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Название темы: Перевведение в домен
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berlion, а смысл? у нового домена свои идентификаторы безопасности. ну переведёте вы в домен все компы, но пользовательские профили будут по умолчанию. придётся заново настраивать или мигрировать профили.
C:\Users\user>netdom add /?
The syntax of this command is:

NETDOM ADD machine [/Domain:domain] [/UserD:user] [/PasswordD:[password | *]]
[/Server:server] [/OU: ou path] [/DC] [/SecurePasswordPrompt]

NETDOM ADD Adds a workstation or server account to the domain.

machine is the name of the computer to be added

/Domain Specifies the domain in which to create the machine account

/UserD User account used to make the connection with the domain
specified by the /Domain argument

/PasswordD Password of the user account specified with /UserD. A * means
to prompt for the password

/Server Name of a specific domain controller that should be used to
perform the Add. This option cannot be used with the /OU

/OU Organizational unit under which to create the machine account.
This must be a fully qualified RFC 1779 DN for the OU. When
using this argument, you must be running directly on a domain
controller for the specified domain.
If this argument is not included, the account will be created
under the default organization unit for machine objects for
that domain.

/DC Specifies that a domain controller's machine account is to be
created. This option cannot be used with the /OU option.

Use secure credentials popup to specify credentials. This
option should be used when smartcard credentials need to be
specified. This option is only in effect when the password
value is supplied as *

NETDOM HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time.

The command completed successfully.

Вежливый клиент всегда прав!

Отправлено: 18:29, 25-04-2013 | #2

Название темы: Перевведение в домен