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Модератор, исправь в шапке темы "Интеграция SATA/RAID драйверов" на основании нижеуказанной информации.

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This section is used to specify OEM-supplied boot files. 
It is only valid if 
OemPreinstall = Yes and the files listed here 
have been placed in the $OEM$\Textmode directory of the OEM's distribution share point.


This file contains descriptions of all the OEM-supplied drivers listed in this section. It also includes instructions on how to install the drivers listed in this section. It must exist if this section is listed.

Последний раз редактировалось DeViTT, 05-10-2012 в 12:40. Причина: правка стиля

Отправлено: 18:47, 04-10-2012 | #423