Кажется снова повторяется тема с FlashPlayer'ом, ниже приведена копия письма
от "Charles A. Landemaine" <landemaine@gmail.com>
на рассылке freebsd-advocacy, вообщем у кого есть время сделайте пожалуйста "feature request"...
If we want FreeBSD/PC-BSD to thrive, we need more and more support from
the big guys.
Having a native version of the Flash Player is necessary. But I think
it's not so hard to get this release from Macromedia, it just takes a
minute to fill out a feature request form:
Together we are strong, if you would like to help, please ask
Macromedia to release a native FreeBSD Flash plugin. Then, spread the
word in BSD forums to ask people to do it too!
Please reply to this thread to have a rough idea how many people asked
Macromedia for this feature.
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