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KernRate.exe -z ACPI
Код: Выделить весь код
C:\Windows\system32>KernRate.exe -z ACPI
<         KERNRATE LOG           >
Date: 2017/01/06   Time: 23:22:09
Machine Name: YELNYA
Number of Processors: 4
Physical Memory: 3998 MB
Pagefile Total: 7992 MB
Virtual Total: 8388607 MB
PageFile1: \??\C:\pagefile.sys, 3997MB
OS Version: 6.1 Build 7601 Service-Pack: 1.0
WinDir: C:\Windows

Kernrate Executable Location: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32

Kernrate User-Specified Command Line:
KernRate.exe -z ACPI

Kernel Profile (PID = 0): Source= ProfileTime,
Using Kernrate Default Rate of 65536 events/hit
===>WARNING: Bad Symbols or No Symbols Found for fffff88000f7b000 ACPI.SYS - DBG
HELP: ACPI - export symbols
 Add '-v 1' to the command line for more details

Starting to collect profile data

***> Press ctrl-c to finish collecting profile data
===> Finished Collecting Data, Starting to Process Results

***> Press ctrl-c to finish collecting profile data
===> Finished Collecting Data, Starting to Process Results

------------Overall Summary:--------------

P0     K 0:00:02.964 (17.0%)  U 0:00:00.202 ( 1.2%)  I 0:00:14.227 (81.8%)  DPC
0:00:02.152 (12.4%)  Interrupt 0:00:00.499 ( 2.9%)
       Interrupts= 57591, Interrupt Rate= 3311/sec.

P1     K 0:00:00.249 ( 1.4%)  U 0:00:01.294 ( 7.4%)  I 0:00:15.849 (91.1%)  DPC
0:00:00.000 ( 0.0%)  Interrupt 0:00:00.000 ( 0.0%)
       Interrupts= 12081, Interrupt Rate= 695/sec.

P2     K 0:00:02.839 (16.3%)  U 0:00:00.109 ( 0.6%)  I 0:00:14.445 (83.0%)  DPC
0:00:00.000 ( 0.0%)  Interrupt 0:00:00.015 ( 0.1%)
       Interrupts= 10269, Interrupt Rate= 590/sec.

P3     K 0:00:00.171 ( 1.0%)  U 0:00:00.826 ( 4.8%)  I 0:00:16.395 (94.3%)  DPC
0:00:00.000 ( 0.0%)  Interrupt 0:00:00.000 ( 0.0%)
       Interrupts= 13500, Interrupt Rate= 776/sec.

TOTAL  K 0:00:06.224 ( 8.9%)  U 0:00:02.433 ( 3.5%)  I 0:01:00.918 (87.6%)  DPC
0:00:02.152 ( 3.1%)  Interrupt 0:00:00.514 ( 0.7%)
       Total Interrupts= 93441, Total Interrupt Rate= 5372/sec.

Total Profile Time = 17394 msec

                                       BytesStart          BytesStop         Byt
    Available Physical Memory   ,      1707257856,      1712414720,         5156
    Available Pagefile(s)       ,      5728477184,      5724717056,        -3760
    Available Virtual           ,   8796052869120,   8796050771968,        -2097
    Available Extended Virtual  ,               0,               0,
    Committed Memory Bytes      ,      2653315072,      2655977472,         2662
    Non Paged Pool Usage Bytes  ,        43536384,        43524096,          -12
    Paged Pool Usage Bytes      ,       192811008,       192811008,
    Paged Pool Available Bytes  ,      1225072640,      1222410240,        -2662
    Free System PTEs            ,        33555909,        33555909,

                                  Total      Avg. Rate
    Context Switches     ,        15888,         913/sec.
    System Calls         ,        59309,         3410/sec.
    Page Faults          ,        41282,         2373/sec.
    I/O Read Operations  ,          242,         14/sec.
    I/O Write Operations ,          245,         14/sec.
    I/O Other Operations ,         3694,         212/sec.
    I/O Read Bytes       ,      5673082,         23442/ I/O
    I/O Write Bytes      ,      5608221,         22891/ I/O
    I/O Other Bytes      ,        96119,         26/ I/O


Results for Kernel Mode:

OutputResults: KernelModuleCount = 201
Percentage in the following table is based on the Total Hits for the Kernel

ProfileTime   13457 hits, 65536 events per hit --------
 Module                                Hits   msec  %Total  Events/Sec
NTOSKRNL                              11432      17393    84 %    43075234
ACPI                                   1715      17393    12 %     6462038
HAL                                     269      17393     1 %     1013579
WIN32K                                   16      17393     0 %       60287
IGDKMD64                                  9      17393     0 %       33911
CNG                                       4      17392     0 %       15072
DXGMMS1                                   3      17393     0 %       11303
NPFS                                      2      17393     0 %        7535
RT64WIN7                                  1      17393     0 %        3767
WDF01000                                  1      17393     0 %        3767
PCIIDEX                                   1      17392     0 %        3768
NTFS                                      1      17392     0 %        3768
NDIS                                      1      17392     0 %        3768
NETIO                                     1      17392     0 %        3768
TCPIP                                     1      17392     0 %        3768

===> Processing Zoomed Module ACPI.SYS...

Symbol Enumeration failed (or no symbols found) on module ACPI in CreateZoomedMo
duleList, Error Code= 0x000001e7
No Hits or No symbols found for module ACPI.SYS
================================= END OF RUN ==================================
============================== NORMAL END OF RUN ==============================

У меня 64-битная. Это имеет значение?

Отправлено: 23:50, 06-01-2017 | #17