Smarty, языковые пакеты обновляются из магазина еще с 1803, что позволяет обновлять локализацию без привязки к выходу новой версии ОС, в т.ч. с помощью отзывов пользователей в приложении Language Community App (ну, и Feedback Hub, видимо) и машинного обучения.
Windows 10 Build 17074
Reimagined Windows Internationalization
We have redesigned localization of Windows in this release. Now you can find your desired language (Local Experience Pack – or “Language Pack”) through the Microsoft Store and Region & Language section of the Settings app. The Settings app provides improved discoverability of features supported for each language.
We have also started utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and neural network-based Machine Learning (ML) for Windows localization. Having the Local Experience Packs in the Microsoft Store allows us to take advantage of ML improvements and user feedback via Language Community App to release better translations more frequently. This will consistently improve the experience of our international customers with Windows.