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Цитата argonaftik@vk:
VIA VT1708B »
Ваш аудиокодек не поддерживается в Win 10.

Если центр обновлений Windows и производитель вашей мат.платы не предлагает вам установить звуковой драйвер для Win 10, тогда компания VIA рекомендует приобрести и установить звуковую карту, соотв. программе Windows Logo Premium.
VIA only provides Windows 10 audio drivers for VIA Vinyl HD Audio Codecs that meet the Windows Logo Premium requirements, which can be found at the VIA Driver Download Portal. These are general sound effect drivers with common functions. System manufacturers and motherboard vendors customize audio hardware and software and therefore, to ensure optimal sound quality and compatibility, we strongly recommend you to obtain the system-validated and certified audio drivers directly from your system manufacturer or motherboard manufacturer.

*Note: If your VIA audio solution is not listed in the VIA Driver portal it does not meet the Windows Logo Premium requirements and therefore is supported by Microsoft’s in-box audio support. If your system uses one of these VIA audio solutions and you are having audio issues using Windows 10 (32 or 64-bit), it is recommended that you install a sound card which has Windows Logo Premium driver support under Windows 10.

Поясню ответ. В указанном списке нет вашего кодека VIA VT1708B
Chips supported:VIA Vinyl VT1705, VT1708S, VT1802P, VT1802S, VT1828S, and VT2021 HD Audio codecs.

Последний раз редактировалось Nerdy, 09-01-2016 в 10:12.

Отправлено: 12:26, 08-01-2016 | #2