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Вы в точности следовали инструкциям на той странице что я давал выше? Начиная с п. 4: PASSWORD RESET и заканчивая собственно п. 5:
Everything has been done, time to commit the changes.

Hives that have changed:
# Name
0 - OK

. Step FOUR: Writing back changes
About to write file(s) back! Do it? [n] : y

THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE! If you answer y here there will be a write to disk!

Writing sam

NOTE: A disk fixup will now be done.. it may take some time

Mounting volume... OK

Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.

NTFS volume version is 3.1.

Setting required flags on partition... OK

Going to empty the journal ($LogFile)... OK

NTFS partition /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 was processed successfully.
NOTE: Windows will run a diskcheck (chkdsk) on next boot.
NOTE: this is to ensure disk intergity after the changes

***** EDIT COMPLETE *****

You can try again if it somehow failed, or you selected wrong
New run? [n] : n

That was all. The disk fixup is only run on NTFS filesystems, and will force chkdsk next time windows boots.

Please answer n here and then reboot, CTRL-ALT-DEL. Remember to remove the floppy or CD.

FAQ по Windows 10 .::. Настройка Центра обновления в Windows 10 .::. Чистая установка Windows 10 – пошаговая инструкция

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Отправлено: 22:52, 03-10-2006 | #8