Цитата nightkain:
Запускал poolmon - тег Even типа Nonp занимал 152Mb.
После перезагрузки, всё заработало. Сейчас наблюдаю плавный рост тега Even
EVEN tag is poolmon is showing a memory leak on Windows Server 2003
This is the tag for the event viewer according to Pooltag.txt
I'm pretty sure I've found the source of the problem. The server had a background application called S7Adrv.exe which provides an interface between the iFix SCADA application and Siemen's S7 plcs. Earlier when I checked the NP pool usage this process was using 9k but following on from another article that I read I checked the handles and discovered that this application was using 1.5 million handless & climbing fast. I've reverted back to the application vendor & will update the question when I'm sure that this application is the source of the problem.
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