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Название темы: Вопросы По WPI
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chymax3m, и тем кто перечислил денежное вознаграждение. Фактически WPI стал платным. Насчет кардинально нового

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Change log!

v8.6.6 Updates - Released April 8th, 2013 (Supporter)
**** Slight Themewizard changes.
**** More code cleanup and minor fixes.
**** Added function getProductKey.
**** Fixed a dependancies bug.
**** Fixed the download feature in Win7 & Win8.
**** Fixed Edition ID in WinXP.
**** WinXP will now display CD\DVD Info properly.
**** Added function Detect Keyboard Layout.
**** OSLang Improvments.
**** Enabled Drag 'n Drop in configuration tab.
**** Fixed installation order bugs.
**** Fixed timer issues when using IE10.
**** Fixed the runinvalidsignatures issues.

v8.6.5 Updates - Released Jan 19th, 2013 (Supporter)
*** Fontinstaller finally works!
*** Tons of internal code fixes.

v8.6.4 Updates - Released Jan 14th, 2013
*** Officially added myselfidem to the developers. WELCOME!
*** Diskchanger enhancements.
*** Restored var OSProps, winMgts;.
*** Connectedtointernet is now a visible condition.
*** isdesktoploaded is now a visible condition.
*** TONS of manual internal fixes and corrections.
*** Minor installer.hta cleanup.
*** SystemEnclosureType fix.
*** Added in wmi detection FirewallProductName, AVProduct.
*** Fixed the extra buttons not showing on USB by default.
*** Changed a ton of <nobr> tags.
*** Lots of minor fixes to the internal .htm files.

Отправлено: 16:37, 05-06-2013 | #2128

Название темы: Вопросы По WPI