Цитата misha2:
то ли софтовая в его СА - но именно с самим винтом. А не с мбрами и etc... »
А почему тогда Линукс не слетает...???... Да, BSOD с ошибкой 0х50 обычно связывают с неверной работой памяти, но и другое не исключают.
The Stop 0x50 message indicates that requested data was not in memory. The system generates an exception error when using a reference to an invalid system memory address. Defective memory (including main memory, L2 RAM cache, video RAM) or incompatible software (including remote control and antivirus software) might cause Stop 0x50 messages.
Possible Resolutions:
If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace the hardware to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the hardware manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
Stop 0x50 messages can also occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If the file name is listed, you need to disable, remove, or roll back that driver. If not, disable the recently installed service or application to determine if this resolves the error. If this does not resolve the problem, contact the hardware manufacturer for updates. Using updated drivers and software is especially important for network interface cards, video adapters, backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, and CD mastering tools. If an updated driver is not available, attempt to use a driver from a similar device in the same family. For example, if printing to a Model 1100C printer causes Stop 0x50 errors, using a printer driver meant for a Model 1100A or Model 1000 might temporarily resolve the problem.
Microsoft KB articles:
STOP 0x00000050 PrtSeqRd deferencing null device object
STOP 0x50 Error starting Windows after connecting a scanner
ЗЫ Если я уберу MBR, то с точки зрения Windows хард пустой и система на него не полезет. А разделы можно запросто по одному подключать/отключать и выщелкнуть таким образом проблемный. Ведь в конце концов перестановка Windows сняла проблему --- теперь проверить это не получится..