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Аватара для fergard


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В ходе горячего обсуждения проблемы в сабже, натолкнулся на статью в интернете.


But as far as 32-bit versions of the operating system are concerned, all you have to do is access cmd via Start, then enter cmd in the search bar and make sure you run it with administrative privileges. Next simply type "BCDEdit /set PAE forceenable" and hit enter. This command will enable Physical Address Extension (PAE) in 32-bit Windows Vista, and the operating system will be able to address memory larger than 4 GB. Via BCDEdit, you will be able to configure the boot configuration data store via the command line.
У меня, к сожалению, только 2 Гб памяти, проверить не могу. Неужели все так просто?


Отправлено: 18:21, 21-08-2008 | #33