords greater than the desktop size. You should not move a minimized or maximized window without first restoring it.
/SIZ Resizes the specified window. The width and height arguments specifiy the new absolute width and height. In general, windows cannot be made smaller using /SIZ than they could if using conventional methods. You should not resize a minimized or maximized window without first restoring it.
/CLS Politely asks the specified window to close. Most applications will repsond to this request, although some may display a message box asking you what to do with unsaved work.

Kills the process associated with the specified window, the result is all windows with the same Pid are also killed. Use very carefully.

Канал Windows 11, etc | Чат @winsiders

Отправлено: 08:27, 17-02-2006 | #4


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Спасибо, всё помогло!

Отправлено: 10:22, 21-02-2006 | #5

Компьютерный форум OSzone.net » Автоматическая установка Windows » Автоматическая установка Windows 2000/XP/2003 » (solved) Батник,изменение размера окна

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