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Название темы: UniFi Контроллер
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UniFi Controller as a windows service

По умолчанию запускать контроллер надо вручную. Не беда — добавим его в сервисы системы!
Для этого из под админской командной строки надо выполнить
sc create UniFi binpath="executable"
где executable возьмите из свойств ярлыка UniFi, убрав кавычки. Потом зайдите в regedit и в ключе HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\UniFi\ImagePath поправьте аргументы вызова, закключив их в кавычки, так как они содержат пробел.
Решение найдено здесь.
Далее запустите сервис через Панель управления\Администрирования\Сервисы. Он выругается, что не откликается, это так и должно быть.

Under Server 2008 R2, I have it running as a service, sort of. It claims the service can't start and lists it as not running, but it is.

From an Administrative command prompt:

sc create UniFi binpath= "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\javaw.exe -jar path_to_folder\Ubiquiti UniFi\lib\ace.jar ui"

replacing path_to_folder with your own path.

Then run regedit, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Unifi, edit the ImagePath to put quotes around "path_to_folder\Ubiquiti Unifi\lib\ace.jar", because of the space in the folder name.

Open services.msc, scroll down to the Unifi service, right click, properties, set the startup type to automatic, select the logon tab, enter the account details for the account you'd usually log into the server as, click ok. Make sure the Unifi app isn't running, and start the service. It will take a while and complain that it didn't respond, and list it as not running. However, if you check the process list in taskmgr, you should see a java.exe running in session 0 as the user you entered, and you should be able to manage your wireless from a browser as usual.

Can I run UniFi Controller as a Windows Service?

Can I run UniFi Controller as a Windows Service? Yes, we added the support since 2.2.0.
  1. Make sure UniFi is not running
  2. Locate your java installation directory.
  3. On 64-bit, it's usually at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin"; otherwise "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin". (replace jre6 for jre7 if you have the latest Java)
  4. Add the dir above to the PATH (from Computer->Properties->Advanced system settings)
  5. run a command prompt (as an Administrator, right click on 'Command Prompt' and choose 'Run as administrator'. THIS IS IMPORTANT ON WIN2008/7+, otherwise the service may not get created)
  6. cd <unifi_base> (cd "%userprofile%/Ubiquiti Unifi" will usually do the trick, including the quote marks)
  7. java -jar lib\ace.jar installsvc
  8. Start the service: net start "Unifi Controller"
Note: there's a known bug against 2.2.X. The service shuts down the the administrator logs out.
Where is UniFi installed (or where is the <unifi_base>)?
  • Mac -- /Applications/UniFi.app, the <unifi_base> is at /Applications/UniFi.app/Contents/Resources
  • Windows -- "%userprofile%/Ubiquiti Unifi", which is the same as <unifi_base>
  • Linux -- /usr/lib/unifi
On Windows, can I choose another installation directory?
We chose to install it under user profile for Auto Upgrade to work across all Windows platforms. You can move it anywhere you'd like, though, by stopping UniFi, move it, and fix the shortcut.
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Отправлено: 20:05, 07-10-2013 | #2

Название темы: UniFi Контроллер