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Нажмите [Left Shift] + [Keypad Minus] и введите код на нужном экране:
campaign - Все уровни (в главном меню)
savegame - Запись игры (В игре)
endmission - Закончить миссию (В игре)
topography - Export Landscape (В игре)
Cheat Codes:
Hold [Left Shift] and press [Keypad Minus] at the
indicated screen. Release the keys, then type one
of the following codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function:
All missions unlocked Main menu campaign
Saves game During game savegame
End current mission During game endmission
Unknown During game topography
Finish Mission:
Submitted by: jens lohse
During play hold the [left shift] and [keypad minus]
then let go, type "endmission" to finish mission.
All Missions:
At the First Screen. Hold the left click and press the minus key on
the number keypad then type "campaign" to open all campaigns.
God Mode:
Start the game and start playing anu level then
type 'iwillbetheone' and You will Become God.
www.basic-pro.com - design-studio, hosting, domains
www.basic-pro.com/fun - images
Отправлено: 23:40, 29-01-2003
| #3