Цитата Dump:
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : »
У вас Subnet Mask
Это значит что сеть, броадкаст
Допустимые адреса хостов -
В данном случае default gateway не находится в вашей сети, имхо неверная конфигурация
Поправьте если я не прав...
Хотя к проблеме нерегистрации в DNS'e отношения иметь не должно..
Цитата Dump:
Registration of DNS records failed: The RPC server is unavailable. »
А что по этому поводу говорит Event log ?
Вдогонку: цитата из первоисточника
To resolve the " RPC server is unavailable " error
1. On the server, from the Start menu click Run.
2. Type the following line in the Open box:
net start rpcss
3. Click OK .
4. Perform a test to determine whether you still receive an error. For example, test a connection to a domain controller. If you receive an error, continue to the next step.
On the Start menu, point to Programs and Accessories , and then click Command Prompt . At the command prompt, type the following:
ping <servername >
where < servername > is the server, and NetBIOS, DNS, or GUID is the name that you want to test for connectivity. If there is a connection issue with one of these computers, contact your network administrator to resolve the issue. If the error still occurs, continue to the next step.
5. Use the Netdiag tool to determine whether the domain controller is working correctly. (You can perform a network trace by using the MSRPC, DNS, NBT, LDAP, or TCP protocols.) If there is an issue with the domain controller, contact your network administrator to resolve the error. If the error still occurs, continue to the next step.
6. Use the Netdom tool to verify network trust relationships and to reset or establish a connection to a server. If the domain controller for the domain cannot be found, the domain name is not being resolved properly. Contact your network administrator to resolve the issue. If the domain controller is found, the RPC communication channel is functioning. You can use the Netdom tool to reset or establish a connection to another server.
И еще немного:
Generally, when you receive an "RPC Server not available" error message, this implies a name resolution or registration issue on the domain controller. Run the following Netdiag tool from the command prompt on both the domain controller and then on the client, as follows:
Netdiag /debug /fix
This might show some name conflicts or unregistered or unresolved names for the domain controller.
You can use the /l option to generate a log file. The Netdiag tool is in the Support Directory on the on the Windows 2000 Server operating system CD.
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