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COM - достаточно описать IUnknown
OLE - COM + твой класс-сервер должен предоставлять кучк интерфейсов, связанных со встраиванием твоего документа в чужую программу.
ActiveX - OLE + Ты должен описать метаданные твоего класса, т.е. IDispatch, typelib
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...Надо же, нашёл хелп на этой машине:
IOleWindow The base interface. Implemented and used by containers and objects to window handles and manage context-sensitive help.
IOleInPlaceObject Implemented by objects and used by an object's immediate container to activate and deactivate the object.
IOleInPlaceActiveObject Implemented by objects and used by the top-level container to manipulate the object while it is active. Provides a direct channel of communication between an active object and its frame and document windows.
IOleInPlaceUIWindow Implemented by containers and used by objects to manipulate the container's document window.
IOleInPlaceFrame Implemented by containers and used by objects to control the container's frame window.
IOleInPlaceSite Implemented by containers and used by objects to interact with the in-place client site.
These interfaces can be arranged in three hierarchical levels with various interfaces implemented at each level. Calls that install user-interface menus and frame adornments, activate and switch between windows, and dispatch menu and keystrokes take place between the top-level container and the active object. Calls that support activating, deactivating, scrolling, or clipping span the containment hierarchy, with each level performing the correct actions.
When to Implement
The inherited methods of this interface are implemented by all in-place objects and containers.
When to Use
Use this interface to obtain the window handle to the windows associated with in-place activation (frame, document, parent, and in-place object). It is also used to enter and exit context-sensitive help.