Содержание файла msmqinst.log:
*** Установка службы очередей сообщений версии 3.0 ***4-11-2007 15:25:22:312
4-11-2007 15:25:22:312 Tracing: Starting initialization...
4-11-2007 15:25:22:312 Tracing: Dump of OCM flags:
4-11-2007 15:25:22:312 Tracing: ProductType=0x0
4-11-2007 15:25:22:312 Tracing: OperationFlags=0x8
4-11-2007 15:25:22:312 Tracing: SourcePath=E:\
4-11-2007 15:25:22:312 Tracing: ComponentId=17747788
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: OS setup. Switching to unattended mode...
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: Unattended mode. The unattended answer file is:
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\$winnt$.inf
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: Checking for installed components...
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: Checking for installed components of MSMQ 1.0 ACME setup...
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: The ACME registry key could not be opened. MSMQ 1.0 ACME was not found.
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: Checking for an upgrade from Windows 9x...
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: Checking for an upgrade from MSMQ 1.0 k2 in the cluster...
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: Checking if MSMQ 1.0 is installed in the cluster...
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: MSMQ 1.0 is not installed in the cluster
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: Initializing OS Version.
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: ProductType=0x0
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: The number of subcomponents is 5
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: GUI mode and Message Queuing is not installed.
4-11-2007 15:25:22:421 Tracing: Initialization was completed successfully!
4-11-2007 15:27:35:953 Tracing: The msmq_core subcomponent is selected for installation.
4-11-2007 15:27:35:953 Tracing: The msmq_core subcomponent is selected for installation.
4-11-2007 15:27:35:953 Tracing: The msmq_localstorage subcomponent is selected for installation.
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Starting late initialization...
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Setting Message Queuing folders...
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Setting folder ID for the Message Queuing folder:
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the Message Queuing Exchange Connector folder (beta2):
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\setup\exchconn
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the Message Queuing storage folder:
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\storage
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the Message Queuing Web folder:
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\web
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the Message Queuing mapping folder:
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\mapping
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the MSMQ 1.0 setup folder:
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\setup
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the MSMQ 1.0 SDK debug folder:
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\sdk\debug
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Setting the Message Queuing folder IDs was completed successfully!
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Late initialization was completed successfully!
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_Core was NOT selected initially
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_Core is selected currently
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_Core subcomponent is INSTALL.
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_LocalStorage was NOT selected initially
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_LocalStorage is selected currently
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_LocalStorage subcomponent is INSTALL.
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_TriggersService was NOT selected initially
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_TriggersService is NOT selected currently
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_TriggersService subcomponent is DO NOTHING.
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_HTTPSupport was NOT selected initially
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_HTTPSupport is selected currently
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_HTTPSupport subcomponent is INSTALL.
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_ADIntegrated was NOT selected initially
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_ADIntegrated is NOT selected currently
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_ADIntegrated subcomponent is DO NOTHING.
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: Final selecton:
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_Core subcomponent is INSTALL.
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_LocalStorage subcomponent is INSTALL.
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_TriggersService subcomponent is DO NOTHING.
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_HTTPSupport subcomponent is INSTALL.
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_ADIntegrated subcomponent is DO NOTHING.
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: succesfully set security descriptor for folder = C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq
4-11-2007 15:27:46:967 Tracing: succesfully set security descriptor for folder = C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\mapping
4-11-2007 15:28:37:905 Tracing: Checking if MSMQ 1.0 is installed in the cluster...
4-11-2007 15:28:38:327 Tracing: The msmq_Core subcomponent is registered for Welcome.
4-11-2007 15:28:38:327 Tracing: The msmq_LocalStorage subcomponent is registered for Welcome.
4-11-2007 15:28:54:827 Tracing: The msmq_HTTPSupport subcomponent is registered for Welcome.
*** Установка службы очередей сообщений версии 3.0 ***4-11-2007 15:38:43:375
4-11-2007 15:38:43:375 Tracing: Starting initialization...
4-11-2007 15:38:43:390 Tracing: Dump of OCM flags:
4-11-2007 15:38:43:390 Tracing: ProductType=0x0
4-11-2007 15:38:43:390 Tracing: OperationFlags=0x10
4-11-2007 15:38:43:390 Tracing: SourcePath=C:\WINDOWS\inf\sysoc.inf
4-11-2007 15:38:43:406 Tracing: ComponentId=1420148
4-11-2007 15:38:43:515 Tracing: Checking for installed components...
4-11-2007 15:38:43:515 Tracing: Message Queuing 2.0 Beta3 or later is NOT installed. Skipping check for other versions...
4-11-2007 15:38:43:515 Tracing: Consider Message Queuing NOT installed on this computer.
4-11-2007 15:38:43:515 Tracing: Initializing OS Version.
4-11-2007 15:38:43:515 Tracing: ProductType=0x0
4-11-2007 15:38:43:515 Tracing: The number of subcomponents is 5
4-11-2007 15:38:43:531 Tracing: Initialization was completed successfully!
*** Установка службы очередей сообщений версии 3.0 ***4-11-2007 15:41:42:0
4-11-2007 15:41:42:0 Tracing: Starting initialization...
4-11-2007 15:41:42:0 Tracing: Dump of OCM flags:
4-11-2007 15:41:42:0 Tracing: ProductType=0x0
4-11-2007 15:41:42:15 Tracing: OperationFlags=0x18
4-11-2007 15:41:42:15 Tracing: SourcePath=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator
4-11-2007 15:41:42:15 Tracing: ComponentId=561296
4-11-2007 15:41:42:125 Tracing: Unattended mode. The unattended answer file is:
4-11-2007 15:41:42:125 Tracing: E:\Install\MSMQ.txt
4-11-2007 15:41:42:125 Tracing: Checking for installed components...
4-11-2007 15:41:42:125 Tracing: Checking if MSMQ 1.0 is installed in the cluster...
4-11-2007 15:41:42:125 Tracing: Message Queuing 2.0 Beta3 or later is NOT installed. Skipping check for other versions...
4-11-2007 15:41:42:125 Tracing: Consider Message Queuing NOT installed on this computer.
4-11-2007 15:41:42:125 Tracing: Checking if MSMQ 1.0 is installed in the cluster...
4-11-2007 15:41:42:125 Tracing: Initializing OS Version.
4-11-2007 15:41:42:125 Tracing: ProductType=0x0
4-11-2007 15:41:42:125 Tracing: The number of subcomponents is 5
4-11-2007 15:41:42:140 Tracing: Initialization was completed successfully!
И опять же требуется "Настройка службы очереди сообщений"
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