SKSKSS, видимо просто не так много людей осуществляло подобный фокус. )))
Хотя если вместо трёх постов взять и зайти на сайт разработчиков, то можно на странице FAQ найти ответ на свой вопрос (на английском языке) - :
How do I import my torrents from another BitTorrent client?
Most users want to keep the torrents they are downloading or seeding when switching to qBittorrent from another BitTorrent client. This is of course possible and it is quite simple to achieve. Here is how you should proceed:
Add the *.torrent files corresponding to your torrents to qBittorrent
Edit the download path in the torrent addition dialog and choose the path where the original torrents were being downloaded/seeded.
For the torrents that are complete, you can select the Skip file checking and start seeding immediately option in the torrent addition dialog in order to save time and CPU. Basically, qBittorrent will trust that the local files are not corrupt and will start seeding them without rechecking all the files.
P.S. И для этого совсем не надо быть "спецом"...