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H:\boot>bootsect.exe /nt60 ALL /force /mbr
Target volumes will be updated with BOOTMGR compatible bootcode.

C: (\\?\Volume{768f3d59-2685-11e2-be65-806e6f6e6963})

Updated NTFS filesystem bootcode. The update may be unreliable since the
volume could not be dismounted during the update:
Access is denied.

D: (\\?\Volume{768f3d56-2685-11e2-be65-806e6f6e6963})

Forced dismount complete, open handles to this volume are now invalid.

Successfully updated NTFS filesystem bootcode.

E: (\\?\Volume{768f3d57-2685-11e2-be65-806e6f6e6963})

Successfully updated NTFS filesystem bootcode.

F: (\\?\Volume{768f3d58-2685-11e2-be65-806e6f6e6963})

Successfully updated NTFS filesystem bootcode.

G: (\\?\Volume{768f3d5a-2685-11e2-be65-806e6f6e6963})

Successfully updated NTFS filesystem bootcode.


Successfully updated disk bootcode.


Successfully updated disk bootcode.

Bootcode was successfully updated on all targeted volumes.


не, не помогло, все по прежнему =(

Последний раз редактировалось okshef, 17-11-2012 в 21:09.

Отправлено: 20:55, 17-11-2012 | #190