vitabaks77, как-то вы не отреагировали на предложение:
Цитата Telepuzik:
Запустите диспетчер задач и посмотрите процесс WmiPrvSE.exe
The computer 'localhost' failed to perform the requested operation because it is out of memory or disk space
- Open task manager
- End WmiPrvSE.exe
- Close task manager
- Re-open Hyper-V Manager
Еще в
этой теме вариант:
Do you have McAfee installed on the host?
I think I may have found the issue...
I uninstalled McAfee 8.8 w/ p3 and looks like that fixed the issue. I was able to create a VM on the CSV.
I am running Mcafee. Ive temporarily disabled access protection and on demand scan which resolved other issues i ran into regarding hyper V.