Media Player Classic (rev.44) от 08.03.2008
Список изменений:
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* обновлён до версии rev.44
* MPC: Added subtitle delay function for the internal subtitle renderer. It can be controlled with the F1 (decrease delay) and F2 (increase delay) buttons. The default delay interval is 500ms, but can be changed in the options. Patch by MatMaul.
* MPC: Automatically block DirectVobSub filter (VSFilter) when the internal subtitle renderer will be used.
* MPC: (SubResync) Save to .srt subtitle fix concerning italics
* MPC: YUV mixing option is now hidden on Vista (because it does not work on Vista).
* MPC: Added CSS classes in WebInterface.
* MPC: Fixed buffer overrun in VobSub code.
* MPC: Show proper error message when trying to use the "Save Image" function together with Overlay Mixer renderer.
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