если не сложно, то как его построить правельно, только по порядку
По-порядку значит так:
Включил компьютер, принтер пока не включаешь.
Не включая никакой программы - просто жмешь тупо на клавиатуре клавиши "ESQ", "U" и "1" - одновременно и удерживая их включаешь принтер (клавиша "ВКЛ/ОТКЛ"

После этого
принтер должен у тебя начать печатать как слева направо, так и справа на лево.
А сочетание
"ESQ", "U", "0" - должно заставить его печатать только справа налево.
Если кто шибко умный и понимает по англицки -
вот вам домашнее задание:
Переведите - что тут написано про команды управления принтером.
The printer has two emulation modes: Standard mode and IBM mode.
In standard mode, the printer emulates the functions of the Epson FX- 1050.
In IBM mode, the printer emulates the IBM Proprinter XL. Additional
command codes are included as a superset of these emulations.
The emulation is changed by means of DIP switch 1-6. When ON, the printer
will be in standard mode, and when OFF, the printer will be in IBM
emulation mode (see Chapter 3). It is not possible to change the emulation
mode by means of software control or the front control panel.
This chapter describes the printer’s control commands. Some commands are
common to both the standard and IBMmodes. In the descriptions of the com-
mands, all commands will be given by function. The name of each command
is followed by a table like the one below:
Mode: Indicates the mode in which the command is rccog-
Std. - Standard mode (DIP switch l-6 on)
IBM - IBM mode (DIP switch l-6 off)
Both - Both standard and IBM modes
ASCII: Indicates the ASCII coding of the command.
Control characters are enclosed in pointed brack-
ets: For example, CO> means character code 0.
Decimal: Gives the command in decimal character codes.
Hexadecimal: Gives the command in hexadecimal character
Parameters for which values must be supplied are indicated by italic letters
such as n.
Many commands have alternative forms. Some commands use <ESC>
(character code 27) in Standard mode and <FS> (character code 28) in IBM
mode. Other commands have parameters that can be specified as either
character codes or digit characters, like the parameter 1 in the sample
command above.