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запущенные команды на клиенте
cscript hvremote.wsf /anondcom:grant

Код: Выделить весь код
Сервер сценариев Windows (Microsoft R) версия 5.8
c Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corp.), 1996-2001. Все права защищены.

Hyper-V Remote Management Configuration & Checkup Utility
John Howard, Hyper-V Team, Microsoft Corporation.
Version 1.08 9th Sept 2013
INFO: Computername is comp-161
INFO: Computer is in workgroup LTD
INFO: Current user is COMP-161\admin
INFO: OS is 6.1.7600 64-bit Microsoft Windows 7 Корпоративная 
INFO: Assuming /mode:client as the Hyper-V role is not installed
INFO: Remote Server Administration Tools are installed

***** RSAT is installed, but you need to enable a Windows feature to
***** run the Hyper-V Remote Management tools:
*****  - Start/Control Panel
*****  - Click 'Programs'
*****  - Click 'Turn Windows features on or off'
*****  - Expand the tree to check 'Hyper-V Tools' under
*****    Remote Server Administration Tools/Role Administration Tools
*****  - Click OK to enable the feature.
***** Once the feature is enabled, Hyper-V Manager will be
***** located under Administrative Tools.

cscript hvremote.wsf /mmc:enable

Код: Выделить весь код
Сервер сценариев Windows (Microsoft R) версия 5.8
c Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corp.), 1996-2001. Все права защищены.

Hyper-V Remote Management Configuration & Checkup Utility
John Howard, Hyper-V Team, Microsoft Corporation.
Version 1.08 9th Sept 2013
INFO: Computername is comp-161
INFO: Computer is in workgroup LTD
INFO: Current user is COMP-161\admin
INFO: OS is 6.1.7600 64-bit Microsoft Windows 7 Корпоративная 
Usage: cscript HVRemote.wsf [/mode:server|client] Operations [Options]

Server Mode 
    Operations: [/show [/target:clientname]                 |
                 /add:domain\userorgroup    [/explicit]     | 
                 /remove:domain\userorgroup [/explicit]]
                [/firewallhypervmgmt:enable | disable | None]
    Options:    [/ns:none | cimv2 | virtualization** | virtualizationv2]
                [/roleassign:<Role Assignment in AZMan store>]
Client Mode 
    Operations: [/show [/target:servername] | 
                 /anondcom:grant|revoke | 
                 /firewallhypervclient:enable | disable | none]
                 /da:enable | disable | none]
                 /trace:on | off]
All Modes 
    Options:    [/debug:standard|verbose]
Parameter Guidance: 
    add:                  Grants permission to Hyper-V Management
    remove:               Removes permission to Hyper-V Management
    explicit:             Does not use 'Hyper-V Administrators' *
    firewallhypermgmt:    Opens/Closes required firewall ports 
    ns:                   Specifies WMI namespaces to manipulate
    noazman:              Does not update AZMan **
    nodcom:               Does not update Distributed COM Users group
    roleassign:           Role assignment in AZMan to update **
    show:                 Displays the configuration
    target:               Remote computer name to test configuration
    anondcom:             Configures Anonymous DCOM access
    firewallhypervclient: Opens/Closes required firewall ports
    da:                   Configures firewall for Direct Access
    trace:                Configures client tracing
    debug:                Shows debug tracing in output
    noversioncheck:       Configure checking for newer version
    override:             Use with caution!!
    *  Windows Server 2012/Windows 8 and later release only
    ** Windows Server 2012/Windows 8 and earlier releases only
See online documentation for more information
 - http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/HVRemote
 - http://tinyurl.com/kvov7c

***** Unrecognised parameter /mmc:enable

Отправлено: 12:32, 24-05-2016 | #2