The Language Difference
Despite the notable differences exist between the two languages, the concept of Object Oriented programming is the same. The following sections will compare these two languages to give Delphi users a quick start in C++ Builder. However, by no means this covers the complete feature set of C++ Builder. The features which are unique to C++ are not covered.
Choosing the Right Tool C++ Builder is not to replace Delphi. Delphi is still simpler to use, and faster to compile. C++ has the advantage of having more control, broader user base, and easier to interface to many existing third party libraries. In many cases, Delphi programmers and C++ programmers will need to work together on the same project. This section will discuss which tool is more proper for different type of coding if Delphi and C++ Builder are mixed in the same project.
Лично я пришёл в восторг, когда впервые познакомился с C++ (до того я уже знал Delphi)