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Читая коменты в блоге http://blogs.technet.com/markrussino...4/2826167.aspx наткнулся на это...
2. the inability to remember the explorer settings such as if you want to have every folder to have a detailed view akin to XP/2003 (columns: name,size,type,date modified).
В коменте от Craig Kirby что ниже, способ решения...
...Not to take this post too off topic but I struggled with your number 2 item from your Feb 4th post. It really, really annoyed me so I searched and hacked around and fixed it and now I get name, size, time, date modified on every explorer view.
The gotcha to all of this is the window size is a per video resolution registry value. I wrote a batch file to automate it as much as possible. I wrote this batch file this morning and it works fine on all the systems I tested it on. It assumes you still have 'reg.exe' and 'shutdown.exe' in the path. Please examine the batch before you run so you feel comfortable with the changes it makes.
Make a backup the following registry key before you run just in case:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell
Batch file: http://www.bigokie.com/vista/SetExplorerWindowSize.bat
Отправлено: 12:43, 03-05-2008
| #2