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Аватара для hasherfrog

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Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать

For security reasons, Opera and Mozilla will not allow you to access the cssRules collection of a stylesheet from another domain or protocol. Attempting to access it will throw a security violation error. If your script is likely to encounter a stylesheet like this, you should use a try...catch structure to prevent your script from halting.
Вот так.

Ok, проблема снята.

Поправленный букмарклет из головной поста
Код: Выделить весь код
javascript:(function(){var i,x,o,r,nw;nw=window.open('','css','');nw.document.open();nw.document.writeln('@-moz-document url-prefix(%22http://'+document.location.host+'/%22) {<br>');for(i=0;i<document.styleSheets.length;i++){try{x=document.styleSheets[i];r=x.cssRules;}catch(e){r=null;alert('Oops. Access denied.');}if(!r)continue;for(j=0;j<r.length;j++){o=r[j].cssText;if(o.indexOf('rgb')==-1)continue;nw.document.writeln(o.replace(/\);/g,') !important;')+'<br>');}}nw.document.writeln('}<br>');nw.document.close();})()

Отправлено: 00:43, 20-10-2006 | #14