Eddie_the_Cat, в стеке:

88a4b604 a38bb447 7a823338 7a823300 a38b9248 monitor!BrightnessTargetToPercentage+0x32
88a4b620 a38bc3b9 7a823300 878644c8 834b67e8 monitor!AcpiInit+0x7d
88a4b73c 878362c3 7cb49860 88a4b778 878644c8 monitor!EvtDriverDeviceAdd+0x439
побилась матрица. Я отнёс его в ремонт, где её заменили и сказали, что упала винда
Сбой системного драйвера монитора при выполнении стандартной функции означает, что в сервис-центре вам поставили несовместимую матрицу.
Аналогичный случай
The screen purchased was for a 1005-HAB, not the 1005-PEB.
Feeling a little sick at this discovery, I put the broken PEB screen back in the system (with an external monitor plugged in) and ran the restore. It ran fine.
I turned off the machine, removed the broken PEB display from the laptop and turned it back on. BSoD. I put the bad screen back in, and it booted just fine. I removed the broken PEB and put the HAB display in. BSoD.
Другой вариант
Super hybrid engine as I understand is like an over/underclocker for the atom cpu. Some forums had indicated that it caused problems with displays. As long as I've had this eee pc, if you plugged it in while it was on, the screen would get lines that made it unreadable. I updated to SHE software a late 2011 version, then reinstalled the Intel driver. So far, so good. Normal Boot!!!
Just to be sure, I restored w/ F9 one more time, then IMMEDIATELY re-installed the updated Super Hybrid Engine 2.19, and all is well.
ASUS Eee PC 1005PE (Seashell) - там и утилита SuperHybridEngine2_19, и специальный драйвер Intel VGA Pineview Driver.