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Что это за файлы .torrent?

Аватара для ShaRP

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Инфа взята с http://www.filerush.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10

Q: What is Bit Torrent and what are these .torrent files I'm downloading?

A: Bit Torrent was developed by Bram Cohen and is a system of file distribution that uses peer to peer (P2P) technology to spread files more efficiently. When you click the links on the front page of this site, you're getting a .torrent meta file. This includes information that a Bit Torrent client needs to find the network servers with the file. You must first download and install a Bit Torrent client before these torrent files will be useful to you. Once the client makes contact with the server, it starts downloading pieces of the file from everyone who's currently downloading the file. As you get more pieces, your client starts sharing those pieces with other people who need them. Since everyone who's connected to the network is sharing, this allows a massive number of people to be downloading without extreme slow downs.

Q: Ok, so where can I download the Bit Torrent client?

A: Here's one that's my personal favorite as it has lots of controls.


This one has less controls, but it's good for downloading many torrents at the same time.


Q: I noticed on these clients that it allows me to change the settings so that I only upload a small amount and so that it won't share very much. Will this affect me at all?

A: Bit Torrent has a built in system of awarding people who share more. The more you share, the faster your downloads will go. If you set your upload speed to nothing or a very small amount and there aren't a large number of seeds available, your download speeds will be very slow also. When you have completely downloaded the file and are still connected, you're now considered a "seed." By keeping your download window open after it's finished, you're giving back to the community and helping others download the file faster.

Q: My download speeds are very slow. I'm sharing a lot but not getting much! What gives?

A: When you first connect, even with a lot of seeds/servers your speeds will probably be slow. It usually takes 3-4 minutes before your client becomes aware of everyone on the network and starts making contact with as many as possible. If there aren't many seeds yet, you'll find yourself sharing more than you're downloading. The good outcome though, is that the longer you're connected, the faster it will go. Patience is key.

Torrent submission guide:

To submit torrents with the intent of having it displayed on the front page, follow these steps:

1. Create a torrent meta file of the file you want to share with everyone. You need to use the completedir utility that's available here. When asked for the tracker url, enter:


2. Upload the torrent to the site via the 'Submit Torrent' button on the front page.

3. To seed the torrent, open your torrent file and point it at the full file that you want to share. After it scans it, leave the window open and you're now seeding if you did everything correctly. Disregard the error message that says "This torrent is not authorized by the tracker" or some such. Once it's been added to the database, it will automatically start working, so just leave the window up.
- если коротко, то это новый формат, основа некоей p2p системы, работающей по новому принципу. В torrent-файле содержится информация, необходимая для работы клиента системы, грубо говоря - где брать основной файл. Во втором вопросе приведены ссылки на место, откуда можно взять этот клиент.  

"I found it hard, it's hard to find. Oh well, whatever, never mind."

Отправлено: 19:33, 20-04-2004


Аватара для DillerInc

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Решил поместить данный пост в этот топик.Если что - рассудят ув. Модераторы.
Владелец LokiTorrent.com налетел на $1000000
Цитата 3DNews.ru:
Американская ассоциация кино (ААК) выиграла очень важный процесс против пиратства и закрыла сайт LokiTorrent.com. Этот сайт, владельцем которого был Edward Webber, давал людям ссылки на свободное скачивание фильмов, защищенных авторскими правами. По решению суда, Эдвард должен заплатить один миллион долларов штрафа. А титульная страница сайта была заменена на предупреждение об ответственности за нелегальное скачивание. Кстати, время расплаты может наступить и для тех, кто пользовался услугами сайта – суд обязал его владельцев передать информацию об IP-адресах тех, кто пользовался услугами ресурса.
речь идёт о бывшем весьма неплохом бесплатном torrent-ресурсе,который был реальной альтернативой сайту suprnova.org,который,если я не ошибаюсь,также не так давно закрыли .

P.S. -Ссылка на статью-

То,что неясно,следует выяснить.То,что трудно творить,следует делать с великой настойчивостью. © Конфуций

Отправлено: 14:41, 14-02-2005 | #11

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