APVXDWIN.EXE - *Panda антивирь
explorer.exe *- shell
AVENGINE.EXE - Panda антивирь
PsImSvc.exe - Panda антивирь
PAVSRV51.EXE - Panda антивирь
PavPrSrv.exe - Panda антивирь
outpost.exe - файервол
nvsvc32.exe - *NVIDIA
alg.exe - *Application Layer Gateway Service - системный
spoolsv.exe - Microsoft Printer Spooler Service - системный
svchost.exe - *Microsoft Service Host Process - системный
svchost.exe - Microsoft Service Host Process - системный
WebProxy.exe - Panda антивирь (блин как много всякого панда грузит....)
svchost.exe - Microsoft Service Host Process - системный
svchost.exe - Microsoft Service Host Process - системный
taskmgr.exe - Windows Task Manager
[/u]isass.exe - ![/u]
Process File: isass or isass.exe
Process Name: Optix.Pro virus
isass.exe is registered as the Optix.Pro virus which carries in it's payload, the ability to disable firewalls and local security protections, and a backdoor capability.
Part Of: Optix.Pro virus
Security Risk (0-5): 4
services.exe - Windows Service Controller - системный
winlogon.exe - Windows Logon Process - системный
csrss.exe - Microsoft Client/Server Runtime Server Subsystem
smss.exe - Session Manager Subsystem
ps.exe - Punto
ctfmon.exe - Alternative User Input Services