Если честно, обидно читать такой вопрос от продвинутого пользователя, а от модератора, который по моему мнению должен быть в курсе всех событий вокруг ос, тем более. не в обиду, но это камень в ваш огород
If you want to install XPde 0.2.0 on Red Hat 8.0, you must follow the instructions of the INSTALL file, and also perform some additional steps to be able to select XPde on your GDM login:
Here are the Zeljan's instructions extended:
1є type this on your console:
2є Enter your root password when prompted
3. type this
cd /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions
4є Create an executable script, you need to create a new file using a text editor, for example, joe.
This script must be named xpde, and must contain:
exec /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession xpde
5є After you save that file, you must type this:
chmod a+x xpde
This will make that script "executable"
6є Go to /etc/X11/xdm and open the file Xsession
7є Goto line which says : case $# in (it's around line 86) and under kde entry put this lines:
exec -l $SHELL -c "$HOME/.xinitrc"
8є Now, login as a normal user, or press Ctrl+D to log out to your previous user and type this:
This will return to your $HOME dir and type this:
mv xinitrcDEFAULT .xinitrc
to rename the XPde loading script to .xinitrc
9є Type this:
chmod a+x .xinitrc
This will make your loading script executable
10є Log out from Gnome and if you select the Session Menu at the bottom, you could choose to run XPde
This instructions has been verified "twice" on a fresh Red Hat 8.0 installation, so it's likely that if you get an error, you have missed something ;-)