Очепятка с кавычкой
Окна нам совсем не будет видно, потому как параметр /B посылает его в фон, и заодно не показывает нам никаких страшных черных DOS окошек.
vpdn_lu - да запускает тихушный апдейт баз антивируса, обновляет или нет - но он завершается без участия пользователя
Да читал я их там, каждый раз перепаковывать клиент с новыми базами - ненужная трата времени, imho. Они и так обновятся (если клиент managed - то непосредственно после установки, а если unmanaged - то можно запускать vpdn_lu в конце установки системы). Обновления базы выходят практически каждый день.
бтв, новая копия MSI_FAQ.txt выглядит так:
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Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10.0 MSI_FAQ.TXT
Copyright 2005 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. March 2005
This file is a list of the most commonly used MSI commands for Symantec
AntiVirus and Symantec Client Security. For a complete list of commands,
properties, and features, see the Symantec Knowledge Base.
BASIC MSI commands
/QN - Quiet No UI
/QB - Quiet Basic UI
/L*V log.txt - full verbose logging to file log.txt
BASIC MSI properties
SAV properties
INSTALLSERVER= (1 = Server, 0 = Client, Default is client).
When installing a server:
SERVERGROUPNAME= (New or prexisting servergroup)
SERVERGROUPUSERNAME= (New or prexisting servergroup user name, The
default is admin)
SERVERGROUPPASS= (New or prexisting servergroup password. The default
is symantec)
Note: For a secondary server silent install from the command line,
you must set the SERVERPARENT property to the Parent server computer
name. When doing a UI or Symantec System Center rollout install,
setting this property is not required.
NETWORKTYPE= (1 = Managed, 2 = Unmanaged, default is Unmanaged)
When installing a managed client:
SERVERNAME= (preexisting SAV Server)
RUNLIVEUPDATE= (run LiveUpdate during install = 1, do not run LiveUpdate=0,
default is On)
ENABLEAUTOPROTECT= (1 = ON, 0 = OFF, default is On)
SYMPROTECTDISABLED= (0 = ON, 1 = OFF, default is On)
INSTALLDIR= (Install target directory, default is C:\Program Files\
Symantec AntiVirus)
Windows Security Center features
These properties allow for the configuration of the interaction
between users and the Windows Security Center (WSC) running on Windows® XP
Service Pack 2.
These properties apply to unmanaged clients only. The Symantec System Center
controls these properties for managed clients.
WSCCONTROL= (0= No action, 1 = Disable once, 2 = Disable always, 3 = Restore if disabled)
Allows an administrator of a non-managed network to configure the WindowsSecurityCenterControl
value set on the SSC Client Administrator Only General tab.
WSCAVALERT= (0= Disable, 1 = Enable)
Allows an administrator of a non-managed network to configure the AntiVirusDisableNotify value for Windows Security Center. Disable is the default.
WSCFWALERT= (0= Disable, 1 = Enable)
Allows an administrator of a non-managed network to configure the FireWallDisableNotify value for Windows Security Center. Disable is the default.
WSCAVUPTODATE= (Integer value between 1 and 90)
Allows an administrator of a non-managed network to configure the number of days used to determine if threat definitions are up to date or not for Windows Security Center. 30 days is the default.
SCS-only properties
ICFCONTROL= (0= No action, 1 = Disable once, 2 = Disable always, 3 = Restore if disabled)
ICFDISABLENOTIFY= (0= Do not disable the notification message, 1= Disable the notification message)
SAV features
Adding and removing features
To remove existing features:
To add new features:
ADDLOCAL=<feature1>,<feature2>,<feature3>, <existing feature 1>,
<existing feature 2>, etc.
Note: When adding new features using ADDLOCAL, any existing features on the
target computer that you want to retain must be included in the features that
you are specifying. The installation will remove any features on the target
computer that are not listed.
Command line example
This example demonstrates a silent Symantec AntiVirus Server installation.
The server is named MYSAVSERVER, has the user admin and uses the password
MYSAVPASSWORD. LiveUpdate is not run, and the server is not restarted even
if its required.
Sample command line:
Самым интересным добавлением в версии 10 является наличие "Tamper Protection", когда антивирус сам отбивается от любых процессов (вирусов) которые пытаются его выключить/убить/ стереть или выгрызть изнутри. По умолчанию она выключена, но параметр SYMPROTECTDISABLED=0 к MSI ее включает.
Впрочем пользоваться надо с осторожностью, потому как ругается он на ВСЕ процессы, которые его трогают. Например на MS Virtual PC