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Добрый день. Возникла проблема. Сисема сама ребутится каждых 10-20 минут. После перезагрузки выдаёт ошибку:

При нажатии "отправить отчёт" браузер выдаёт следующую информацию:

Error caused by a video device driver

Thank you for sending an error report to Microsoft.

Error report summary

Error type Windows stop error (A message appears on a blue screen with error code information)
Solution available? Yes
What does this error mean? You received this message because a device driver installed on your computer caused the Windows operating system to stop unexpectedly. This type of error is referred to as a "stop error." A stop error requires you to restart your computer.
Cause A video adapter device driver
Computer symptoms A message appears on a blue screen with error code information:

- or -

Action for you to take

We have analyzed your error report and there are two solutions for this problem for you to choose between.

+ Solution 1: Install the most current driver for your video card
Go to the Microsoft Update website to see if there are any updated drivers for your video card. A driver is software that enables hardware or devices (such as a printer, mouse, or keyboard) to work with your computer. Every device needs a driver in order for it to work. If there are any drivers listed, you should install them.
If there are no updated drivers at Microsoft Update, and you know the manufacturer of the video card, contact the card manufacturer's product support service for assistance.
If there are no updated drivers at Microsoft Update, you don't know the name of the manufacturer of the video card, and you need more help diagnosing and resolving this problem, contact your computer manufacturer's product support service.

+ Solution 2: Manually decrease Hardware Acceleration for your video adapter
This procedure prevents the display driver from programming the hardware incorrectly, but you may lose some display functionality and performance. Although you can increase the hardware acceleration settings higher than None to regain functionality and performance, these settings increase the chance that the issue will occur again. For maximum stability, leave hardware acceleration turned off.

Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Display.
Click the Settings tab, and then click Advanced.
Click the Troubleshoot tab, move the Hardware Acceleration slider to None, and then clear the Enable Write Combining check box.
Click OK, and then click OK.
Note: This procedure prevents the display driver from programming the hardware incorrectly, but you may lose some display functionality and performance. Although you can increase the hardware acceleration settings higher than None to regain functionality and performance, these settings increase the chance that the issue will occur again. For maximum stability, leave hardware acceleration off.
Article ID : 11
Last Review : February 28, 2006
Revision : 1.0

Additional Technical Information

Error Message: STOP 0x000000EA THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (Q293078)


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You can track this error report by clicking the Track this error report link. If you choose to track your error report, you will be notified of resolutions to this problem as they are identified.

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Описание ошибки находиться здесь

В безопасном режиме не перезагружалась больше часа, потом я сам вручную перегрузил - то есть всё ок.

Отключил автоматическую перезагрузку при отказе системы (чтобы можно было нормально работать)

Драйвера переустановил, но не новые, а те которые стояли у меня напротяжение 5 месяцев и не сбоили. Последние стояли новее. Всё равно не помогало.

ОС - Windows XP SP2 (регулярно обновляюсь через интернет)

Вентиляторы все крутятся. Температура вроде в норме(на ощупь).

Скорее всего что-то программное, так как в безопасном всё ок.

После чего возникли збои - возможно после установки Фаэрвола ISS BlackICE PC Protection v3.6. Во время инсталяции этой софтины появилось окошко - "profiling system"(или что-то вроде этого). Процесс не закончился - система перезагрузилась. И после перезагрузки снова это окошко....прошло пару минут - снова ребут. Удалил прогу. Всё равно ребутиться.

Что делать? Как решить проблему? В чём причина? Заранее благодарен.

Отправлено: 15:52, 14-08-2006 | #368