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Название темы: DCOM и "RPC server is unavailable"
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Аватара для Butunin Klim


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1. Open the registry and go to “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{<CLSID in the event message>} to find out friendly name of this component. In my case, this is "Machine Debug Manager” (CLSID: 0C0A3666-30C9-11D0-8F20-00805F2CD064).
2. Go to Component Services via Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Components Services. Expand the Component Services branch then expand “Computers”, “My Computer”, and “DCOM Config”. Right-click on "Machine Debug Manager" (or whatever your CLSID represents) and choose Properties. Click on the Security tab and under “Launch and Activation Permissions” select “Use Default”. Click OK, close the Component Services window. The error should disappear now.

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Мы зрим не то, что есть вокруг,
А то, что можем видеть зримо.
А то, что зреть не достижимо
Нам не узреть во век веков.

Мой веб-магазин товары Amway http://butunina.ru

Отправлено: 11:40, 05-09-2006 | #5

Название темы: DCOM и "RPC server is unavailable"