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Аватара для NordWest


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Вот что сегодня при перезагрузке нашел в логах System:
Type Date Time Source Category Event User Computer
Warning 23.09.2006 9:33:08 Server None 2510 N/A VIRIS-SRV
Warning 23.09.2006 9:33:08 Server None 2510 N/A VIRIS-SRV

The server service was unable to map error code 998.

Information 23.09.2006 9:33:02 Service Control Manager None 7036 N/A VIRIS-SRV
Information 23.09.2006 9:33:02 Service Control Manager None 7035 SYSTEM VIRIS-SRV

Error 23.09.2006 9:33:02 Service Control Manager None 7023 N/A VIRIS-SRV
Error 23.09.2006 9:33:02 Service Control Manager None 7009 N/A VIRIS-SRV

The Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service terminated with the following error:
The requested resource is in use.

Error 23.09.2006 9:32:50 IPNATHLP None 32009 N/A VIRIS-SRV

Это из-за того, что на сервере зачем-то были запущены RRAS и Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS):
The Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service could not start because another program or service is running that might use the network address translation component (Ipnat.sys). This can occur when Routing and Remote Access is enabled. If this is the case, you must disable Routing and Remote Access before the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service can start.

Отключил Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS).

Warning 23.09.2006 9:32:52 DHCPServer None 1056 N/A VIRIS-SRV

Это сообщение по поводу:
The DHCP service has detected that it is running on a DC and has no credentials configured for use with Dynamic DNS registrations initiated by the DHCP service. This is not a recommended security configuration. Credentials for Dynamic DNS registrations may be configured using the command line "netsh dhcp server set dnscredentials" or via the DHCP Administrative tool.

Сделал этот Credentials от имени пользователя с административными правами, надеюсь поможет.

Вобщем посмотрю после следующей перезагрузки как повлияли изменения...

Отправлено: 11:26, 23-09-2006 | #21