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Цитата flev45:
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Первый пункт: Упростить задачу форматирования флешки через Bootice?

Код: Выделить весь код
BOOTICEx86.exe /DEVICE=X: /partitions /repartition /usb-hdd /fstype=FAT32 /startlba=2048
Второй пункт: Упростить задачу создания загрузочной флешки?
Код: Выделить весь код
BOOTICEx86.exe /DEVICE=X: /mbr /install /type=nt60
BOOTICEx86.exe /DEVICE=X: /pbr /install /type=GRUB4DOS /v046 /boot_file=GRLDR
Смотрите "Command Line"
Command Line
Код: Выделить весь код
BOOTICE [DEVICE] [/mbr, /pbr, /sectors, /partitions] [parameters]

/DEVICE=[m:n | m | X:]
  m:n >> partition n of disk m. (m: 0,1,2...; n: Grub4Dos style, 0,1,2...)
  X:  >> specify the disk and partition by its drive letter.
  When n is specified, n=0.

@ MBR operation
BOOTICE [DEVICE] /mbr [/install /backup /restore] [parameters]

/install >> Install some kind of MBR, requires /type parameter.
    /type=[wee, GRUB4DOS, grub2, 1jf9z, 1jf9k, plop, usbhdd+, usbzip+, nt52, nt60]
    If /type= is missed, the program will stop at the MBR screen.
    /menu=xxx.lst >> Load menu file for WEE.
/backup >> Backup MBR to a file. Requires /file= parameter.
    /file=xxx:  File name. Could be a rel. path or full path name.
    /sectors=n: Sectors to backup.
/restore >> Restore MBR from a file. Requires /file= parameter.
    /file=xxx: File name. Could be a rel. path or full path name.
    /keep_dpt: Keep disk signature and partition table untouched.
/boot_file=xxx >> Specify the boot file of GRUB4DOS boot record.

@ PBR Operation
BOOTICE [DEVICE] /pbr [/install /backup /restore] [parameters]

/install >> Install some kind of PBR, requires /type parameter.
    /type=[msdos | GRUB4DOS | ntldr | bootmgr | syslinux]
    If /type= is missed, the program will stop at the PBR screen.
/backup >> Backup PBR to a file. Requires /file= parameter.
    /file=xxx  >> File name. Could be a rel. path or full path name.
    /sectors=n >> Specify the sectors number to be backupped.
/restore >> Restore PBR from a file. Requires /file= parameter.
    /file=xxx >> File name. Could be a rel. path or full path name.
    /keep_bpb: Keep BPB(Bios Parameter Block) untouched.
/boot_file=xxx >> Specify the boot file of GRUB4DOS, NTLDR or BOOTMGR boot record.
/v4            >> Install SYSLINUX v4.07 (default: v5.10).

@ Sectors backup & restore
BOOTICE [DEVICE] /sectors [/backup /restore] [parameters]

/backup  >> Backup sectors to a file.
/restore >> Restore sectors from a file.
/lba=n   >> Specify the start sector LBA.
/sectors=n >> Sectors to backup or restore.
/file=xxx >> File name. Could be a rel. path or full path name.
/keep_dpt >> Keep disk signature and partition table untouched.
/keep_bpb >> Keep BPB untouched.

@ Partitioning & Format
BOOTICE [DEVICE] /partitions [operation]

/backup_dpt=xxx  >> Backup the partition table to file xxx.
/restore_dpt=xxx >> Restore the partition table from file xxx.
/hide      >> Hide a partition.
/unhide    >> UnHide a partition.
/eisahide  >> Hide a partition by setting its ID to 0x12.
/set_id=XX >> Modify the ID of a partition
/activate  >> Activate a partition.
/firstpart=n     >> Set as the 1st entry in the MBR DPT, n=1,2,3.
    When n=0, resorts partition entries by start LBA.
/assign_letter   >> Assign a drive letter for the partition.
/assign_letter=X >> Assign a specified letter X for the partition.
/delete_letter   >> Delete the partition's drive letter.
/repartition     >> RePartition and Format an USB disk.
  [/usb-fdd, /usb-zip, /usb-hdd] [/vollabel=xxx] [/fstype=xxx].
  [/vollabel=xxx]: specify new volume label, 11 chars max.
  [/fstype=]: /fstype=[fat16 | fat32 | ntfs | exfat].
  [/startlba=nnn]: specify the LBA of the partition.

@ Special parameters
1. /quiet
With /quiet parameter, BOOTICE will automatically start the
installation rather than stopping and waiting for the user's
operation (except when formatting a disk).

2. /nodriveletters
If /nodriveletters exists, BOOTICE will not detect any drive letters.

3. /diskinfo
This parameter acts as RMPARTUSB.EXE, and requires /file=xxx.cmd.
/diskinfo /list: list disks;
/diskinfo /find: report disk number and drive letter of the 1st drive;
/diskinfo /getdrv /drive=n: report drive letter+size+description;
If /usbonly is specified, list USB disks only, otherwise, all disks.

4. /edit_bcd
Used to edit BCD file of MS Windows Vista or later.
  /easymode: Use easy mode. If missed, use professional mode.
  /file=xxx: Specify the BCD file to edit. If missed, edit the system BCD.

5. /edit_g4dmenu
Used to edit GRUB4DOS menu file (grldr or menu.lst).
  /file=xxx: Specify the file to edit.

6. Parameters for GRUB4DOS
Because of widely using of GRUB4DOS, BOOTICE supports these
special parameters for GRUB4DOS:
/v045: Install GRUB4DOS v0.4.5
/v046: Install GRUB4DOS v0.4.6
/mbr-bpb: Copy the BPB of the leading FAT partition to MBR
/mbr-disable-floppy: don't search floppy for grldr
/mbr-disable-osbr: don't boot from old MBR with an invalid partition table
/duce: disable the unconditional console entrance
/chs-no-tune: disable geometry tune
/boot-prevmbr-first: boot previous MBR first
/preferred-drive=m: preferred boot drive number
/preferred-partition=n: preferred partition number
/hot-key=SSAA: hot-key, four hex numbers.
    SS=scan code, AA=ASCII. e.g.: 3920 = Space key
/time-out=n: count down
/boot_file=xxx: rename the boot file (default value is grldr)

Третий пункт вам ненужен если у вас флешка.

Четвёртый пункт: menu.lst - это пример меню. Т.е дать возможность, которая покажет на деле что всё работает.

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В связи со сменой железа и переходом на LInux с полным отказом от Windows - посещение на форуме будет редким.

Отправлено: 20:29, 06-09-2015 | #7722