Есть еще варианты
Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Explorer
Turn on Classic Shell
At least Microsoft Windows 2000
This setting allows you to remove the Active Desktop and Web view features. If you enable this setting, it will disable the Active Desktop and Web view. Also, users cannot configure their system to open items by single-clicking (such as in Mouse in Control Panel). As a result, the user interface looks and operates like the interface for Windows NT 4.0, and users cannot restore the new features. Note: This setting takes precedence over the Enable Active Desktop setting. If both policies are enabled, Active Desktop is disabled. Also, see the Disable Active Desktop setting in User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Desktop\Active Desktop and the Remove the Folder Options menu item from the Tools menu setting in User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Explorer.
Суть параметров та же, что и в предыдущем посте. См. также
в картинках на англ.