Цитата alar73:
Качество лучше чем при конвертировании Ghostscript, например. »
Нужно просто задавать там желаемое разрешение (в примере - 300 dpi).

"C:\scripts\Ghostscript\bin\gswin64c.exe" -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile="page-%03d.jpg" -r300 -f D:\temp\scan-160610-0001.pdf
Можно и уровень сжатия отрегулировать при желании:
The JPEG devices support several special parameters to control the JPEG "quality setting" (DCT quantization level).
-dJPEGQ=N (integer from 0 to 100, default 75)
Set the quality level N according to the widely used IJG quality scale, which balances the extent of compression against the fidelity of the image when reconstituted. Lower values drop more information from the image to achieve higher compression, and therefore have lower quality when reconstituted.
-dQFactor=M (float from 0.0 to 1.0)
Adobe's QFactor quality scale, which you may use in place of JPEGQ above. The QFactor scale is used by PostScript's DCTEncode filter but is nearly unheard-of elsewhere.
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