nibble74, подтверждаю. Лог
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[2014-09-06 17:25:26] =====================================================
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] Log started.
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] W7Patcher ver: (x64)
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] (C) 2013, Andrew Bendus aka Mr.dUSHA, Poltava, Ukraine.
[2014-09-06 17:25:26]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] Original command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\W7Patcher\W7Patcher_x64.exe" -PBIN1 -PBIN2 -PBIN3 -PBIN4 -PBIN5 -PBIN6
[2014-09-06 17:25:26]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] Destination folder: [LIVE SYSTEM] C:\
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] Backup folder: C:\W7P_Backups\2014-09-06_17-25-26
[2014-09-06 17:25:26]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] BIN-patching system files started...
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\themeui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x002BE8C8] [0x01000008] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\uxtheme.dll [VER: 6.1.7600.16385 CRC: 0x00056D60] [0x01000008] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\themeservice.dll [VER: 6.1.7600.16385 CRC: 0x0000B492] [0x01000008] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x000480A8] [0x01000010] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\authui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.18493 CRC: 0x001DAD7F] [0x00000000][this version not supported] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x000098D6] [0x01000007] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x00105BD9] [0x01000002] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x0010333B] [0x01000005] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\SysWOW64\themeui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x002A6469] [0x01000005] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\SysWOW64\uxtheme.dll [VER: 6.1.7600.16385 CRC: 0x000479E1] [0x0100000a] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\SysWOW64\taskmgr.exe [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x00044DCD] [0x01000010] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\SysWOW64\authui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.18493 CRC: 0x001C38B7] [0x00000000][this version not supported] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x00013DA9] [0x01000005] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\SysWOW64\user32.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x000D5873] [0x01000001] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] {Processing} C:\Windows\SysWOW64\user32.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x000CCF74] [0x01000005] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] BIN-patching system files completed.
[2014-09-06 17:25:26]
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] Log finished.
[2014-09-06 17:25:26] =====================================================
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] =====================================================
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Log started.
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] W7Patcher ver: (x64)
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] (C) 2013, Andrew Bendus aka Mr.dUSHA, Poltava, Ukraine.
[2014-09-06 17:26:09]
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Original command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\W7Patcher\W7Patcher_x64.exe" -WSREG 1
[2014-09-06 17:26:09]
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Destination folder: [LIVE SYSTEM] C:\
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Backup folder: C:\W7P_Backups\2014-09-06_17-26-09
[2014-09-06 17:26:09]
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Insert W7LSCH in Desktop context menu.
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Insert W7LSCH in .bmp context menu.
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Insert W7LSCH in .jpg context menu.
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Insert W7LSCH in .jpeg context menu.
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Insert W7LSCH in .png context menu.
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Insert W7LSCH in .tif context menu.
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Insert W7LSCH in .tiff context menu.
[2014-09-06 17:26:09]
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] Log finished.
[2014-09-06 17:26:09] =====================================================
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] =====================================================
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] Log started.
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] W7Patcher ver: (x64)
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] (C) 2013, Andrew Bendus aka Mr.dUSHA, Poltava, Ukraine.
[2014-09-06 17:29:51]
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] Original command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\W7Patcher\W7Patcher_x64.exe" -WS "C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\Loki07.jpg"
[2014-09-06 17:29:51]
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] Source wallpaper: C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\Loki07.jpg
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] Destination folder: [LIVE SYSTEM] C:\
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] Backup folder: C:\W7P_Backups\2014-09-06_17-29-51
[2014-09-06 17:29:51]
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] Windows 7 Logon Screen Changer started...
[2014-09-06 17:29:51]
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] Patching authui.dll and themeui.dll...
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\themeui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x002C1F0F] [0x01000001] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\authui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.18493 CRC: 0x001DAD7F] [0x00000000][this version not supported] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] {Processing} C:\Windows\SysWOW64\themeui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x002A8CA2] [0x01000002] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:29:51] {Processing} C:\Windows\SysWOW64\authui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.18493 CRC: 0x001C38B7] [0x00000000][this version not supported] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:29:55]
[2014-09-06 17:29:55] Making backgroundDefault.jpg file... [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:29:55]
[2014-09-06 17:29:55] Enable user's logon screen wallpaper... [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:29:55]
[2014-09-06 17:29:55] Completed
[2014-09-06 17:29:55] Windows 7 Logon Screen Changer stoped...
[2014-09-06 17:29:55]
[2014-09-06 17:29:55] Log finished.
[2014-09-06 17:29:55] =====================================================
[2014-09-06 17:38:24] =====================================================
[2014-09-06 17:38:24] Log started.
[2014-09-06 17:38:24] W7Patcher ver: (x64)
[2014-09-06 17:38:24] (C) 2013, Andrew Bendus aka Mr.dUSHA, Poltava, Ukraine.
[2014-09-06 17:38:24]
[2014-09-06 17:38:24] Original command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\W7Patcher\W7Patcher_x64.exe" -WS "C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\Loki07.jpg"
[2014-09-06 17:38:24]
[2014-09-06 17:38:24] Source wallpaper: C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\Loki07.jpg
[2014-09-06 17:38:24] Destination folder: [LIVE SYSTEM] C:\
[2014-09-06 17:38:24] Backup folder: C:\W7P_Backups\2014-09-06_17-38-24
[2014-09-06 17:38:24]
[2014-09-06 17:38:24] Windows 7 Logon Screen Changer started...
[2014-09-06 17:38:24]
[2014-09-06 17:38:24] Patching authui.dll and themeui.dll...
[2014-09-06 17:38:24] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\themeui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x002B9510] [0x00000100] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:38:25] {Processing} C:\Windows\System32\authui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.18493 CRC: 0x001DAD7F] [0x00000000][this version not supported] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:38:25] {Processing} C:\Windows\SysWOW64\themeui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.17514 CRC: 0x002AA92E] [0x00000200] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:38:25] {Processing} C:\Windows\SysWOW64\authui.dll [VER: 6.1.7601.18493 CRC: 0x001C38B7] [0x00000000][this version not supported] [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:38:31]
[2014-09-06 17:38:31] Making backgroundDefault.jpg file... [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:38:32]
[2014-09-06 17:38:32] Enable user's logon screen wallpaper... [ OK ]
[2014-09-06 17:38:32]
[2014-09-06 17:38:32] Completed
[2014-09-06 17:38:32] Windows 7 Logon Screen Changer stoped...
[2014-09-06 17:38:32]
[2014-09-06 17:38:32] Log finished.
[2014-09-06 17:38:32] =====================================================