Цитата cyber01:
0x1900101 - 0x40017 Ошибка на этапе установки SECOND_BOOT во время операции BOOT »
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The cause for error 0xC1900101 – 0x40017 is known to be faulty drivers.
There have been reports of a USB driver causing this error. Until a specific USB driver can be determined as a root cause, if you receive this error, we recommend you unplug all USB devices (other than your mouse and keyboard) as a troubleshooting step and try the upgrade again. If the upgrade is then successful, you can plug the devices back in and they should function normally.
We have identified a few drivers associated with the following hardware or software that could be causing this problem:
If you have NVIDA Driver
NVIDIA -- Video card manufacture. Check to make sure you’ve upgraded to the latest video drivers
Antivirus and security-related products. if you have any Antivirus installed for (Free) uninstall it, if not then disable the Antivirus
Note: Antivirus software helps protecting your computer against viruses and other security threats. In most cases, you shouldn't disable your antivirus software. If you have to temporarily disable it to install other software and\or troubleshoot any pertinent issue, you should re-enable it as soon as you're done. If you are connected to the Internet or a network while your antivirus software is disabled, your computer is vulnerable to malware attacks.
If you have any of these programs installed, please let us know if disabling, uninstalling, or upgrading the software or drivers allowed you to install
Hope this information helps and let us know the status of the issue we will be glad to help you further.
0xC1900101 error when Windows 10 upgrade fails after the second system restart
Из описаний в базе знаний: данный код ошибки относится к сторонним драйверам. Из личного опыта: чаще всего к ошибкам в обновлении так же приводят сторонние драйвера от антивируса, графики, звука, шифраторов, ПО по откату типа ТаймФриза. Экспериментируйте с ними. Лучше, чтобы их осталось в автозагрузке как можно меньше.
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